
Konoha Seven Taste House

Rumor has it that such a restaurant has existed since the beginning of Konoha. It is open from early in the morning and closes at dawn. The fragrance permeates the small space, which is intoxicating. People call it Qiweiju.

daoistestt · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 5

There is no redundant evaluation, only two simple words.

But these two words have said everything.

Seeing such a reaction between the pillars, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

In my mind, the system prompt sounded.

"You have conquered the taste buds between the Thousand Hands Pillars, and the task is completed. The task reward has been launched behind the system, please check it yourself."

mission completed!

Zhenxiu took off the black hairband from his forehead, held it on his right hand, and said with a smile: "The hospitality is poor!"

At this time, Mito also ate Qingjiang cuisine.

Unlike the pillars, Mito has tasted real cultivation skills.

Even so, Mito was still shocked by the taste of Qingjiang cuisine.

Two years ago, there was no such level in true cultivation.

There is no too much seasoning, and some are just the original taste of Qingjiang cuisine.

But it was this taste that conquered her taste buds.

What made her even more concerned was that she really cultivated the cooking method she had just done.

Fire escape, water escape and earth escape.

These are things she didn't know.

When the original true cultivation was in the whirlpool clan, apart from being forced to practice physical skills by the whirlpool tide, he did not practice in other ninjutsu.

Now it seems that this level is unexpectedly not low.

Not to mention anything else, just those tricks just now are more than enough to deal with an ordinary ninja.

And Zhenxiu is only fifteen years old now.

This level is not a lot of genius, but it is definitely not bad.

What's more, Mito is very aware of how lazy real cultivation is in the matter of cultivation.

Coupled with the advancement of cooking technology.

Mito has reason to believe that the time spent by real cultivation practice is definitely less than one-tenth of the cooking time.

This kid...

Mito was really dumbfounded.

How can I have a younger brother who has the wrong interests?

Ignoring Mito's complaints, the plate of Qingjiang dishes has been eaten by the pillars.

I have been busy these days, and I haven't eaten much between the columns.

Now he has a big appetite, and a large plate of Qingjiang dishes is eaten cleanly.

Even Mito just took a bite.

"It's so delicious! I have never heard of such delicious Qingjiang cuisine. If you don't taste it yourself, I'm afraid you can't imagine it. Really cultivated, your cooking skills really have nothing to say, no wonder Mito and me Mentioned it many times."

The pillars laughed, very satisfied.

Mito gave a blank glance.

"Between the pillars! You didn't leave me any!"

"Hahaha, I ate it all without paying attention. I'm really sorry Mito."

Zhu Jian was very sorry, but did not regret much.

It's a pity not to eat such a delicious thing.

"Sister, it's okay. I'll do it for you later. Brother-in-law is also hungry."

Zhen Xiu hurriedly rounded it off.

"Okay, hum."

Mito snorted, but there was not much to blame.

She also knows that these days are very hard.

I left the column to eat before, but also to make him eat better.

It's just that her appetite was aroused by Qing Jiang Cai, and now she can't eat it, which is really painful.

Seeing Zhenxiu speak for himself, Zhu Jian gave him a grateful look.

Don't think Mito is usually gentle, if he really runs away, the pillars will also suffer.

"Hahaha, really Xiu, what do you want the name of this small store? I will come over to eat when I have time. After eating what you make, I am afraid I can't eat it anymore."


Zhenxiu murmured, and a lot of thoughts emerged in his mind.

But soon, he made a decision.

"It's called Qiweiju."

The cuisine has seven flavors, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty and spicy.

This place is a place for cooking, and should provide the best of these seven flavors.

"Qiweiju? Good name. That brother-in-law gave you a gift, and it's good for the meal."

Talking between the pillars, his hands knotted.

"Wooden escape! The technique of knotting wood!"

The powerful Chakra exploded in the body between the pillars, and saw that the hands closed between the pillars opened, and it actually pulled out a sign that was more than one meter long.

It was a wooden signboard with a few words on it.

A closer look reveals that it is Qiweiju.

The wooden signboard is also filled with the surging chakras full of vitality between the pillars.

It seemed that there was a sense of coolness, which made the whole person feel quiet.

Zhenxiu's eyes lit up, good stuff.

"How about? Not bad, right? I have injected a lot of chakras into it. Even if it is preserved for hundreds of years, there will be no decay. If it is broken, it can be repaired automatically."

Holding the plaque between the pillars, he said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing!"

Really cultivated and agreed.

Mito glanced at the pillar with satisfaction.

This is almost the same.

Seeing Mito's satisfaction, Shijian also let out a sigh of relief.

This plaque seemed to be given to Zhenxiu, but it was actually apologizing to Mito.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

Throwing the plaque in his hand between the pillars, the plaque was hung at the door of the shop.

"Then that's it for now. I still have things to deal with, so I won't stay longer. Really Xiu, I will try again after your shop opens."

"Okay, thank you brother-in-law."

Between the pillars nodded, and said to Mito, "Then I will go first."

"Go, pay attention to your body."


The two silently sprinkled a handful of dog food, and they took it silently.

Looking at the plaque and the small shop, Zhenxiu expressed his satisfaction.

It looks a little bit at last.

"Xiaozhen, I'm still hungry, make me another plate of Qingjiang cuisine."

"Okay, no problem."

After feeding Mito, Zhenxiu finally had the opportunity to check his mission reward, the Seven Star Sword.

At this time, it was already dark.

Seven Star Knife, from "The Little Master of China".

Created by the famous knife master Roche, held by Rennes.

Seven-star knives, as the name suggests, there are seven in total, corresponding to the Big Dipper.

They are Po Saber, Lian Zhen Dao, Lu Cun Dao, Wenqu Dao, Jumen Dao, Wu Qu Dao, and Greed Wolf Dao.

It can be used to perform various knives and process different food materials.

For the chef, it is equivalent to a magic weapon.

It is equivalent to the famous sword in the eyes of swordsmen.

After receiving the reward, Zhenxiu looked at the seven kitchen knives that suddenly appeared in front of him, and was overjoyed.

"Seven-star knife, good thing."

"Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Seven-Star Sword, please improve the knife skills as soon as possible, so as not to bury the existence of the Seven-Star Sword."

The system's abrupt voice came, showing dislike for the real knife repairer.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the real swordsmanship is already very good, but in the eyes of the system, it is still far behind.

"System, what is my current level of knife skills?"

"Host please see the information:

Host: Real Vortex

Knife worker:

Basic knife skill: 90100

Flower knife skill: 80100

Fantasy knife skill: 0100

Super Sword Skill: 0100."

Seeing this, I was really dumbfounded.

"What are Fantasy Swordsman and Super Magic Swordsman? I have never heard of it."

"Wait for the host to increase the proficiency of basic knives and flower knives to 100, and the system will explain it by itself."

"All right, you are awesome."

"The system reminds you that the host still has a one-hundred-word diary that has not been completed today. If there are no points to deduct, the host's basic attributes will be deducted. Please think twice."

Real cultivation: "..."