
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Chapter 121 Strong Approach


The four stone faces carved on the mountain overlooked the whole village; the village which was a symbol of peace and prosperity. The eyes of people passing by the hokage mountain couldn't help but look at the fourth stone face with admiration as in the last three years konoha had seen the most economic growth ever.

Shinobi being the only lucrative carrier was a thing of the past as the fourth hokage had implemented a lot of ground shaking policies, prospering most of the residents of konoha.

Opening shinobi training fields for civilians to try the experience of being a shinobi, marketing the food, ninja tools and other special products of konoha in surrounding nations which resulted in an increase of tourists, investors and buyers.

Konoha becoming an absolute safe place for investors to start a business also brought in a lot of job opportunities for those who were not shinobi and had to struggle to find a job.

Hokage Building, Hokage Office.

Next to the hokage seat on both sides chairs were placed as most of the top combat force of konoha was gathered in the office, Kazuki Aoyama, the fourth hokage sat at the main seat.

On his left the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, White Fang of Leaf Hatake Sakumo and Princess Tsunade.

On his right Orochimaru, Jiraiya and elders Homura and Koharu who visited the hokage building after years due to their old friend Sarutobi tagging along with them.

Before everyone stood a kumo shinobi donning the jonin jacket and his eyes were focused on Kazuki, who was going through the scroll he brought along with him.


Going through the contents of the scroll completely Kazuki let out a small laugh and passed the scroll to sarutobi who took it from him with a curious look.

One by one everyone went through the scroll and the same expression of disbelief appearing on their face after going through it completely.

"Let's not talk about this guy who took Shimogakure down all by himself for now and focus on something way more important"

"Do you really expect us to believe this nonsense; permanent disappearance of chakra? You should have prepared a better excuse if you were looking for a reason to fight"

Said Tsunade to Kumo messenger while looking at him like he was some kind of super idiot, she was a medical shinobi and found everything written on the scroll to be nothing but complete nonsense.

Disappearance of chakra pathways that ultimately led to disappearance of chakra, to her this was nothing more than a terrible excuse, an excuse to start another war.


"Lord Raikage expected such a response so he sent the evidence along with me to prove his statement, allow me to bring them before you"


Saying that the kumo messenger looked at Kazuki for his permission, who with a calm look on his face nodded, granting him permission.


The kumo messenger went out of the office and after a while entered the office again along with two more people, eyes of everyone aside from kazuki widening the moment he entered along with them.

"I… can't feel anything from them…

Said Sakumo in a state of disbelief, shocked eyes fixed on two figures next to kumo messenger.

"Same here"

"Me as well"

The rest in the room were no different from sakumo, with the level of strength they had reached they were all better than your average sensory shinobi and yet they couldn't feel a hint of chakra from these two right before them.


Tsunade who was the same couldn't hold back her curiosity as in an instant she appeared before the two and placed her fingers on their neck, both of them not resisting and letting her confirm everyone's doubt.

"Impossible!!There is no way!!!"

Yelled Tsunade in a tone of shock and disbelief, just after a brief check she found everything written on the scroll to be true as what she had considered to be pure nonsense turning out to be true.

Tsunade's confirmation brought a long silence in the room as eventually every eye in the room rested on Kazuki, who unlike others had hardly showed any emotion at whatever happened.

As hokage it was now up to him to give the kumo messenger an answer who had proved the words written on the scrolls to be true.

"The existence of these two only prove the point of chakra being permanently taken away and shows no real evidence of konoha's involvement in this whole matter"

"Your point that the man who caused all being from konoha just because he displayed multi-shadow clone technique along with a barrier technique is absurd"

"According to you that man had red hair and I don't think I need you to remind what kumo along with Kiri did to the Uzumaki clan, you destroyed them to get a hold of their sealing and barrier techniques"

"And about the multi-shadow clone technique, they were allies of konoha and we had several jutsu exchange with them in the past so him using that technique makes sense as well"

Saying that Kazuki stopped talking and looked at kumo messenger who at his words seemed to have been hit by a sudden realization.

"You mean that man was a survivor of Uzumaki clan and attacked us to get revenge for his clan?" The kumo messenger couldn't help but ask in a shocked tone.

"Maybe or maybe not, I mean if he really wanted revenge why would he leave everyone who he attacked alive; anyways this doesn't really concern konoha at all"

"Go back and tell Raikage that konoha has nothing to do with this though if he still wants to blame us then we are not afraid to meet him on the battlefield"


Saying that Kazuki pointed his hand towards the door gesturing them to leave as at his words the face of sarutobi changed and opened his mouth to say something but Kazuki paid no attention and didn't stop the leaving messenger.

 Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.

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