
Konoha Seven Taste House

Rumor has it that such a restaurant has existed since the beginning of Konoha. It is open from early in the morning and closes at dawn. The fragrance permeates the small space, which is intoxicating. People call it Qiweiju.

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34 Chs

Chapter 32 The Decision Between Pillars, The Disappearing Clan

"This stinky boy thought he had some growth, but he was still so frizzy."

Looking at Zhen Xiu's back, Uzumaki said with a cold face.

"Okay, Dad. Xiaozhen has done a good job. Look, isn't his strength improved a lot? Before, I saw him use Huo Dun, Shui Dun and Tu Dun, much better than before."

"Huh, it's just some fur, he's still far behind. Forget it, let's not talk about this brat. Mito, today is your wedding day, don't waste time here, I will go back with you."

Seeing that true cultivation has grown in peace, Uzumaki Tide no longer cares about this restless son.

The most important thing today is my daughter's wedding.

"Okay, Dad."

Naruto's wedding, a grand event in the Ninja world.

The whole Konoha is illuminated.

On Konoha Square, many congratulations gathered.

The banquet is filled with hundreds of tables.

The scene was shocking.

The pillar room where he went out to catch the tail beast also rushed back the day before yesterday.

Except for the one tail, the seven tails and the nine tails that have no master, the remaining tail beasts have been captured between the pillars.

This efficiency is amazing.

The difficulty is probably lower than that of later generations of Naruto and the others.

On this day, there was a black robe between the pillars, looking mature and stable.

Mito is dressed in white clothes with a delicate makeup.

In the room, Zhu Jian and Mito looked at each other and smiled.

Although they have been married for many years, even their children are about to graduate from elementary school, but they are still quite nervous about this wedding.

"Mito, you are beautiful today."

Between the pillars is not a numb person, even less sweet talk.

This sentence is his sincere admiration.

My wife ate too much hardship with me, and now it is all the hardships.

Even if the road ahead is still confused, there is already a good start.

The establishment of Ninja Village may be the starting point of a peaceful and prosperous age.

Mito lowered his head shyly, did not speak, but there was a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth.


The door opened.

The whirlpool and the door came in at the same time.

Uzumaki tide walked up to the two of them, first glanced at Mito, and then at the column.

"Between the pillars, you have done a good job these years. I hope you can take good care of Mito in the days to come. In this way, my old man will feel at ease."

Uzumaki tide said with a smile.

For this son-in-law, the whirlpool tide is a hundred satisfied.

In the Ninja World, there is no man who feels more secure than him.

In troubled times, such a man is definitely a good match.

Had it not been for the Uzumaki clan and the Qianshou clan to be distant relatives, I'm afraid the two would not have come together.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I will take good care of Mito."

Uzumaki nodded in satisfaction, grabbing Mito's hand with his left hand, and the hand between the pillars with his right hand, putting both hands together.

"I believe in you."

"Brother, sister-in-law, time is almost up, you should go out."

Shuimaa urged in a low voice, and Shiomaa and Mito got up at the same time.

On this day, they are the protagonists.

Going out, the outside is crowded with people.

The wedding was held as scheduled.

Various blessings are continuously sent out.

Of course, all this is not that simple.

Konoha's families are testing each other.

After Konoha is established, how to distribute the benefits will be an important issue.

There are three most powerful families in the village.

The Senju Clan, the Hyuga Clan, and the Uchiha Clan.

Thousand hands are the strongest, followed by Uchiha, followed by Hyuga.

But overall, except for the column and the door, the strength of these three families is not much different.

Logically speaking, more than half of Konoha's big cake will be swallowed by these three companies.

But now, there is a situation.

That is Uchiha Madara defected!

The Uchiha clan who lost Uchiha Madara are in an embarrassing situation, even worse than the Hyuga clan.

And the Thousand Hands Clan can be said to be truly thriving.

With the position of Naruto in hand, he has two top powerhouses, and Konoha must rely on the power of these two people.

And this raises a problem.

Konoha's right to speak is in the hands of the thousand hands.

Therefore, other families can't help but worry about whether their own family will become the nourishment for the growth of the thousand hands.

If this is the case, joining Konoha is not the end they expected.

Therefore, in this wedding, the patriarchs of the major families are whispering to contact something.

The relationship is established first, so as not to really go wrong in the future and be at a loss.

These people's careful thoughts can be seen in the pillars and the door, they understand.

The new establishment of the village is to unite the hearts of the people.

But the word human heart is always difficult to do.

Especially adults with thoughts are more difficult to change.

Even if the strength of the two is extraordinary, they can't change people's hearts.

What they can do is to stabilize people's hearts.

And how to stabilize, they have thought of a way.

Zhu Jian and Mito stood in front of the wedding stage and scanned the surrounding area.

Off the court, everyone instantly fell silent.

The aura of the Ninja God is not casual.

The majestic eyes between the pillars swept across every face, and the people who looked at him were a little afraid.

Although they joined Konoha, they had all been beaten between the pillars, and the physical pain was still fresh in my memory.

The sky is dim, and the sun is falling towards the western peak.

Night is approaching.

The setting sun shone on the face between the pillars, blushing.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to my wedding with Mito. This is our best blessing."

The opening between the pillars resounded throughout the square.

That terrible strength was revealed in every gesture.

"I know that everyone is more or less worried about joining Konoha. I am worried about the impure intentions of my thousand hands. I take advantage of everyone to take advantage of this. I can understand this. But the era of war has just passed and is about to usher in. Peace, this mentality will only affect Konoha's unity. Therefore, after discussing it with Fei, we came up with a way."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Is there really a solution to this problem?

It is not easy to reassure people and to prove the dedication of the thousand hands.

One solution can solve these problems?

Everyone didn't believe it.

Especially the Uchiha clan.

After the Uchiha clan lost Madara, they were a little worried that the Senshou clan would take the opportunity to attack.

If it weren't for the hard-won peace, many people from the Uchiha clan are willing to leave with Madara.

Only between Heping and Madara, the Uchiha clan chose peace.

Even if this peace is risky.

But the next sentence made everyone in an uproar.

"I, Qianshou Zhujian, I declare here as the patriarch of the Qianshou clan. From now on, any descendants of the Qianshou clan are not allowed to use the Qianshou surname. You can have a name without a surname, or you can talk to a partner. name.

If you marry the Sarutobi clan, you can use the surname of Sarutobi, if you marry the Uchiha clan, you can use the surname of Uchiha, and if you marry the Haruno clan, you can use the surname of Haruno.

No matter what the surname is, you can't be a thousand hands.

From then on, there is no one with a thousand hands in the world, only Konoha!"