
Konoha:Opening Sign In to Rinnegan {Naruto Fanfiction}

Reborn on an ordinary Shionin of the Uchiha clan, Ryu thought he was going to spend a life of inaction, but he did not expect to bind the sign-in system. Check in at Kannabi Bridge and get reward [Rinnegan ] Check in at Hokage Residence and get reward [Flying Thunder God Jutsu ] Check in at Valley of the End , Get reward [Sage Body ]

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 64

Konoha-Opening Sign In To Rinnegan Chapter 64

Yes, it's gold.

"Fortunately, Kazekage-sama's Magnet-Style can control Gold Dust, otherwise the financial crisis of the village will not be solved at all."

Baki looked at Fourth-Kazekage Rasa, which is working hard to "gold" , In the heart can't help but sigh secretly.

Hidden Sand Village was originally extremely poor because of the yellow sand everywhere. After a war, other villages will not be broken, but Hidden Sand Village is really a bit unsupportable.

To make matters worse, Land-of-Wind is still at this critical moment, reducing its financial expenditures for Hidden Sand Village.

Forcing Rasa, the dignified Kazekage, has to use his Kekkei Genkai to make money for the village.

How can it be a tragic word.

Kekkei Genkai is such a rare thing, is it used for this kind of thing?

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Suddenly the silhouette flashed by, and several Kazekage ninja used Body Flicker Jutsu to appear next to Rasa.

One of them reported anxiously: "Kazekage-sama is not good, Shukaku, it is resurrected!"

"What, it happened at this time!"

Regardless of whether it is Rasa or Baki, the complexion has changed.

Shukaku's Jinchuriki Bunpuku has been dead for more than two years, and Shukaku, who was sealed in Bunpuku's body, also died along with it.

But Tailed Beast, after all, is a lifeform purely composed of chakra, and they will be resurrected after they die.

But the time of resurrection is only a general range, and no one can determine the specific time.

Based on past experience, Shukaku's resurrection should be in this year.

It stands to reason that Rasa should sit in the village personally and be prepared for this at any time. After all, only Rasa can suppress Shukaku in the entire village.

However, the financial situation of the village is urgent, and Rasa has to take time out to pan for gold.

As for Shukaku, I can only pray silently in the heart that my luck will not be too bad, and I will be resurrected when I am out of the village.

It turns out that Rasa's luck is not so good.

"Go back to the village!"

With such a major event, Rasa could not care about the gold panning and rushed back to the village as quickly as possible.

It's just that when they went back, they only saw a mess in one place. Shukaku had long since disappeared without a trace.

Chapter 53 Special Sign-in Event

"What movement?"

"I can feel that in the woods ahead, there is a huge The power is hidden, what is it?"

After everything was done, he was about to go back to Ryu in Konoha, and was suddenly attracted by a huge movement of unfathomable mystery.

bang bang bang!

He could clearly feel that the ground was shaken, as if some huge force was beating the ground one after another.

And looking around, the trees in the woods were continuously destroyed by a strong force, and fell continuously one after another.


At this time, a big tree was directly hit by a shadow, and a huge monster rushed out of the woods.

"This is... Shukaku?" Ryu recognized the sacred "Grumpy Bear" in front of her at a glance.

"No, to be more precise, it is Shukaku in a violent state."

Ryu in the heart shook the shaking ones head, although I felt a little strange about it, But I'm not going to take care of it either.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with me.

bang bang bang!

The ground hits one after another. Shukaku rushed out of the woods and found Ryu, so he instinctively rushed towards Ryu.

The Shukaku who had just been resurrected, was attacked by the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village, and he was completely furious.

In this state, as long as any ninja appears in his sight, no matter who it is, he will instinctively rush over and tear it apart.

"Special sign-in event is detected to be activated!"

"Special sign-in event: One-Tails Shukaku appears. Just fix Shukaku in the same place for more than 30 minutes and it will A new sign-in location is formed-Shukaku location."

Just as Ryu was about to use Kamui to leave, the sign-in system in his mind suddenly heard such a reminder.

After Ryu froze for a while, she became excited.

The particularity of Tailed Beast in Naruto is of course needless to say. In the past, Ryu actually thought about signing in at the location of Tailed Beast, but he sadly discovered that Ninja World does not have such a location.

Now Tailed Beast, they all stayed on Jinchuriki well.

You can't sign in with Jinchuriki, right?

Ryu didn't expect that this problem will one day be solved.

"Stop Tailed Beast for 30 minutes?"

Ryu couldn't help laughing. Even before, he could use Genjutsu to control Tailed Beast.

Not to mention that you now have Senjutsu again, you can use Sealing Jutsu like Sage Art Myojin to seal Tailed Beast.

For the Tailed Beast, which is generally regarded as a Great Desolate beast by the general ninja, Ryu is actually not a big deal anymore.

bang bang bang!

In a blink of an eye, Shukaku rushed in front of Ryu, raised his front paws, and fiercely patted Ryu.

However, she passed directly through Ryu's body.

Shukaku was slapped for a while and couldn't stop. A staggered paw hit the ground, and directly shot the ground out of a huge pit.

Then Shukaku became more irritable, and switched a figure, and continued to rush towards Ryu.

Originally, Ryu planned to directly use Genjutsu to control Shukaku, but he didn't do so because Ryuwanted to try the Senjutsu Sealing Jutsu of Myojinmon.

[A/N:Check out

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in Uzumaki_Kushina_21 ]