
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 51

It was nighttime, around 9pm. I am now in my training ground along with Rory and Kurisu. It was to fulfill my promises to fight them when we are at Italica. There are so many things to do that it was pending until now.

"So, are you ready girls?" I said and they nodded with eager expression while Rory showing a lust-filled face.

Not saying anything anymore, Rory immediately launched herself at me with her Halberd raised up.


The sound of Rory strikes at the floor as I dodge her attack. "Oi, I still haven't told you to start." I said as my Rinkaku Kagune appears and lashes out to her which she blocks with the flat side of her Halberd.

"Fufufu, there is no starting sign to a fight." she said as she uses the forces of my attack to spin and add power to her spinning strike that I have to dodge.

But as I dodge her, Kurisu already waiting for me fists out as if she knew I am going to be there. With nothing to do, I block her attack which was reinforced with her Magic and Lightning flames by crossing my hand which was engulfed in my Ukaku Kagune. Her punch break through the Kagune and shattered both of my hand that was healed in second.

"Okay, fighting both of you without magic or chakra is stupid. I will get a little serious then." I said as I control my chakra to my feet and uses Shunshin Jutsu which I already modify by combine it with Shundo and Soru. [AN: Shunshin no Jutsu from Naruto, Shundo from Negima or UQ Holder series, Soru or Shave One Piece.]

Appearing beside Kurisu, I punch her using Tsunade Chakra Punch. Feeling threatened, Kurisu opts to dodge it by teleporting out of the place. My punch hit nothing but the air, but the chakra that it's released creates a massive crater.

"Wha!! What kind of attack is that? That is ridiculous." said Rory as she groups up with Kurisu.

"That is his chakra punch. It is dangerous as just one punch will destroy your bones. So be careful when facing him." answer Kurisu.

"Heee, interesting! I will take him up close. With my healing factor, I will be able to take him on easier than you. You just harass him with long-range attack." said Rory.

"Is it okay to broadcast your tactics like that?" I ask as I appear between them while giving the palm strikes straight to their ribs. Launching them out.

Knowing that Rory will just get healed from the attack, I decided to incapacitate Kurisu first. So, I move and appear to where she is with my Rinkaku is ready to impale her.

Feeling the danger, Kurisu spins her body mid-air to face me. She summoned water in a dome shape which she spins to change her trajectory as the dome touch my Kagune.

"You did not pull a punch, huh!" said Rory who appear behind me right after her injuries healed. She stabs out her Halberd to pierce me.

I dodge Rory attack with minimal movement, while my Ukaku Kagune shoots out a Kagune Bullets to her which impaled her at her shoulder, Tight, and waist as she protects her vital at the last second using her Halberd.

Kurisu in that time healed herself up with healing magic but did not lose her sight at me. Seeing Rory in a pinch, she launches an ice bullet to me which I block using Ukaku Kagune while I focus on Rory now. Using Rinkaku Kagune which I lash out, I manage to cut her legs which incapacitated her and focus back to Kurisu.

I appear in front of her who was not fully healed and send her Chakra Punch which hit her stomach taking away her breath.

"I win!" I said and she nodded.

"Heeeiii, you cut my legs off hit a ladies. You are quite a savage." said Rory as she attached her legs back.

"I am an advocate of Gender Equality. So, don't hope for mercy from me. I know that a girl can be stronger than males." I said with a smile at her.

"Should I take you to the Med-Bed for that?" I asked as I point at her legs.

"You don't have to. I just have to put it back and it will be healed in a while." she said as she stands up.

"See, as good as new. We demigod can't die." she said while walking to me.

"Huuu, you only give your attention to the new girl. Forgetting the poor old me, Hiks." said Kurisu faking tears while she also mends her wound.

"Of course not!" I said as I crouch down beside her then kiss her forehead.

"Muu, I also want a kiss." Rory said while hugging me from behind. I look back at her and also give her a kiss. But as we kiss, her hand creep around my little brother and rub it.

"You know, as an Oracle of Emroy I got turned on from a fight." she whispers to me.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" said Kurisu as she cradles me on my lap while unbuttoned my pant.

I look at these two horny legal Loli and smile.

"What kind of a man am I if refused an invitation of two beauty." I said and take them on right there.


The next day is free days and our group play around today along with Itami's group. It was reassuring that the Fujoshi Population did not increase like in Canon in the form of the princess and her Knights as there is no Risa here when she was still back in Alnus.

Though they were now a believer when Haruna shows them Jojo Bizarre Adventure. Now, they left with Haruna to buy their own Manga set to bring home as we are now in Akiba, Tomita following them as bodyguards. Itami left to meet with Defense Minister Kanou.

The girls along with Kuribayashi went for clothing. Don't want to go shopping with the girls I left to meet Saras who was in a Signing Event at Ikebukuro.

"Darling, you've come!" said Saras hugging me as we are now in her changing room.

"Yeah, the others were at Akiba right now shopping for clothes." I told her.

"Hmmm, I am done here. Let's go meet with them then. Or you want for a date, Just the two of us?" she asks.

" Let's have a date then!" I said, avoiding going shopping with them.

"Yes, let me change first!" she said and took her clothes off in front of me while swaying her hips while looking for a change of clothes.

"You know, you want a date or something else? Enticing me like this." I said while touching her ass.

"We can take care of that for a second now if you wan, Darling." she said biting her lips with her hand touching my chest.

She goes down and takes down my pants than starts to lick my dick. Seeing this I just let her and enjoy the blowjob.


After a light make-out, I take Saras to date, while getting close toward where the girls are to meet them.

After two hours, we meet up with them who were already waiting along with Itami who finished his meeting.

"Yo, wait long?" I said.

"Muu, you went on a date and left me." said Eu feeling jealous.

"Hha, I will take you later." I told her and she nodded satisfied.

"Hei, I also want a date!" shouted Haruna. "You also still haven't given me my reward for job well done!" she continues.

"Me too!" said Karla.

"Alright alright, I will take you out later alternately." I said.

"Umm, Ayumu the Japanese government said that they already book an Onsen for the girls. How is it?" Itami asked hesitantly.

"Well, let's go then! I like free things even if I am rich now, hahaha!" I said as we walk toward the Hot Springs with Itami in the lead.

Sorry, feeling a Slump for a while now.

Still don't know if I will post regularly like usual.

Bear with me.

AliefLucascreators' thoughts