
Konoha Tavern: Opening Call Uchiha Madara

Travel through the world of Naruto, obtain the undead tavern system, and open a tavern in Konoha, but all the people working in the tavern are undead summoned from the Pure Land! Uchiha Madara was summoned directly at the beginning! after a while…… Uchiha Madara: "Chiba, I caught that guy Hashirama stealing beer again!" Senju Hashirama: "Ahem! Little Madara, you can't betray me! I promised you everything last night!" Senju Tobirama: "Brother, you are behind my back..." Uchiha Madara: "Big Liar, what did you promise me?! How come I don't know?!" Senju Hashirama: "So, love disappears, right?" Uchiha Madara: "..." Uchiha Izuna: "Hashirama-san, love will disappear, I won't." Chiba was helpless, looking at the noisy four people, but he was thinking about who would be called out to work for him next... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Idiot Cherry (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

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51 Is This The Main Mission? I Got It!

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen cried bitterly.

I took out 200,000 and issued an IOU for the remaining 640,000.

"Boss, here." Senju Hashirama smiled and took the IOU in his hand to Chiba's side.

Chiba smiled slightly and received the IOU in his arms.

Senju Hashirama turned his head and grinned, "Sarutobi!"

"Remember, the remaining 640,000 taels must be sent to the tavern tomorrow!"

"It's really good, you can send it yourself."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he almost fainted from fright.

I send it myself? ? ! I won't come even if you kill me!

Let's find a ninja and send it over...

This undead tavern, Sarutobi Hiruzen really doesn't want to come again!

Sarutobi Hiruzen left here in a daze.

He didn't even care about Jiraiya.

As long as you don't cheat yourself, go wherever you fall in love!

I'm really scared! ! !

Jiraiya was still in shock at this point.

He stood up and hurriedly said respectfully, "Lord First Hokage."

"Ham, that was all decades ago." Senju Hashirama waved his hand casually and smiled.

"Now I am just an ordinary waiter in a tavern."

"A normal waiter..." Jiraiya swallowed.

You are ordinary, a bit unusual, right? !

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared!

Senju Tobirama's figure suddenly appeared here.

He looked around and said in a low voice, "I just sensed the breath of a monkey."

"What's wrong? The monkey is here again?"

"Second Hokage?!" Jiraiya said in shock after seeing Senju Tobirama who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?" Senju Tobirama tilted his head and looked Jiraiya up and down.

"I am a disciple of the Third Generation, Jiraiya." Jiraiya said hastily.

"Hmm." Senju Tobirama nodded.

"Okay, everyone go to work, the matter here has come to an end." Chiba waved his hand and said.

"Yes." Everyone agreed and left.

Afterwards, Chiba sat across from Jiraiya with a smile on his face.

"Ding! Congratulations to Host for completing the task of pit Jiraiya."

"Ding! Total rewards: 4000 gold coins."

"Ding! Host's current gold coin balance: 132,500."

After hearing the system's beep, Chiba couldn't help but click his tongue.

Sometimes, making money is as simple as that.

Not only can you earn silver coins, but you can also earn gold coins.

Why not do it?

"This... Master Chiba?" Jiraiya sat on the seat tremblingly.

At this time, he was really confused.

This undead tavern...there really are undead! ! !

"Just call me Chiba." Chiba clicked his tongue and said casually.

"This..." Jiraiya smiled wryly, he didn't dare!

This is the boss of the undead tavern!

Even strong men like Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are willing to stay by his side!

"Boss Chiba." Jiraiya thought for a while and said.

"That's fine too." Chiba laughed.

"What... Boss Chiba, are you free? How about I invite Boss Chiba to take a bath together?" Although Jiraiya wanted to leave like this.

However, at this time, he is full of doubts about Chiba's undead tavern!

Curiosity finally defeated fear, so building a good relationship with the tavern owner is the first step!

"Take a bath." Chiba thought for a while, then asked, "Is it really just a bath?"

"Ahem, what...really...not necessarily..." Jiraiya scratched his head.

"Like what?" Chiba asked with a grin.

"Like that, Boss Chiba, you see, I'm a novelist." Jiraiya coughed lightly.

"And this novel is not something that can be written just by saying it."

"Writing a novel requires inspiration. If there is a lack of inspiration, the things written will be messy."

"And if inspiration is lacking, it needs to be replenished with new energy..."

"Stop!" Chiba waved directly, interrupting Jiraiya.

"You just say, for example, what? Limit the number of words, and give me an answer in two words."

"Collect material," Jiraiya said.

"As expected of you!" The corners of Chiba's mouth raised slightly.

"Ding! Trigger the main mission!"

Chiba was shocked when he heard it!

The main mission is here!

Good guy!

"Ding! Main mission:"

"Mission: Accompany Jiraiya to collect materials! The rewards will be judged based on the content of the materials collected."

"Reward: Sage Mode, initial gold coins: 2000."

Chiba: "???"

good guy?

This is the legendary main mission?

The last time was farming.

This time it is for material?


So, is this the main mission?

Chiba said: I got it!

"I don't know, Boss Chiba, what do you think?" Jiraiya was a little unsure, after all.

He also had his first contact with Chiba today.

I don't know what the other person likes and doesn't like.

"Alas!" Chiba stood up leisurely and then let out a long sigh.

"Okay! Then I will reluctantly go with you."

"Okay!" Seeing that Chiba didn't reject him, Jiraiya immediately laughed.

"Then without further ado, let's go now." Jiraiya stood up and said.

"Okay." Chiba smiled.

As expected of Jiraiya, look at his excited look.

It is estimated that this kind of thing is done a lot, right?

"Madara, Hashirama, I have something to do today."

"At noon, you don't have to wait for me."

"You guys eat by yourself first." Chiba came to the edge of the bar and said.

"Okay, boss." Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara glanced at each other and immediately gave Chiba a reassuring look.

"One more thing!" Chiba took a deep breath after seeing the expressions on the faces of the two of them.

"Don't steal alcohol!!!"

"Haku, come here," Chiba yelled.

Haku, who was packing up the dishes, immediately ran to Chiba's side in a hurry.

"Boss Chiba, do you have any orders?" Haku raised his head and asked.

"Next, I'll go out to do something. Remember, don't let these people steal my wine."

"Especially my underground freezer." Chiba grinned, "Just use your ice escape to seal the freezer."

"I'll untie it when I get back."

"Okay, Boss! I understand..." Haku nodded.

But... can I really stand it...

Chiba tilted his head and said, "Ah Madara, Hashirama, especially you two!"

"Don't bully my little Haku! If I come back and Haku was be wronged a little bit."

"I don't mind sending the two of you back to the pure land space!"

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama immediately stood at attention.

"Don't worry! Boss Chiba! We will never steal it!"

Seeing this, Chiba nodded.

"Okay, Jiraiya, let's go."

Jiraiya was already horrified beyond measure.

What a man who can subdue both Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

Chiba! horrible!
