
Konoha: Naruto Taught By Aizen

[Disclaimer.] this is not my story just an MTL and I upload it "No one stands in the sky in the first place." "Whether it's Hokage or the God of Ninja World." "But the Throne of the Sky has been empty for too long." "From today, I will stand in the sky." Over Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki's hairspray hand touched the hanging bangs, revealing sharp eyes. The boiling blue light descended from the night, pulling Naruto Uzumaki away from the sky. In Konoha Village below, countless ninjas looked horrified and unbelievable. Iruka: "Impossible, you are not that gentle Naruto, who are you?" Kakashi: "The disciple I know is a gentle boy who will always take care of, protect others, and inherit the will of fire." Sasuke Uchiha: "Naruto, you pulled me out of the abyss, but why are you leaving now? Damn it, even if I break your limbs, I, Sasuke Uchiha, will bring you back!" PS: A Naruto who was not influenced by Ashura Chakra, and was taught by Aizen. He was gentle and elegant since childhood, but was actually ambitious and scheming.

1st_KING · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Be Her Light

Konoha: Naruto, who was taught by Aizen in the sixth chapter of the main text, became her light "Hey, you guys, is it fun to bully girls?" Naruto said loudly.

The daily activities of bullying were interrupted, and several bear children looked unhappy.

They turned their heads to look at Naruto, and burst into laughter.

"Isn't this the Nine Tails demon fox? Why is it suddenly so hard-hearted now."

"Do monsters also engage in heroes to save beauty these days?"

"Didn't I beat you, your skin is itchy?"

These bear children should be the people who are most familiar with Naruto.

In the past, they all gave Naruto a three-day beating package and a two-day small beating package.

They seldom see Naruto since Naruto changed.

Now seeing Naruto crushing them regardless of temperament and appearance, an emotion called jealousy is brewing in his heart, and he wants to beat Naruto hard.

Naruto sneered in his heart when he saw the bear child who was eager to try.

These bear children can be regarded as the shadow of their childhood.

Back then, being stuck in a corner and being beaten was routine.

Those Anbu ninjas who protect themselves never intervene, they just watch from the sidelines.

He didn't appear until he was about to hit the dead hand, and sent a fluttering sentence: "Stop hitting."

This move naturally contributed to the prestige of the bear child.

Until one day, when he fought back with all his strength, he knocked out two of the first bear child's teeth.

For this, he also paid the price of becoming a pig's head.

But at least from that day onwards, the bear children didn't come to find fault very much.

As Aizen says, kindness only makes others worse and needs to be resolved with violence in the right circumstances.

Now the bear boy doesn't bully Naruto, but turns his head and starts bullying others.

Seeing this scene, Naruto couldn't hide his disgust.

"The garbage should be thrown into the garbage heap. Standing here to breathe the air is the loss of Konoha." He put away his gentle smile and his eyes were sharp.

Raise your fist, swoosh is count.

The fist that attaches to Reiatsu is astonishingly deadly.

One punch each, the rain and the dew are all soaked.

Several children with blood all over their faces sat on the ground crying loudly, and the child in the lead lost three teeth.

Okay, now, the words are going to leak.

Naruto silently watched the bear children cry for five minutes without continuing to attack because he knew that Anbu would not allow it.

The so-called protection is just to ensure that you don't die.

After the bear children had enough crying, Naruto showed a gentle smile, pulled them up, and said in a tone like a big brother: "It is very impolite to bully other people's appearance, we are all reasonable Konoha residents, no Will use the savage way of fisting, right?"

In the eyes of the bear children, Naruto's elegant and gentle smile made them shudder, making them hurriedly nodded.

"Then what should you do next?"

"Then me, I'll go?" The head child sobbed.

Naruto's hand on the bear boy's shoulder tightened suddenly.

"Dao, Tao, apology." The bear boy was in pain and hurriedly changed his tune.

"If you know what you're wrong, you're a good boy." Naruto released his hand and gave him a look.

"Yes, I'm sorry." They walked up to the girl and whispered.

"Be louder, and apologize with sincerity." Naruto reminded him intimately behind him.

The bear children only felt cold on their backs, hurriedly bowed hard, and shouted: "I'm sorry."

"Remember, be a good boy." Naruto watched the bear cubs stagger away, turned to look at Hinata, and gave a gentle, harmless smile: "Are you alright?"


It was an unforgettable day for Hyūga Hinata. She walked out of the clan alone, thinking about going to sell some snacks on the street, but was stopped by a few arrogant children halfway.

Hinata recognized the children.

They are a small group in Konoha and like to bully other children.

They pushed themselves and cursed themselves with vicious language.

When she was bullied, she saw a gentle and handsome boy appear like a hero, defeated the bad guy and saved herself.

The young man was so gentle and his smile was so sunny.

"I'm sorry." Tears flashed in Hinata's eyes when he heard the apology from the bear children, and he looked at Uzumaki Naruto tearfully.

It was not a tall figure, but it was reassuring.

"Thank you, what's your name?"

Hyūga Hinata asked Naruto glutinously.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto gently rubbed Hyūga Hinata's small head.

This action made Hyūga Hinata's face turn red as if it was steaming.

"Remember, kindness is a good quality. But sometimes the better you talk, the more you get bullied, and the harder it is to talk, but you don't get bullied." Naruto's gentle words sounded in Hyūga Hinata's ear: "I hope to see it next time. By your time you are no longer the airbag."

"I am leaving, bye."

Hyūga Hinata hurriedly raised her head, only to see Naruto's figure disappearing at the intersection of the street.

She stood there in a daze, Naruto's words echoing in her mind.

"Aren't you going to be an air bag anymore?"

"Miss, are you alright?" At this moment, Hyuga's guard stood in front of Hinata and asked nervously.

As the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, Hinata was originally accompanied by guards when she went out.

But today Hinata ran out of the clan without permission, and the clan leader hurriedly dispatched guards to look for him after discovering it.

As a result, the guards saw a few crying bear children near the street entrance, running and complaining: "Damn Nine Tails demon fox, damn white-eyed monster."

White-eyed monster? !

This must be talking about Miss.

The escort and the master were eager, and hurried over regardless of punishing these bear children.

Hinata ignored the guards and kept her eyes on the street where Naruto had disappeared.

"Thank you, Naruto-kun."

After today, Hinata's father, Hyuga Hiashi, was pleasantly surprised to find that his daughter who used to be submissive suddenly became diligent and began to practice Gentle Fist.

He even said to himself, "Father, I want to practice, I want to become stronger, so that I won't be bullied by others."

This change made Hiashi very gratified, and even praised Hinata fiercely.


the other side.

"The Hyuga girl with a weak personality and the guards follow her. She should have a high status and is a person worth making friends." Naruto thought to himself while walking on the road.

Before leaving, his Reiatsu sensed the rapidly approaching ninja.

In order to avoid trouble, he decisively bid farewell to Hinata.

During his absence, he also met with the Hyuga guard.

A young ninja in his twenties also has white eyes.

It should be that girl's bodyguard.

The Hyuga family is a wealthy family that rivals Uchiha, and the white eyes are as famous as Sharingan.

It can be seen that that girl can be a very good bargaining chip in the future.

Thinking of this, Naruto's mouth twitched slightly.

He has planted the seeds for the girl to become stronger, and he hopes that she can live up to his expectations when they meet next time.

"Work hard to become stronger, so that you are qualified to be my pawn."

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