

Being an idol implies a lot of things. From crazy fans, to any kind of injustice a person can suffer. To be an idol means to have thousands and thousands of people constantly looking at every action of yours. In this context, Park Jangsu, also known as Park Chris, a little boy born in poor conditions, struggles to become what he most desires, an idol. Let's follow how he, step by step, confronts all of the obstacles that fall on his way, and overcomes them. Also, let's attentively see how he evolves from a kid, involved in all kinds of mess, and becomes a true Idol, worthy of the title of "King of the Stage". BUT, an idol's path is not only about music, let's see how he interacts with those of his same circle, and slowly create relationships with them...

QuantumFracture · Urban
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52 Chs

People don't change, Do they?


A loud ringing was clearly bothering my sleep, so I slightly opened my eyes and the morning light attacked me from all directions. It seems it was time to wake up. I took a look at my alarm clock, which showed 5 am, and turned off the alarm that was still bothering me.

I've been helping Father with some things in the building, and he's been paying me some "salary" for it. I had some plans to buy some things with it, but still, was really tired by the end of the day, which finished quite late to be honest.

As I got out of my bed, the usual cold studio that was my room greeted me. I was still living here at Father's building, it's been some time since the company changed its name to JYP, but the building hasn't changed much.

But it has a lot more trainees since Park Ji Yoon-noona and Ji Hoon-hyung, or Rain, debuted. Their success was expected, but I didn't expect that serious increase in trainees.

As I was deep in thoughts, I headed to the bathroom while scratching my hair. Just after entering, I looked at the mirror.

A tall boy with golden hair greeted me. His hair was kind of long, not reaching his shoulders, but possible for a litte ponytail to appear. His lips, not thin, nor thick gave him a feminine look if one didn't notice his thick golden eyebrows and long forehead. Both of his cheeks were still chubby, having some baby fat. His face ended in a slightly wide chin, not too masculine taking into account his still present baby fat. Finally, his nose, broad, and the bridge slightly crooked, giving him the last features of somewhat of a masculine face.

The most important aspect of his face were his eyes. Golden in color, but so intense that looking deeply in them threatened to steal your soul. His eyes had a certain glint to them that pressured everyone that looked at them a little bit. No matter what expression was used, his eyes always complemented it really good.

It's already been some time now. I've graduated from primary school, and today was actually my first day at middle school. As a matter of fact, Yoona has also graduated and entered the same middle school as me. Both of us entering Daeyoung Middle School and even ending up in the same class once again.

I still remember the day we graduated and how the little Ju Hyun cried while saying she will miss both Yoona and me, even though our middle school was not that far, it was actually on my way home.

I have to admit though, the little girl has grown on me with time, and I have the same, or even more affection for the little girl as Yoona. Oh, both Yoona and Ju Hyun entered SM in 2002. I'm really happy for both of them, though I could not really talk with Yoona during our vacations.

Both of us were really busy with our training, specially her, so I really was missing talking with her. I hope all three of us could debut about the same time, but life doesn't give you everything you want I guess.

As I was reminiscing about all recent big events that happened in my life, I ended showering and changing into my uniform. It wasn't really special, just navy trousers, a white shirt, a navy blazer over it, and of course, a dark blue tie. As I ended checking myself on the mirror, I could hear a voice from outside the bathroom.

— Everything good Chris-ah?

I simply chuckled at the awkward question. It was actually Father's voice. I opened the door of the bathroom and looked at him.

— Don't worry about taking me there Father, you're too busy, I'll just ride on the bicycle. Don't worry. — Father actually bought a bicycle last year for my birthday.

— Are you sure? Aren't parents supposed to take middle schoolers there? — Father once again hesitantly asked.

I couldn't contain my giggle and simply said.

— I'm pretty sure middle schoolers would actually hate to be taken to school like that. — Father was simply trying to spend some time with me, as I was too busy lately with all the training. So I continued.

—...But, I don't have any problem if you want to take me there. — As I said this, Father's eyes actually shined while looking at me, and he said.

— Then, what are we waiting for? Go Go Go.

He was actually dragging me, but I interrupted saying.

— Shouldn't we have breakfast before? There's still a lot of time. — Father actually forget quite easily to eat if not being told. I sometimes think, I'm more of his mother than I am his adopted son. After having some light breakfast, an egg Benedict I quickly prepared, Father finally got me to school on my first day.

As I got off the car, Father said.

— Remember to make some friends, that Yoona girl is basically your only friend outside of YG. — It wasn't a lie.

I bitterly nodded and started walking towards my classroom. It was the second floor of the main building, classroom 1-1. I silently entered and noticed that everyone was already chatting. A bitter expression once again appeared, I was really bad at this situation, I didn't know how to intrude in their conversations nor I really wanted.

I guess I'll just sit wherever and wait for the class to start...

As always, I went to the last seat next to the window, and waited there. It was still kind of early, so there was still some time for more people to come, as I didn't see Yoona when I entered.

After around 10 minutes, I could see Yoona entering, but as I stood up to greet her, a tall man with dark brown hair entered. I assumed it was our teacher, so I sat down again, and could only wait for lunch to talk to Yoona. Also, she ended up sitting in the front right of the classroom, so I guess she couldn't see me from there.

Class was actually pretty normal. It was the teacher introducing the course, that's when I found out he was actually the English teacher, I actually didn't have any problem with the language though, after all Damian spoke English a lot.

It was a long morning, but still, I couldn't wait to chat a little bit with Yoona about what happened during our vacations.


Finally, the so waited lunch time came. As I was stretching out my mental fatigue, I noticed Yoona rapidly leaving the classroom, it was a little bit strange but maybe she wanted to go to the bathroom that desperately, so I simply waited there for some minutes.

Time passed and I waited, but when there were only 10 minutes until the end of the lunch time I started to worry if something happened. But still, I took out my lunch box and ate my part.

It was actually a big lunch box that brought some attention to my desk. It was actually divided in two little lunch boxes. One was mine, and the other was the part that I prepared for Yoona. But as she was nowhere to see, I stood up and put it on her desk so that she could have it once she comes and left for the bathroom.

During the way there and back, I couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened to Yoona for her to leave that weirdly. I was really starting to be worried, she was not like that at all, she would have told me something at least.

As I entered the classroom once again, through the back door, I noticed something that really put me off. The lunch box that I put on Yoona's desk was once again on my desk, as I neared, I noticed that it was full. I immediately turned to the place where Yoona was and there she was, looking directly at her desk, crestfallen.

Time kind of slowed down for me, I started to walk towards her, with each step, time got even slower. Only dark thoughts filled my mind. "What did she mean?" "Did she just turn down my food?". Still, a little bit of hope covered my mind. I stared directly at her, fury visible in my eyes.

For some people, maybe it was ridiculous that I was that angry for something so trivial, but the thing is, Why? Why would she do that, I needed some explanations, that's why I asked her.

— Why? — the same instant I asked her, I could sense how all her body trembled, and while biting her lower lip, she answered.

— Chris, I beg you, please leave me alone — I could only wonder why would she treat me like a stranger, wide eyed, I hit her desk with my open palm.

— BUT WHY?!! I'M ONLY ASKING THAT — I stared directly at her, but she still had her gaze lowered, angrily I yelled once again.

— LOOK AT ME!! — Noticing the little tickle of blood on her lips cooled me down. The anger immediately vaporized, only sadness remained. Almost like a whisper, I asked her one last time.

— Please, Yoona, please. Just tell me.... Why? — At this point it was clear she wanted to cut all relationship with me. I just wanted a reason, it was so spontaneous, how did she arrive to that decision?

Still avoiding my gaze, she whispered.

— Chris, you know I want to be an singer. You don't know how much I've trained to be one. You don't know how much I've sacrificed for that goal. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE IT? — I couldn't even hear her screaming, now it made sense.

Of course, it seems her company is paying attention to her, and somehow found about her relationship with me. Of course, they would be against it, a future singer, or Idol, couldn't have any kind of relationship with the opposite gender, not that close at least.

That moment I felt almost eternal, I didn't really care about the classes, or even the teacher, that I could see from the corner of my eye, while he was getting near the classroom. }

Nothing mattered at all. I simply nodded at Yoona, though I don't know if she could see it as she was still staring down at her table.

— Okay, I won't bother you. — it deeply hurt me to say that, I've just lost my closest friend.

After saying that, I started walking toward my seat, and while I was at it, I said, not bothering to turn once again.

— There's not a person in this world, that understands how much effort you've put into becoming what you want more than me. Not your parents, nor Ju Hyun ah. And YOU know that. But, good luck... — I said, clearly hurt.

I didn't know what kind of reaction she had, not that I cared anymore. I simply went to my seat, and closed my eyes waiting for the class to start. There was a really awkward silence in the classroom, but it wasn't really my problem. I just waited for the day to pass, I wanted to be home.

"How are they monitoring her? How did they find out about me? Won't we be able to talk again?" Those questions were the only thing in my mind.

I lost all sense of time, and before I noticed, the majority of my classmates were gone, included Yoona. I just packed up my things, and started walking towards home.

As I passed the exit of the school, I noticed all the students leaving in groups, and felt really lonely. My footsteps got slower and slower, and in my way home, multiple strangers actually stopped me to ask if I was okay. It seems even they noticed how helpless I felt.

— Oppa...

I don't know how much time has passed, also, I didn't know where exactly was I at. But it seems I was starting to have auditory hallucinations. I guess Yoona's words hit me harder than I thought.

— Oppa...

I'm really useless, I'm really starting to hear things.


I stopped, that definitely wasn't an hallucination. I started to look everywhere, only to see a little girl that was so familiar running towards me.

—Oppa, I was calling you, why didn't you wait for me? — I didn't know how much I needed someone to talk. Just hearing her voice, relaxed me.

If I must say so, that was definitely her talent...

With a newly formed smile on my face, I said.

— Sorry Ju Hyun ah, I was thinking about some things. Everything okay? — I was really afraid of her acting the same as Yoona. If she does, I think I would simply break apart.

— Oppa, that's something I should be asking. Are you okay? — It was celar she knew about me and Yoona...

I stared at her. Her usual smile was replaced by a worried look. I could even notice how her face was slightly swollen, and her eyes slightly red.

I tried to shrug it off.

— It's okay, she just made the logical election. Don't worry about me, shouldn't you be at SM? — as I was trying to pat her head, with my eyes closed so that she doesn't notice the redness in them, i received a hard hit on my chest.

— Oppa, I'm sorry, it's my fault — Ju Hyun-ah was crying so hard. Sobs and Gasps was the only thing that could really be heard. I almost couldn't understand her apologies. I just started to pat her back while she continued.

— Oppa, it slipped... I didn't want to say it. We just received some news about preparing for a possible debut, and mentioned you.. — at this moment, she was once again bawling her eyes out,. but could still continue with her story — I didn't expect them to scold us, especially Yoona. I'm sorry Oppa, sowy...

After that, the story ended, and only cries could be heard.

But now, the story was complete...

So that's how they found out about me. All this time, I was patting her back. Then, I softly put my palms on both of her cheeks and made her stare at me.

— Ju Hyun Ah, look at me, and listen. It's not your fault okay? So stop crying, would you do that for me? — it was some minutes until she actually calmed herself. Once she did, I continued. — Now, this was something that would happen eventually, it's okay, really. Now, give Oppa a smile okay? — after saying that, I started to wipe the tears off her eyes with my fingers, as delicate as possible.

She gave me a distorted smile because of all the crying, but at least tried her best...

— Now, go to your training. — she immediately shook her head while saying.

— I won't go today, I asked for permission. — She was a lot more cheerful now.

— Then, let's go, I'll buy you some Tteokbokki. — I started walking, but Ju Hyun-ah asked me, so I turned to her.

— Oppa, what will happen with Yoona Unnie? — she asked, tears already forming again in her eyes.

I frowned for a second, but then smiled and said.

— She doesn't want me to talk with her, but I'm still her Oppa, aren't I? — as I said that, a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

I once again started walking, but this time she quickly followed me, and even embraced my arm, embarrassing me a little.

I don't want to know what would have happened if Ju Hyun-ah didn't appear today.

I'm not talking about me physically harming myself, but some emotional scars would have been left at least.

If I must say, Ju Hyun-ah saved me that day.

Emotional chapter this time. Don't worry about both of them, this was necessary for both of them to mentally mature. The chapter is longer than usual as I didn't publish chapters in a few days. See you soon!

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