

Amazuki Jirou. An average student with average looks and average grades. He is the most forgettable yet unforgettable person in class. He is so average that everyone in his class calls him the King of Average. But one day on a school field trip he had accidentally shown his true strength. What will come for this young man with a hidden secret?

Eternal_Angel · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Who are you? A D*raemon Wannabe?

I couldn't sleep because of the good show I had seen last night. A handsome kid coldly watching the stars.

It was great! I almost had a nosebleed if it weren't for me being so tired. I had nearly fainted on the spot.

I was steady and silent in my movements assured that I would not wake them up. Thanks to my 'Nihility Wave' that nullifies all sounds I was able to gently get into my spot in bed.

A haze cloaked over me as I fell asleep. I was returning back into the Eclipsed Dreamland. Darkness blotted out my vision depriving me of my sight.

My body felt numb, I could not sense anything. Then a radiant flash burst in front of me. The light show exploded into flowers like a firework.

I had arrived to my most hated place. The World Of Dreams. Since my power could only affect reality it does nothing towards something formed by the mind and imagination.

That was why I had no control over my own dreams unless I activate my Dreamland Card in the real world.

A vast expanse of pink filled my vision. I knew exactly who it was. "Nemurin! Come over here!" A light chuckle filled the air as the pink mist condensed into a small figure.

Dressed in a magenta garment she floated around, her hair changing into flowing locks of yellow, black until it finally decided to go with a light lavender.

"Nemurin where's your brother?" The girl's face contorted in disgust. Her brother probably did something like being clingy or creepy again.

"I really don't get that siscon." Sighing I slapped her face to awaken her from her disgust.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Roused from her state of quarter consciousness she rubbed her cheeks in frustration.

Breathing out I asked her to do a favour for me. "Do me a solid and create a dream from my latest memory." I wanted to have a dream about the things I saw today.

Minus the killing of course. "You got it boss." Heaving Nemurin started to control the vast expanse and transform it.

Placing her hands onto my head she started to pull out a tangible light orb. Blowing it away the scattered lights began to combine with the pink smoke.

One by one the scene changed to that of an everlasting crescent night sky. The stars shone brightly, glowing with a brilliance one could never find under the city lights.

The Milky Way stretches infinitely, the sky was right at my fingertips yet I could not touch it at all.

Reaching out I pulled myself towards the buildings and swam in the air bursting through the clouds.

Dancing around I saw my classmates laughing and joyfully played around. One day if my plan worked I could go with them once more.

Closing my eyes the mist dispersed revealing small glints of light peeking through my eyes. I inched forward and awoke.

Right in front of me was Jin scrutinising me with his warm gaze. I was in a state of shock that I had nearly forgotten that I couldn't use my abilities.

So instead I flipped backwards and jumped up high using the momentum to twist myself and jump down on him face forward.

He was caught by surprise and had gone into a defensive stance crossing his arms. I reached out and grabbed his wrist, after landing on the bed I twisted his body and pushed him downwards.

I had locked him down both hands against his back. Realising what I had done I jumped backwards, it was so embarrassing.

Looking all around me I saw the shock on my classmates expression. They were already awake.

To think that I thought that Jin was an assassin. My senses must have deteriorated. "So- so cool! Hey how did you that?" From shock to excitement Jin was extremely positive.

If he knew that he was about to die I wonder what kind of face he would make. Stuttering I managed to get some words out. "I- I was trained diligently by my parents."

I knew I couldn't tell them about why I had to learn how to fight but I could tell them one reason. "In order to protect myself I had learnt to defend against and kill my enemies."

Looking towards Jin my gaze became stern. "If I hadn't stopped.... You'd have probably died." This stunning revelation shut them down.

They were not dense enough to not realise when to stop. Sighing in relief I pondered over how great it felt to have their attention drawn to me.

Although I was still a little worried. Someone was still following me. Jin walked behind me all the way to the cafeteria.

Every step I made he would follow behind. It was somehow a little creepy. Sitting near the entrance Jin sat beside me.

He beamed at me with a big smile on his face. It was blinding. My heart throbbed faster as I ate my food hurriedly wishing to finally get away.

Once my plate had been licked clean I stood up and rushed forward to the deck and placed my plate there.

"Green Wind Speed Boost." Muttering hastily I ran at full speed and straight to my room collecting my luggage.

"Apport." Sending my stuff back home I opened the windows and jumped up high into the sky. I landed on my fours and propelled myself forward.

Dashing at full speed towards my calm place. My heart throbbed faster, my blood boiling with frustration.

It was another Ability User. Imbalanced Heart. An ability that concerns the manipulation of one's emotional and mental state.

Using Hostile Detection plus Clairvoyance I decided to make it quick. Surprisingly the guy was in a nearby cafe drinking coffee.

Turns out the guy liked bitter stuff. So I gave him bitter stuff. "Hydrochloric acid." I burst out laughing as the coffee in his mouth became acid burning his throat.

Sirens blared as I watch him die. Chuckling to myself I was glad I had made the decision to become invisible.

The ambulance arrived and speedily I erased the evidence. "Revert." Of course I could not bring the dead back to life I just converted the acid back into coffee.

Then all of a sudden a projectile flew at me at an astounding speed. Dodging I look over to where it was thrown from.

Below me on the roof of the building was a man wearing goggles. Judging how he was able to shoot at me I assumed thy were heat seeking goggles.

"Warp." My figure flashed as I snuck behind him, he turned around but before he could react I had already struck his neck.

Falling asleep I took of his goggles and tried to recall his name. Feeling frustrated I inspected his body and soon found that this guy had no identity at all.

Thinking back I remembered an organisation that relied on nameless orphans and shaped them to become elite soldiers.

"A Nameless one? Interesting, but I wonder why they are here in Japan? I thought those bastards were situated in Korea." Unzipping his fanny pack I got in there to find out what he was hiding.

Out came; a pistol, musket, poisoned knives, man catcher, magic staff, rifles, grenades, flash bombs etc.

One by one objects of varying sizes piled up, I realised what his ability was. "Dimensional Storage." Although usually Dimensional Storages were used through portals but this guy had a fanny pack.

I couldn't help but say. "What are you, Doraemon?" Chortling I heard the static sound of a handheld transceiver.

"No. 9 do you read? Can you hear me." A harsh voice came through, it sounded so bad with the static sound that I almost wanted to die.

"Voice Duplication plus Hypnotic Voice." Picking up the transceiver I tried my best to imitate No. 9.

"Yeah, by the way. What are we doing again?" Using my Hypnotic Voice I asked him a simple question.

"To distract the Master Poet." He replied. An ominous feeling came over me. "Distract him from what?" I gulped in fear wondering if they would actually have the guts to do it.

"To kidnap his classmates as hostages." My eyes shrank and my anger ignited. "Kill yourself." I told him, but he seemed to hesitate.

"Suicide, Accidental Death, Calling of the Void." Then the sound of a gun could be heard. He had shot himself.

Tears streamed down my face. If they ever hurt my friends then.... "May you all burn in Hell."

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