
Konoha:Opening Sign In to Rinnegan {Naruto Fanfiction}

Reborn on an ordinary Shionin of the Uchiha clan, Ryu thought he was going to spend a life of inaction, but he did not expect to bind the sign-in system. Check in at Kannabi Bridge and get reward [Rinnegan ] Check in at Hokage Residence and get reward [Flying Thunder God Jutsu ] Check in at Valley of the End , Get reward [Sage Body ]

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 16

Konoha-Opening Sign In To Rinnegan Chapter 16

"Konoha's Genin...is this level?"

kira looked at the corpse of his companions around him, but felt that his worldview was about to collapse .

Subconscious looked around and took a look. The Genin who abused them battered and exhausted has disappeared without a trace.


Three kilometers away on a deserted street, Ryu used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape, and as soon as he appeared, he began to breathe heavily.

The violent and indiscriminate bombing of kira and his colleagues just now was still very costly.

There was even a Military Rations in the middle.

Even so, kira didn't kill all of them, which shows the weakness of his current Chakra Reserves.

"Military Rations can't eat too much continuously. It's almost enough. Next, find a place to hang on." Ryu made a decision and quietly used Flying Thunder God Jutsu , Returned to his room.

He has decided not to intervene in the next Konoha affairs, waiting for the development of the situation.

Even if Konoha is really destroyed by Hidden Stone, it has nothing to do with Ryu.

But again, with Hidden Stone's current strength, if you want to destroy Konoha simply impossible, Konoha will kill all these Hidden Stone ninjas sooner or later.

It's just time.

Ryu guessed right. When Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that he had been tricked by Hidden Stone, he immediately ordered someone to immediately send a message to battlefield.

Namikaze Minato immediately used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to rush over, Shisui, Ino–Shika–Cho three clans Clan Leader and other people also took people back.

The invasion of Hidden Stone Village ended in failure.

Onoki hurried away from Konoha with Hidden Stone's elite.

Then the Hidden Stone ninja army in Land-of-Grass also began to withdraw and returned to Hidden Stone Village.

The news came back, Konoha was very excited up and down, Hidden Stone paid so much before, spent so long, finally pushed the army to Land-of-Grass.

Now all at once withdrawn, doesn't this mean that the war is about to end?

And the victorious party is Konoha!

Whether it is a ninja or a commoner, it can be said that they are in a good mood. The atmosphere of Konoha these days has been quite enthusiastic.

Only Ryu was indifferent to this. Firstly, not long after he was reborn, he basically had no sense of belonging to Konoha.

Secondly, as a transmigrator, Ryu knows that after the war with Hidden Stone is over, Hidden Mist is still waiting.

But these have nothing to do with Ryu.


Hokage Residence.

Sandaime Sarutobi Hiruzen, senior consultants Homura, Koharu, Uchiha Fugaku, Ino–Shika–Cho three clans Clan Leader and other Konoha high levels are all listed.

Of course, Shimura Danzo, the old thief, is also indispensable.

"Hidden Stone's ninja troops have all returned to Hidden Stone, apart from this, they have no other movement."

"According to our information, Hidden Stone is now consuming natural resources. Too big, Land-of-Earth is very dissatisfied with Hidden Stone and no longer supports Hidden Stone to continue fighting."

"Our spy in Hidden Stone Village also sent back news, and now there is a truce in Hidden Stone Village. The voice is relatively high."

"If nothing happens, it shouldn't be long before Hidden Stone will propose to us to negotiate an peace treaty."

Nara Shikaku is in As everyone watched, they reported to Sarutobi Hiruzen one by one.

Everyone in the office is also very excited to hear the news of Nara Shikaku.

"The more this kind of time, the less careless, Shikaku, continue to closely monitor the movements of Hidden Stone. If we do not sign an armistice treaty, we will not relax."

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke slowly.

Nara Shikaku and other people are all nodded to agree.

After everyone discussed some other things, they went away.

In the office, only Sarutobi Hiruzen is left.

This old smoker took out a few sips of dry tobacco, and slowly walked to the balcony outside, but said softly: "someone comes!"

An Anbu person Immediately use Body Flicker Jutsu to appear, kneel down on the ground: "Hokage-sama!"

"I want you to investigate in secret, whether there is any hidden strength expert in Konoha, at least Elite Jonin Level "

Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered.

That day, all the elites of Konoha went to battlefield. Apart from Orochimaru and Danzo, there were no other experts in the village.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that it was not these two people who shot, and even if these two shots, it is impossible to make Onoki such a difficult situation.

There must be someone else who made the shot.

Just, among Konoha, who else can do this kind of thing?


Since Onoki failed to invade Konoha, Konoha has fallen into a brief period of peace.

Ryu worked in the Konoha Guard as usual, and checked in at various special locations in the village with the help of her position.

"system, sign me in!"

On this day, Ryu patrolled outside the Konoha Archives Library, so he stood still and signed in decisively.

"ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and getting Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Multi Shadow Clone is indeed a relatively powerful Ninjutsu, but it's a pity, not just who Can be used.

With Ryu's current Chakra Reserves, it is estimated that two Shadow Clones will not be able to hold it. This thing is simply developed for people with physique like Naruto.

"This thing can still be used if the Sage Body is checked out in the future, otherwise it can only be used as a display."

Ryu thought to himself and continued to patrol casually.

After finishing a day of work, he still went to the training stadium habitually to train Taijutsu with Might Guy.

In this way, every day for work, sign-in, and training, half a year passed in a flash.

[A/N:- If any mistakes let me know in comments ]

Have a good day