
Krama | The Tales of the Numbered

In a newly reformed society, Yuzuru Aki simply wanted to live her life away from this monstrous world. All she wanted was to achieve her dream of living in their little cafe along with her loved ones. However, rumors are spreading that the rebel organization 'Krama' has returned and is causing chaos, the very organization that has taken their youth and inflicted countless traumas within their life. Fear once again strikes, as the people who led Krama’s initial downfall have begun to move with the intent of ending such terrorism once and for all. But that isn’t her problem now, is it? They were used as pawns for Krama to achieve its notoriety, people who were experimented on to create the device that Krama was infamously known for. That’s why all she wanted to do was to run away from them, especially now that she has finally escaped from their clutches. Yet fate is as cruel as ever, condemning them to the point of no return, giving them a life filled with dread and excruciating memories. With no other choice than to fight back, Yuzuru Aki sets out to destroy Krama and secure a peaceful future for herself and those she cares about. For that is the fate of a Numbered.

Artuven · Urban
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16 Chs

The Enforcer

"Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to become a protagonist of one's story?"

A few hours have elapsed since the start of their service – noting the fact that a couple of their regulars have already stopped by – but up until now, their first customers are still there, chatting about various things.

One of which includes Gail's dilemma in her current profession.

The lady who now wore her reading glasses asks her friend who was seated at the other end of the table all the while taking a sip out of her tea. With her hair styled in a bun, dark eye bags, and a pale complexion, one couldn't help but think of what her job is. "I keep getting stuck on this particular chapter of mine, just for the sole reason that I can't help but feel annoyed by what my main character wants to do!"

As if she was proving her point, the said writer turned her laptop to show a white screen.

"You speak as if it has a life, my friend." A woman who looks a bit older compared to the writer and with astonishing platinum-colored hair replies, grinning as if she was amused at her friend's predicament. She slowly closes the laptop and placed it inside her friend's bag. "Just do what you want. Who cares about a character in a book?"

"I do!" Cried the writer, slamming her head on the table. The older friend was slightly shocked, before returning her entranced gaze to her adorable friend. "It's just… she's turning into the usual cliché like character who wants to save the world!"

Sera huffs out an annoyed yet amused breath, leaning forward as to poke her friend on the head. "Who doesn't though?"

"I… I kind of don't." Hearing that reply, however, had assembled a few curious onlookers, who can't help but wonder what her reason might be. "I want something new to write… is all."


From a distance, at the very corner of the room where the cashier is found, an entertained worker couldn't help but pleasantly hum at the writer's reply. It's refreshing to hear about a normal person's dilemma, a problem that can easily be solved yet for some reason, is a bit complicated as well.

"Gail, do you love to complicate things in your life?" Sera asks her friend just as Gail slowly lifted her head to connect their gazes.

She pouts her lips before replying. "It's a writer's job to create an interesting plotline, Sera. Being complicated IS my life."

"What a complex mind you have."

Flustered, the embarrassed writer couldn't help but react. "Hey!"

"I meant it as a compliment!"

Chuckling to see them banter, Yuzuru Aki couldn't help but stop her current actions just to watch the two friends quibble. Gail continues to rub her forehead due to its collision on the table, while her friend Sera, who has beautiful platinum wavy hair continued to chat and eat at the same time, making the little autumn wonder about the beauty of normality.

'It's just… fascinating.' The little autumn thought to herself as she places the back of her hand on her lips to hide the smile that was about to form. Seeing this reaction, however, didn't sit well with the other worker who was standing just beside the charmed worker.

Or to clarify, the charmed 'owner' of this café.

"Oi, Yuzu," Just when the owner whips her head to look at her coworker, Cassandra Lou slyly poked her cheek. "Mind your own business. You can't just eavesdrop whenever you want, you know."


The little autumn, however, begs to differ. "But you eavesdropped too, Cassandra."

"I-I…" Slightly a bit red due to being flustered, Cassandra pokes the little autumn on the side of her waist as a childish reply. "Fine, I was! But you can't just expressively show your reactions like that. It's considered rude to other people. And I told you to call me Cassy! It has been years, Yuzu, and you still haven't called me like that!"

"Oh," After realizing that her friend does have a point, all the while ignoring her second statement, the little autumn lowered her head and proceeded to count their earnings. "I guess you're right."

But before her blonde friend opens her mouth to speak, the shift in the topic of the two customers immediately garnered everyone's attention – both customers and employees.

"I've heard that Krama is back." The writer spoke all the while sipping her cup of tea. If not for the little autumn's tremendous skill of observation, she wouldn't have been able to witness the slight tremor in Cassandra's hand. "Pesky rebels. Still trying to get back even after they've been caught red-handed huh?"

"It's because their roots haven't been pulled out yet," Sera replies, shrugging her shoulders as if she doesn't care much about it. "Even if the cops or the military finds their base again, Krama is simply…"

"An organization that believes in the power of fear and their sense of righteousness." Gail continues as she nods her head before slumping it back down on the table. "I mean, I get that the people who lord over us are corrupt and selfish, but they can't just involve innocent bystanders just to break the whole system."

"Hmm… I beg to differ."

Both confused and surprised, the writer lifts her head to ask what her friend is trying to imply.

A reaction that Sera seems to revel in. "To target the citizens just to spread our government's corruption is an act that will place our city in the spotlight. It's cruel and a bit devilish, but in the end, it did work."

"Because two years ago, they managed to destroy the monarchy's reign in this land called Veto. Looking back, it's ironic for us to have a monarchy lead us with that kind of name."

The writer then pouts, before giving her friend a defeated sigh. "… Yeah you do have a point. Ironically, thanks to them, King Amos was forced to step down."

'Thanks to them… huh'

It wasn't noticeable, certainly not after practicing the art of maintaining a neutral face, but even the little autumn could feel the aura they were currently emitting, one that contains both malice and pain.

But before her friend could negatively react by marching back to their home, tired of listening to this ongoing topic, the sound of the writer's gasp eventually broke the formed tension between the two workers.

"Is that- Is that clock working?" The writer's panicked voice instantly reminded Aki of where they currently are, and how they should present themselves, noticing Cassandra's quick response that yes, it does work. "Shit! I'm late for my date!"

Heartbroken, her friend dramatically placed her hand on top of her chest, all the while showing an expression of distress. "Am I not your date? How cruel!"

Gail could only roll her eyes before finally standing from her seat. "Stop being a crybaby. Besides, you're on a mid-shift, aren't you? Won't you be late?"

After checking the clock for one last time, her friend could only send her a wink before eventually shrugging her shoulders. "I'm always late. Big deal."

"Such a good employee."

Gleefully, Sera replied. "Why thank you!"

"It's not a fucking compliment!"

With them bantering for a few more seconds, it's a wonder how they even managed to come up to the cashier for the bill.

"We're a bit noisy aren't we?" The writer now spoke to the blonde employee as she gives them a regretful look. "Sorry, it's a nice café though. Please don't throw me out the next time I'm here."

"We won't," Cassandra replies with her usual smirk as she gives her boss a cheeky glance. "Unless the boss lady over here demands it, we won't be throwing customers anytime soon."

"… You're making me look like a bad guy, Cassandra."

"Oh! Speaking of bad guys," Due to excitement, with a hint of terror, the writer expressively slammed her hands on the counter, successfully getting the two worker's attention. "Are you the only employees here?"

Due to being stupefied, the little autumn quickly replied. "We have another one, but he's currently on a vacation this week."

"Then the two of you should always be on the lookout." Gail then leans forward, whispering her next words. "There's trouble brewing here in the mainland these past few weeks. Rumors talk about a man who roams during the dead of the night, targeting whomever he passes by."

"Rumors?" Cassandra lifts her eyebrows, curious about this sudden issue. "About a man?"

Nodding her head, the writer continues. "They call him, the Enforcer."

"A man who uses brutality against violence." Sera intervenes, her eyes roaming around the café. "As if the issue about Krama isn't enough, tsk. What a headache. I recommend you close this shop early. Who knows what customers you'll have in the future."

"Ah, yes," While sheepishly nodding her head, Aki continues. "Thanks for warning us. We'll do just that."

But Cassandra seems to have another idea as she balls her right hand into a fist and uses it to punch her left palm. "Or we can just use force to take them out."


Chuckling, the little autumn thought that she should have seen this coming.

"What a riot." She whispers, making her friend chuckle before finally giving the writer their small change.

And like how they always do, with a slight bow, both ladies formally bid them farewell. "We hope you come again!"

"Will do!"

And just like that, their first customers of the day have finally left, leaving the two of them with a piece of new information that mustn't be ignored.

"Well, that's something new." Cassandra comments, just as she was getting the mop out of the storage compartment. "I thought Krama was the only thing we need to watch out for."

"Yeah…" The little autumn agrees, her eyes gazing over the direction where the two ladies just left. "We have to be careful."

"You mean YOU need to be careful." Cassandra then slightly flicked the little autumn's forehead, leaving her to pout in response. "And why the fuck are you using brutality anyway? I thought you were just surveying the area?"

"I was!"

Not trusting her words, Cassandra pointed her finger outside and monotonously replied. "According to them, you weren't."

Pouting, Aki could only slump her shoulders, blaming the weirdness of society. "You probably won't believe me if I say that it was an act of self-defense, won't you?"

Amused, her blonde friend shakes her head, a response that made the little autumn even more dejected.

"They're an energetic duo though." Aki tries to change their topic, slyly curving her lips upward upon remembering the other customer's gaze toward her friend, just as they were leaving. "And the other is even interested in you."

"Which other?"

Aki teasingly replies. "Sera."

Both annoyed and conflicted, Cassandra's reaction was something that made the little autumn's day. However, instead of dwelling over it, her friend seems to have another idea in store.

"But… What do you think?"

Humming as a reply, all the while cleaning the leftover cups, the little autumn asks, "What do I think about what?"

"About saving the world."

It was then that the peaceful atmosphere shattered as if a cold bucket was poured over the two ladies.

Two years.

Two years have passed since the rebel organization has been brought down by the republic's military force. An incident that brought the whole nation into chaos, and ultimately, its destruction.

The rebel organization 'Krama' is a force to be reckoned with, which they proved by almost destroying the very continent that dominates this planet.

And yet…


Confused, her friend lifted an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"I just…" She places the empty glasses on the sink before sighing. "Don't think I'll do anything, is all. Besides," Softly chuckling, Yuzuru Aki couldn't help but express her sense of dullness to the world. "We're characters who weren't even shown in a story; characters who were sacrificed to create society's soon-to-be villain."

"We're the Numbered." Yuzuru Aki states, chuckling at the unfairness of the world. "Victims who had to fend for themselves, all because destiny has damned them to suffer for the protagonist to shine."

"We can at least have the right to completely isolate ourselves from that matter now… Is what, I selfishly think."

They were, after all, currently on the run.

'Krama' is a force to be reckoned with.

And both its victims knew, that through its destruction, their terror has only just begun.
