
clothes shopping

(@qt.inniejin on IG)

he regretted coming. he was on the verge of running out of the store and calling a cab back to the dorms, but he didn't want to disappoint you...again.

he had been working at the studio for the past weeks and so you guys barely had anytime for each other. you wanted to buy him some new clothes, reason number 1 being that so he has more clothes to wear and reason number 2 more clothes for you to steal. hehe

after three long hours, you guys stopped for lunch. you looked over at the slightly grumpy boy and asked him what he wanted for lunch, to which he replied in a cutely manner, "binnie wants a pizza and coke."

you held it in but ended up laughing hysterically, "haha, do it again. do it again, you're so cute." he quickly stiffened up and now slightly flexed his muscles a bit and in a low tone said, "no, i am not cute, i love darkeu." you guys proceeded to get the food and drinks, once finished you guys went back to the dorms since you were tired.