
Konoha Seven Taste House

Rumor has it that such a restaurant has existed since the beginning of Konoha. It is open from early in the morning and closes at dawn. The fragrance permeates the small space, which is intoxicating. People call it Qiweiju.

daoistestt · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 22

The sky was faintly bright, and the sunrise, which symbolized hope, radiated in the middle of the Qiwei.

For a time, the whole room was golden.

Wanting to understand this, Zhenxiu smiled brightly.

But soon, his smile disappeared.

"Ding, the system reminds you that the guest did not pay for a thousand hands, and the Overlord Meal incident occurred again. Now one hundred thousand taels of host funds are deducted.

Zhenxiu feels that his head is big.

A total of only a few guests were picked up, and two of them did not pay.

Is there any reason to pay for such a beautiful dish?

Is there a king?

Do these people have such a weak sense of paying?

I thought I was already careful enough, but I didn't expect to be confused by a single sentence.

This is all right, I just completely forgot about paying.

"Ahhhhh! Brother Feijian, you pit! Didn't you say that you won't not pay! Why are you here again! God!"

Zhenxiu hugged his head and slammed into the wall twice, feeling almost vomiting blood.

I just paid back 10,000, and now I have 100,000 more. The road to debt is difficult.

True cultivation is to cry without tears.

The decisive mood just disappeared instantly.

All that is left is distress.

Just as he sighed, the voice of the system sounded again.

"It has been seven days since the host has obtained the system, first open the points mall. Please check it by the host."

"Points Mall?"

Really recovered and opened the system panel.

I saw that at the bottom of the panel homepage, there was an extra option for the points mall.

Tap it gently to open it.


Common ingredients:

Meter: 1 point

Pork: 1 point

Qingjiang cuisine: 1 point


page 1


After reading the first page, Zhenxiu found something wrong.

"Ordinary ingredients? Are there any unusual ingredients?"

Thinking of this, Zhenxiu moved to the next page.


Fantasy ingredients:

Flame Mushroom: 10 points

Bingling Leek: 10 points

Water from okra: 10 points



A page passed, all ingredients that hadn't been heard before Zhenxiu.

"System, what do these ingredients do? Why have I never heard of it."

"Used to make dream dishes."

"Fantasy cuisine? What is that?"

"Fantastic cuisine."


Really helpless, how can there be such an explanation?

System, do you know that if you write a noun explanation like this, you will be scolded by the teacher?

"System, can you tell me more."

"Ding, in view of the host's insufficient IQ and unable to understand it on its own, the system now explains it. The so-called dream cooking is cooking that can increase the ability of the ninja after eating.

For example, the fantasy cuisine made by the flame mushroom can stimulate the concentration of the fire attribute chakra in the lower Ninja body, releasing a powerful fire escape.The duration of the effect is determined by the host's cooking ability.

The maximum length is one month."

"Can you do this?"

Really surprised.

Isn't this effect a tonic?

Do you really want to become the king of medicine?

This medicine is a bit fierce.

"Have you ever eaten food with tonics? Have you smelled the chain of aromas? Have you ever seen a tiger in cooking? Everything is in dream cooking. Stay tuned."

"System, you are more and more like an employee of a leather factory."

Zhen Xiu rolled his eyes and said.

"The system is the system, please don't compare it."

Zhenxiu continued to turn over the ingredients page.

There are so many ingredients in it, there are thousands of kinds, and he can't finish it for a while.

But he found a problem.

"System, what do you want to do with dream cooking? Do you want to use any dream recipe?"

"Oh, yes, the host has learned to learn from other things. Yes, that's it."

Zhenxiu didn't bother to pay attention to the trembling of the system, and continued.

"Fantasy recipes won't be very expensive?"

"The system is produced, the price is conscientious, please rest assured. The detailed price, please watch it yourself."

The panel changes, and the recipe page appears.

Star recipes

Fantasy recipe

Simple page with only two options.

The so-called star-rated recipes should be the previous Guoshi no two-faced and sad ecstasy rice.

Before I was really curious, I clicked on the page.


100 points for one-star recipes

200 points for two-star recipes

300 points for three-star recipes

400 points for four-star recipes

Four stars or more, due to the low host level, not yet available.


"It's not expensive."

Judging from the points given to oneself in front of the system, these are not unachievable goals.

Just don't know how expensive it is above five stars.

After all, according to the system, the five-star level is completely different from the previous level.

Thinking of this, Zhenxiu entered the dream recipe.


Elementary Fantasy: 500 points

Intermediate Fantasy: Not shown

Advanced Fantasy: Not shown


Yes, it is the same.

But it seems that the dream recipe is a bit more expensive.

"This dream recipe is a bit interesting. It seems that the basic knife skills must be completed as soon as possible, so that we can see the uniqueness of dream cooking."

As a chef, Jinxiu has a different interest in these strange dishes.

Listening to the system explain how it is better to taste it yourself.

"The accumulation of points has to be put on the agenda. This is a genius only one point, when can I save enough money to buy a recipe? The system, are there other ways to earn points."

"At the request of the host, points are now being issued.

Task 1: Help the grandma to cross the road, reward 1 point

Task 2: Help Grandpa push the cart, reward 1 point

Task 3: Help the aunt next door to buy vegetables.Reward 1 point"


Really unable to vomit.

Can there be a little constructive point reward?

What are these tasks?

"Please upgrade your ability as soon as possible to have more points."

"It's all right, I know."

Zhenxiu waved his hand, feeling a little tired.

It's time to close now, so I go straight home to sleep.

After coming to Konoha for a week, Zhen Xiu has almost got used to this routine.

I have to say that Konoha now has no nightlife.

In the following days, I will practice madly practicing swordsman, hoping to enter the realm of dream swordsman as soon as possible.

On this day, Zhen Xiu slept soundly, but was awakened by one person.

"Uncle, uncle, don't sleep! Get up!"

A ten-year-old boy pushed Zhenxiu who was on the bed and shouted.

This boy is the son of Zhuma and Mito, Banshu.

"Huh? Why, don't bother me, I'm sleepy."

Zhenxiu turned over and continued to sleep.

"Uncle! Get up quickly! I have something to do with you!"

Zhenxiu was so quarreled by Banshu that he couldn't help but cried out: "What are you doing! Is your kid getting itchy butt again?"