
Kpop Oneshots

Short Stories with Gender Neutral Readers x Idols

rd0265667 · Celebrities
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Wonyoung x Reader: December the 2nd

TW!: (implied) suicide

A/N: I've gone sadistic. To Fluff lovers, don't worry, this is only one route, there will be a fluff route soon

Part 3A to Tonight and Back to you

On December the Second I woke up, a numb feeling in my chest as I sat up, my old room doing nothing to cushion the void I felt.

On December the Second I woke up, lying in bed as I looked through old photos, beautiful pictures and moments lost to time.

On December the Second I woke up, looked out the window, and saw her in the clouds.

On December the Second I woke up and looked at the box of letters I had brought everywhere with me, her letters that she wanted me to read so I could cheer up when I was feeling down, and I can't help but wonder if she needed those letters more than I did.

On December the Second I found our bracelet, the first gift she had ever given me, the same bracelet I decided to wear everyday, and everywhere, my last reminder of her, the last glimpse of us.

On December the Second I found the case of old DVDs that she made me watch with her. Even now when I look at the DVDs, I can see her smile in the reflections, and I can hear her melodious laugh in the breeze

On December the Second I found the albums she gifted to me, the way she would snatch away any picture cards that weren't of her, instead replacing them with hers, her pout as she did so was the stuff of dreams

On December the Second I found that as I dressed up for the last thing I could do for her, looking around, everything I see reminds me of her, no matter how insignificant or small the memory was.

On December the Second I stood behind her family and friends, trying to keep a low profile amidst the chatter and tears.

On December the Second I stood as I tried to contain my anger, only moving to barricade the paparazzi and dispatch away as they tried to ruin all she had left, as if they hadn't taken enough away from her.

On December the Second I stood as all eyes turned to me, 5 familiar ones in particular, expressions ranging from shock to knowing sympathy, but for one, rage.

On December the Second I stood as Leeseo screamed with tears in her eyes, punching and hitting me as she cried for her friend back. Her cries soon dissipated, Gaeul and Liz moving to take care of her as she sobbed.

December the Second would have been the day we celebrated an anniversary, a date that we both held dear

December the Second would have been the day I came back to leave her a gift, a promise I couldn't break

December the Second would have been the day I saw her in person again, not inside a casket.

Today, December the Second, would have been a joyous day, if Jang Wonyoung were not gone.