
Konoha:Opening Sign In to Rinnegan {Naruto Fanfiction}

Reborn on an ordinary Shionin of the Uchiha clan, Ryu thought he was going to spend a life of inaction, but he did not expect to bind the sign-in system. Check in at Kannabi Bridge and get reward [Rinnegan ] Check in at Hokage Residence and get reward [Flying Thunder God Jutsu ] Check in at Valley of the End , Get reward [Sage Body ]

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

Konoha-Opening Sign In To Rinnegan Chapter 6

Ryu breathing heavily, in the heart thought of it in amazement.

It was so scared that he hurriedly stuffed a Military Rations Pill into his mouth, which made him feel a little relieved.

"No, back to Konoha, I must train frantically to improve the Chakra Reserves in my body early, otherwise it will be too embarrassing and I won't be able to move."

Ryu in the heart said secretly.

Chapter 5: Shisui is deeply poisoned

"This...what is this Ninjutsu?"

When Ryu let the imagination run wild, Everyone at the scene was stunned and dumbfounded.

No matter the ninja of Konoha or the ninja of Hidden Stone, they all raised their heads, stared wide-eyed, and murmured gazed the big ball floating in the sky.

In their perception, Tailed Beast is the most powerful existence of Ninja World. As long as Jinchuriki is a Tailed Beast Transformation, no matter how powerful ninja is, it can't handle it.

Unless Jinchuriki is also used to deal with it.

But who would have thought that Five-Tails Jinchuriki Han would be sealed by this unheard-of Sealing Jutsu?

This is too scary, right?

The silhouette flashed, and the two ninjas who had caught Kakashi felt that they were vision blurred, and simply did not react. Kakashi was rescued by Shisui.

Then stop the Water Body Flicker technique from unfolding, and once again incarnate into four Shisui, shuttled among the Hidden Stone ninjas extremely fast.

Scream after scream, Hidden Stone ninja kept falling down.

Only a few were left, either because of fear or seeing the situation clearly, and began to flee quickly withdraw, Shisui did not chase.

"Shisui, what is this?" Kakashi asked U Shisui with a look of shock.

Shisui also shook the shaking ones head blankly: "I don't know, but this method is too terrifying, it's unheard-of."

The two people simply communicated. After a few sentences, there was no more time wasted, and I started to hurry up to check the battlefield, count the casualties on Konoha's side, and see if there are other survivors.

At the same time, I was also looking for the mysterious expert who shot in secret and saved them.

The result is no doubt, even a ghost shadow was not found.

The only two survivors were found: Ryu and Nohara Rin.

The three began to return to Konoha quickly.

Fortunately, on the next journey, calm and tranquil, there were no more accidents. Several people arrived at Konoha smoothly.

"Kakashi, Ryu, Rin, don't go back yet, let me see hokage-sama!"

Back to the village, there is no time to rest, Shisui is in the energetic and bustling zone With Kakashi and Ryu these three people, they kill Hokage's Office.

As Uchiha clansman, there was such a major event on the way. After Shisui came back, he immediately went to Hokage Residence instead of back to Uchiha Clan, which really made Ryu speechless.

Shisui really won Konoha's strongest Genjutsu Will of Fire.

And the poisoning is not superficial.

The details of such an unintentional act are enough to see that Shisui has placed the village in a more important position than Uchiha Clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still values ​​Shisui very much. After hearing the report, he immediately put aside his business and summoned Shisui.

Ryu, also for the first time since rebirth, stood in Hokage's Office.

"Unfortunately, the sign-in system can only sign-in once a day, otherwise I can try to sign-in at Hokage's Office, what kind of reward will I get!"

In a serious office, Uchiha Ryu is let the imagination run wild like this.

"Shisui, how is it, did you find Obito's corpse?"

Sandaime took a puff of smoke, sat in the position of Hokage, and asked Shisui condescendingly.

Kakashi was replaced by Obito for Sharingan. This was a major event in Konoha. Sandaime was also alarmed. Later Shisui led the team to find Obito. Sandaime is also very clear about this.

"Hokage-sama, I did not find Obito's corpse." Shisui answered truthfully.

In fact, quite a few of the people who died on battlefield couldn't find the corpse, but Obito is different. It was Uchiha Clan of Sharingan who Awakening.

living, then must see the person, dead, then must see the corpse.

In case the Sharingan on its corpse falls into the hands of another country, it will be quite troublesome.

So Sandaime asked about the situation at that time. Apart from telling Shisui to continue to pay attention to this matter, there were no other methods.

"Hokage-sama, there is one more thing to report to you!"

After talking about Obito, Shisui suddenly said grave expression incomparably.

Sandaime is not surprised by this. After all, if it is just a mission briefing to report Obito to himself, Shisui can come alone.

But now Shisui not only brought Kakashi, but also Nohara Rin and another Genin, obviously something else.

"Say it." Sandaime said.

"On the way back, we encountered an ambush by Hidden Stone ninja, an elite team led by Five-Tails Jinchuriki Han."

"Five-Tails Jinchuriki Sandaime, who has always been calm as a mountain, finally revealed a look of shock at this moment.

Even Jinchuriki has been dispatched. Isn't this too ridiculous in Hidden Stone's battle?

Know that Hidden Stone's other Jinchuriki left the village early because of disagreements with Tsuchikage. In this case, how dare Hidden Stone dispatch the only Jinchuriki?

The courage is not small.


Can even Jinchuriki deal with Shisui now?

"Shisui, you face the chase of Five-Tails Jinchuriki, and you can lead Kakashi and the others to escape successfully. I didn't mistake you."

Sandaime's tone of voice In, with the appreciation of a faint trace, at the same time, there is also the fear of a faint trace.

Shisui's strength is too strong, except for Kotoamatsukami's extremely abnormal Genjutsu, and its own fighting strength is also so amazing.

Fortunately, this person is on the side of the village, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble.