

A Saviour we all believe in, a child from above that is bestowed with a mighty fate of saving the universe from a fierce demon, Hermedox. Jayden doubted his fate at first, but when he realized that the outcome would be disastrous, he changed his mind and decided to defeat Heremedox and save the whole universe, but would he be able to do so? What challenges would he encounter in trying to do so? How would falling in love with a mysterious girl affect him? And what decision would he make when he inherits enormous power?

ourslibrary06 · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Chapter 5(Vision)

"Who is Hermedox?" I ask both perplexed and scared at the same time, I have a feeling that he is that terrifying monster I saw in one of my visions.

"Hermedox was a top official in Zyron, he was good but he got too greedy for power. XO is positive energy, but Hermedox XO became corrupted and turned to OX which is the opposite of XO...OX is negative energy, it only brings destruction." My subconscious explains to me, and I listen to it attentively, the way he explained it shows that it isn't a joking matter, whoever this Hermedox is is very dangerous.

"What is his main objectives?" I ask I know that most of these villains have some murderous barbaric objective, maybe to slay all the weak from the universe or universal enslavement.

"What we know yet is Hermedox wants to acquire the stone of the falling and then use its power to enslave the whole universe, everything will be under his command, and he will bring great suffering and pain to the universe," it says with enthusiasm and I chuckle that my wild guess is right, this Hermedox of a villain wanted to obtain a stone that will enable him to have the universe under his command, so if you stop him from obtaining the stone...what's the name of that stone again?

Yes! The stone of the falling then he won't be able to accomplish his childish objective.

"To stop him is easy," I tell my subconscious, "Just prevent him from obtaining that stone and he will not be able to accomplish his plans."

My subconscious facepalm itself and shakes his head slowly.

"If you think it was as easy as that then we will not have to worry about a single thing, you dumbass," it rolls its eyes and I chuckle so lightly, it is so fun talking to yourself. "Hermesox has one of the best armies in the Universe made up of exiled Zyron Top soldiers and Hermedox himself is a battle god no one can stand in his way!"

"So who is going to stop him since no one can stand in his way?"

"According to the prophecy of Tensen," it tilts its head and it uncannily looks at me, "you Kovex are the one that'll stop him."

I begin to laugh, I can't imagine that it wants me to fight a powerful monster and save the universe, this is the craziest joke I have ever heard, I just got powers recently and now I will start fighting battle gods?

This is insane.

"I am not up for that," I tell him and straighten myself. "Maybe you should look for someone else that will go against him."

"You are the one Kovex, you are the only one that can do that, that's why I am here, that's why you created me, it's only you that have the powers to do it," it tries to explain to me why I should take this seriously, I am not interested but when it tells me I have the powers to do it, I begin to wonder whether I have other powers I do not know of. "if you don't stop Hermedox then this whole universe, is doomed."

"What do you mean by powers? Do I have other powers that I am not aware of?" I ask it, with my curiosity taking over me and it smirks.

"oh, I forgot to inform," it tackles mischievously. Sly jerk. "You have the power to travel back in time and teleport to anywhere you want to go, you just have to think about the place and the time."

I think that my mind power is cool but teleporting to anywhere and time travelling are cooler. Even though I have all these powers I won't still consider fighting a monster, only seeing him in my vision made me terrified, his eerie aura and his bloodshot eyes still haunt me and make me frightened.

"I'll pass," I gesture my hands in the air and begin to walk away. "I am still young to die, I'm just 17."

"Too bad Jayden," I half-turned, this is the very first time it is calling me by my real name, "Hermedox already know that you are here and he must have already sent one of his minions to get you."

"How?" I stuttered as fear ran down my spine causing me to shiver.

It begins to laugh strangely, "It's do or die Jayden, there is no escape from it."

"You can't control your Xo, it's like a running tap," it says and I stare at my palms, I see a blue luminous smoke emanating from me...it is right. "Hermedox by now has sensed that you are awakened," I begin walking back slowly, "he is coming for you."

I turn around and begin to run into the forest, I hear it say around one last time, "You can't escape your fate Jayden, you can't go against a prophecy it will surely happen!"

I run as fast as I can. I am exhausted and very hungry, I have little energy left in me, but I still keep on running. I know that my subconscious isn't bluffing, if this Hermedox is real he knows that I have awakened and he is coming for me by now.

I need to get out of here if he or one of his henchmen attacks me in this place it will cause a lot of destruction and casualties.

The visions I had begin to replay in my mind, and I begin to see slowly how Hermedox slaughtered half of my people...my people?

I stop running and clench my shiny silver hair with my hands. I scream and throw myself back with force, the memories are painful. I see how he brutally murdered, men women and children, how he made a peaceful civilisation a graveyard of so many thousand souls. My power and strength are nothing compared to his, he is a demon, he breathes fire his eyes are void of life and emotions...and this is the person I am supposed to defeat? This is like a suicide mission, it's like skydiving without parachutes.

I reject this fate, I can't do it, I can't do anything, I am going to continue residing on earth with my family here, earth is safe from him nothing will happen to it.


My subconscious told me the whole universe would be in danger which means Earth would also be part of it, my family here, my friends, humans, they are all in danger...what should I do? Why am I the only one that can defeat him? Why do I have this terrible fate?

Imagine you wake up one morning and then discover you are going to save the world by fighting a powerful alien, what will you do? Please don't forget to vote, comment and share, thank you.

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