
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


One month later, in the Senju Clan's territory, within the training open space in the eastern forest, dusk was setting in. Kirito and Nawaki engaged in their daily combat training.

Kirito was currently surrounded by a multitude of shadow clones created by Nawaki.

Utilizing his substantial chakra reserves, Nawaki employed the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to encircle and attack Kirito, a strategy he had been using since mastering the technique.

"Wake up, Kirito! Let's see if I can finally beat you down this time!" shouted a dozen nawaki in unison as they closed in from all directions.

Kirito remained vigilant, his eyes darting in all directions to perceive the movements of his opponents. Simultaneously, he launched attacks with precision, striking Nawaki accurately and sending them flying into the air.

While shadow clones possessed physical forms and were difficult to distinguish, their combat capabilities were significantly weaker than those of the original. Although Nawaki possessed good physical fitness, Kirito's strength and speed currently surpassed his own.

As a result, many of Nawaki's shadow clones dissipated into white smoke after being knocked into the air.

Nawaki himself, hidden among the shadow clones, was forming hand seals to prepare a ninjutsu attack on Kirito.

Utilizing shadow clones as cover to execute ninjutsu was a typical tactic employed by Nawaki. In addition to himself, some shadow clones were also forming hand seals to confuse Kirito and prevent him from pinpointing his real body.

Kirito, however, could not find Nawaki's actual location, so he focused on eliminating as many shadow clones as possible.

With rapid hand seals, Kirito's seal-casting speed outmatched that of the rope trees. Nevertheless, Nawaki's shadow clones continued to charge for melee combat while others threw shurikens.

Kirito had to stop, drawing a kunai to deflect incoming shurikens and launching a kick at the charging Nawaki clone.

Meanwhile, Nawaki and some shadow clones completed their seals.

"Water Release: Heavenly Weeping!"

Numerous water needles shot out from the mouths of Nawaki and his shadow clones, instantly turning Kirito into a pincushion.

A loud crash echoed as a wooden log was left in his place.

"Damn it, he's still able to substitute so quickly! Where is he hiding?" Nawaki and his shadow clones scanned their surroundings in frustration, searching for Kirito's location.

"Ah, there he is!"

Shortly after, one of the shadow clones spotted Kirito hiding behind a nearby tree. Nawaki and the other shadow clones followed suit, but what they saw wasn't just Kirito; it was also a multitude of lightning-charged electric balls.

"Raiton : Thunderball !"

After nearly two months of practice, Kirito had finally mastered the thunder nature transformation of chakra, learning the only thunder release ninjutsu in his arsenal: Thunderball.

"Uh-oh, everyone, scatter!"

Recognizing the imminent danger, Nawaki knew there was no time to form hand seals. He called out to his shadow clones, but some were already struck by the electric balls and dispersed into white smoke.

In a matter of moments, all the shadow clones on the battlefield were obliterated, leaving Nawaki nowhere to be found.

Kirito jumped down from the tree, scanning his surroundings warily to guard against a potential sneak attack. However, two hands suddenly emerged from the ground, gripping Kirito's ankles and pulling him underground, leaving only his head exposed.

Earth Release: Headhunter Jutsu!

"Hey, check out my new ninjutsu! What do you think?" nawaki emerged from the ground, brandishing a kunai at Kirito with a grin.

"I didn't expect that you learn it secretly "

"That's right! I secretly mastered a new chakra nature transformation," Nawaki added with a triumphant smile.

"Good job," Kirito said admiringly, then he flashed a mysterious smile at Nawaki. "But perhaps you were a bit too confident too soon."

"What do you mean?" Nawaki asked, becoming instantly cautious.

Suddenly, Kirito before him dissipated into a cloud of white smoke. It became apparent that the Kirito he had been facing was just a shadow clone.

"Oh no."

In that moment, Nawaki realized that something was amiss and attempted to retreat, but he found himself immobilized by a sealing technique on the ground.

Sealing Technique: One layer Seal.

"I win, Nawaki."

With Nawaki confined by the series of lights, Kirito reappeared, holding a kunai to Nawaki's throat.

"Damn it, when did you set up the sealing technique?" Nawaki asked with a hint of frustration.

"Right when you executed the Earth Release: Headhunter Jutsu. This sealing technique is quite simple, and I completed it in a second. To be honest, if you had paid closer attention during Mito-sensei's sealing technique class, you would have noticed it much sooner. The sealing technique I used here was a rushed one," Kirito explained with a smile as he lifted the seal. 

"Who would bother learning such complicated stuff so quickly, aside from you? I won't learn it from you," Nawaki retorted.

It wasn't that he lacked effort; the sealing technique was simply too difficult for him to grasp.

Instead, he had chosen to swiftly learn it using the shadow clone technique, as he could pick it up faster that way.

After their practice battles, Kirito and Nawaki began to analyze their engagements, pinpointing mistakes made during the battles and discussing ways to rectify them.

This post-battle analysis had been suggested by Mito, who required them to take it seriously and submit a daily summary of their discussions as homework. As a result, their combat abilities improved significantly.

"It's still the same. You both created an excessive number of shadow clones relying on chakra, which is a wasteful use of chakra. Also, never underestimate your opponent just because you've acquired new skills. As I've mentioned before, always keep your main body hidden in the shadows. Unless you're running low on chakra, use your shadow clones to attack your opponents. If this were a real battlefield, you'd be done for," Kirito pointed out the mistakes Nawaki had made during their recent battle and offered his critique.

"Isn't there still you? Hehehe~" Nawaki replied with a smile.

"Naive. I can't be by your side all the time. During battles, you must always stay vigilant. You have much more chakra than most people, and that's your advantage. The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is a jutsu designed for ninja with ample chakra like you. You need to make the best use of it," Kirito said firmly, delivering a solid blow to Nawaki's head as a reminder.

In the original plot, Nawaki met his end due to his impulsiveness and underestimating the enemy, falling into an explosive tag trap set by the enemy. If Nawaki had been more cautious, he might have survived. Kirito was aware that Nawaki's abilities were recognized even by Orochimaru, and Orochimaru would likely teach him the best use of the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, a jutsu well-suited for Nawaki.

"I get it, I get it. You're starting to sound even more lecturing than Grandma. Don't worry, I won't die before I become Hokage," Nawaki responded, rubbing his head after being struck by Kirito, then giving him a confident thumbs-up.

He hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Kirito, with our current strength, we should be more than capable of graduating from the ninja academy. Why don't we graduate early and go together to confront the enemy?"

In the next instant, a forceful punch landed on his head.

"Why are you hitting me, Kirito? If you don't want to go, then don't. You're such a coward..." Nawaki protested, but when he saw the extremely serious expression and cold gaze on Kirito's face, he stopped himself mid-sentence.

It was the first time he had seen such a terrifying expression on Kirito.

"Nawaki, do you understand your identity?" Kirito asked solemnly.

"Of course, I do. I'm the grandson of the First Hokage, and I can't tarnish my grandfather's reputation," Nawaki replied seriously, his demeanor becoming more composed.

"It seems you're well aware of your identity. Have you considered the consequences if you choose to graduate early and head to the battlefield?" Kirito inquired.

At only six years old, Nawaki's mind was consumed with the desire to become Hokage as soon as possible, and he had never considered such a question. He furrowed his brow, struggling to imagine the potential outcomes of early graduation.

"It appears you're truly clueless. Allow me to explain. You will serve as an example. They will undoubtedly publicize your early graduation and voluntary battlefield deployment to boost morale. You'll become a hero of Konoha," Kirito explained when he saw Naoki's confusion.

Nawaki's eyes lit up at the prospect of becoming a village hero, as it was his dream.

However, Kirito's next words brought a chilling reality crashing down on him.

"But you'll almost certainly die, because the enemy will do everything they can to eliminate you, the grandson of the First Hokage, in order to severely dent our morale. They'll dispatch Jonin and possibly even many Chunin to assassinate you. Think for yourself, with your current strength, do you stand a chance against Jonin?"


Kirito boi sure doing his best to change Nawaki fate. anyway, hope you liked the read

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