
Kore wa Ghoul Desu Ka?

I, Shinozaki Sen was an Otaku and a NEET. Everyday all i do is watch Anime and Movie, read Novel and Manga or go around surving Internet. I sleept last night like usual. So, why do I woke up in a Cemetery with a Silver Haired beauty right beside me? and that face, is she Cosplaying as my Favorite character Eucliwood Hellschite? if so, she has done it quite well. I thought to myself at that time. Wish Fulfillment fanfic. If you don't like, don't read!

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 24

Ayumu Pov

"Hello there! Is it okay for you to get drunk like that in school, Kurisu-Sensei!" I said as I look at the drunk form of Kurisu.

"Aikawa Ayumu!'Hick' How did you know? 'Hick'" she asked between hiccups.

"Ohh, I can feel it! I also know why you are like that. I even able to dispel that curse if I want." I said with a smirk while taking a seat in front of her.

"Really? Can you help me? What is the price? There is nothing free in the world." she said seriously, lose her drunkness as she tried to be serious. But in the end, she hiccups again.

"Yes, I can help you with a price. You work for me and never target anyone close to me. I don't care about your revenge to Ariel since I also don't like her. But, don't ever involve anyone close to me." I told her.

"If you can remove this curse, that is a cheap price to pay! Please help me." she said.

"Okay, first please sign on this Geass. Please read it!" I told her and she read the geass which contains the contract where she will work for me after this and she will never involve my close one in her revenge except if it was unintentional. Can't let her die if she unintentionally breaks her promise after all.

After reading the content and satisfied with it, she signs the Geass by dropping her blood on it.

"There, I sign it! Now please break this curse." she asked as I nodded while storing the Geass in inventory while taking out Rule Breaker from Gate of Babylon.

"Contract established and now I will break that curse, RULE BREAKER!" I shout pouring mana to the dagger and stab her where her curse is when I look at her with Mana Sight.

The result is immediate as all her magic flare up and she no longer drunk again while still retain her cute look. She looks at herself in wonder feeling from the feeling of her power that is coming back then look at me.

"The promise is delivered, please look after me from now on Boss! By the way, even though I can't involve your loved one. I can involve you in my revenge right?" she said with a smile on her face.

"Oh Shit! Forgot about that! Well, it's okay as I don't mind fighting once in a while. No, more like bring it on! I want a fight once in a while, Hahaha."

"Hee, good then. Why don't we fight now then? I am quite rusty from not fighting this last century." she said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to my training hall. I already reinforced it with runes that it won't be broken even if we go all out." I told her and she just smiles.

"By the way, Boss! You are quite a villain for deceiving a drunk beautiful girl to make a contract with you. Am I in your strike zone? Ayumu no Ecchi!" she said and I face faulted.

" It's not that! It was just a precaution in case you go berserk after being freed. But well having a cute girl working for me is a bonus." I told her and she got herself a blush.

"Moo, you womanizer. Don't think I am cheap that a little praise will make me fall for you okay!" she said looking away and I can see her ear goes red.

"Okay okay, now let's go to my training hall." I said and teleport us.


"Whooaaa, you have something like this in the human world? This must cost a fortune to build!" Kurisu said while tracing the runes around the hall.

" This rune, it is the first time I see this type. What runes is it?" she asked.

"That is a Norse rune. I will lend you the book if you are interested."

"Really? I will hold on that promise then!" she shouts and starts to chug on a sake bottle that suddenly appears in her hand.

"Now, let do the spar then!" she said and suddenly dashed toward me.

Kurisu swings the bottle at me and I dodge it as I feel danger from it, even though it was just a bottle. The bottle hit the floor and produce a huge sound from its power. Good thing I reinforce this room with runes, if not the will be a massive crater from that attack.

"That bottle, how much do you reinforce it that it can do something like that?"

"Hehehe, so much that I can destroy Misteltein in one hit!" she said and splash the sake inside the bottle out before she controls it to become a water spear.

Dodging the attack while I get close to her, I reinforce my body and do a ground shrinker and appear in front of her the give her a punch which she blocks with the sake bottle.

"What an unreasonable bottle or is it your power that is unreasonable?"

"Fufufu, don't say that when your own power is also unreasonable!" she said while trying to send a kick to me.

I dodge her kick but she already in front of me again with her hand that was holding the bottle half swing. I cross my arm to block it but its power is unbelievably strong that it throws me out and mangled my hand which healed in second.

"That healing power, it is more ridiculous than a zombie healing power! What are you? You don't feel like a zombie at all." She asked while looking at my hand in awe.

"Hmm, I am a Ghoul an evolution of zombie. Though I already have this healing power since I am human which enhanced when Eu tries to change me into a zombie."

"Heee, you are lucky to have something like that!" she said when suddenly she was in front of me punching me in the stomach.

"As expected of the strongest Masou Shoujo huh!" I said while getting up."But, don't count me out just yet!" I said and ground shrinks on her and continue our battle.

We exchange fists for a while and I improve my fighting capabilities as the fight goes on and learn her fighting technique and magical capabilities.

"Uhhh, you cheater! Faker! Thief! You have been stealing my technique as we fight!" she shouts though there is no heat in her word. She seems to don't mind that I steal her technique just find it unreasonable.

"Well, that is how one of my power work! It steals the technique and improves it while making it my own."

"Huh? What an unreasonable ability. It will make any of your enemies frustrated fighting you!"

"Yeah, I know that. But, I will use anything I can get.so, I won't be sorry for it!" I said and we continue our fight. It was like a firework in the hall that was produced from the clash of our power.

In the end, the fight has no clear winner after we fight for three hours and have to end it as Karen and her subordinate who did not have a shift at the company comes back. So, we have to stop our fight and go back to our respective homes.

" Let's stop here for today!" I said.

"Yeah, this was enough to work on the kink of my bodies. Thank you for today, Boss!" she said.

"Stop it! Just call me Ayumu from now on!" I told her.

"Then~~! I will call you Ayumu-Oniichan from now on! Hehehe" she said and disappeared with teleportation.

"This girl does teasing me is so much fun?" I asked to myself.

"Karen, how is today at the company?" I asked Karen who was waiting at the door to the hall looking at me.