
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 27

Walking toward Haruna's room, I knock the door.


"Haruna, it's me! Open the door." I said but she didn't open the door.

"Sigh, I'm coming in!" I shout and teleport inside her room and see her lay down on her bed.

"What should I do with you?" I said as I walk into her bed and sit beside her before stroking her head. She reacted to it but stay the way she is.

"Sigh, Enough of your tsundere attitudes! I never like it and I want you to let go of it. Being a tsundere won't make you happy, just be honest with yourself." I said a little annoyed since I never like a tsundere especially those who throw insult and hit but when the men leave them be they thought it was the men's fault and be miserable.

Haruna looks up a little surprised and got a blush on her cheek.

"But, I don't know how should I do?" she said looking away.

"Just be honest with yourself, do you like me?" I asked and she nodded.

"Umu, even though you are always so annoying and a pervert who always enjoying yourself from seeing me naked. I don't know why but I feel safe with you and did not feel repulsed with you looking at my body. That is why I am annoyed that you did not make a move at me when you already seen everything, take responsibility alright." she said while shouting in the end being honest with herself and I smile.

"Now, what so hard about this. Okay, I will take responsibility. That is why from now on you are mine!" I said and kissed her and she responds to the kiss.

Letting go of the kiss, I look at her and sees that she is having ragged breathing while her cheek is flushed.

"Ayumu, take me!" she said looking away while being adorable.

"Gladly!" I said and start to undress her while erecting a sound barrier in the room.

[AN: Okay, I know I promised to try lemon. But not now since I want the first to be with Eu. So, endure with imagination for now.😝]


A few days after I take Haruna virginity, Karla got a call from her granddad informing her that Tsunami succeeds in getting the two I recommend as guardian.

Let's not talk about Nagi since after she was saved her loyalty rest in her, and she is now being trained by the clan in combat while also mastering her Mists flame.

To get Ranma, she helps him deal with his father and the marriage contract that he didn't want. They bond quite well with their experience of having a lousy father. So, when she recruited him, he is quite fast to follow her to Nanimori and he didn't forget to bring his mother with him who was left alone by his dad for their journey when he was a kid.

"I see, good for him that she help him in that. What about her lightning? Have a clue yet? Also, how is Reborn when he arrived?" I asked Karla.

"About that, she got Raian as her lightning, hehehe. And for Reborn, he was in quite a surprise since the kid that Iemitsu said to be clumsy and no good is a strong fighter and smart at school. His modus operation of being a tutor is scraped as she got a perfect score at school not needing a tutor so she burns his flyers." she said while laughing. [AN: Kure Raian from Kengan Ashura]

"Ohh, now what will he do? He must be reporting his founding for now since he still hasn't made contact with her besides the flyers. How did he know she is a fighter by the way?" I asked.

"That, it was because when she goes to recruit Ranma they are sparing with each other as he wants to know how strong is his new boss."

"I see, and you let him see that? He must be pissed at Iemitsu for misinformation." I said with a smile.


After finish with breakfast, I left for the company. With many rich people around the world subscribe for our company and many of which pay for I year subscription I already raised my income by a hundred times of my initial investment which is quite large around 1Billion USD.

So, I now have 100 B on hand and after taking out a part for paying my employees for the next year. I will use the rest to build new power plants that use water as fuel. But, before that I have to make a press conference.

"Good morning, Ayumu-sama! Did you come to monitor the company?" asked Kaede as she greets me who just arrived at the company with Karen. There are many people here as before using the Med-Bed that is now all around Japan they have to come here first to get the Barcode inscribes in their skin and pay for the subscription.

"Morning Kaede! No, I trust you to manage it quite well. I already heard the company situation from Karen last night and I don't think there will be an emergency for now. It's just, I have new technology and want to have a press conference about it. The time will be next month! Before that I want you to search for five big lands around 300 Square Meters. It has to be close to the Seas but not close to tourist attractions." I told her as we walk to my office.

"Yes, I will start to look at it and tell the media that you will be having a press conference. Where do you want it to be held?" she asked.

"Hmm, just do it here. We have the room for it and it should be used!" I told her while taking a sit in my desk which was full of paperwork.

"Sigh, what with this many paperwork. You two can leave to your work. Karen, help Kaede as much as you can while I work on this devil." I said looking at the paperwork which I have to read and sign. They smile to each other and left after asking permission to leave.

Around half of the paperwork, Karen is back bringing me a coffee.

"Hmm, Where is Kaede?" I asked.

"She is preparing for us to go out to the government office for the land. I come to bring you coffee before I left with her." she answers.

"I see, please take care of it then!" I told her.

"Also, please bring me lunch before you left! I can't leave this thing just yet." I said while looking at the paperwork on my desk.

"Yes, any food you want to eat?" she asks.

"Bring me Gyudon and Chicken Curry for the drink I want a Lemonade, also bring me a snack! Anything is fine." I told her my order and she nodded before leaving me alone in the office back to my work.

"Sigh, so much for wanting to be like Tony Stark. Does Tony also have to deal with this?" I ask to myself.

"No, I don't think so! What it is that Tony has that I don't that help him with this?" I said while leaning back to my chair while rotating it thinking about what is lacking in my life.

"Aaahhh, Yes, he got JARVIS to help him with work! So that's it, I also got an AI but it was still in infancy that I only use it to help me in the factory. I have to make more advance AI to help me with work! Yosh let's finish the work and start researching about it!" I said and get to work with new determination.