
Konoha: Naruto and Menma Comparison

The original world. Naruto Uzumaki embraces the will of fire and becomes the Konoha’s Seventh Hokage. The Sage who was able to defeat the "god" could not protect his son. In the end, He was sealed in a different space. Menma Uzumaki of the parallel world. Hashirama Senju : "This kid is a ruthless character." Madara Uchiha: "His approach seems to be more effective than Infinite Tsukuyomi." Kushina Uzumaki: "Well done Menma, it's up to you to revive the Uzumaki clan." This is a translation not my original work, If there is any mistakes in my translation please feel free to point them out I'll fix them.

Dannycifer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

08 Who is real.....Menma or Naruto?


[This prize quiz, congratulations to Onoki, Gaara, and Fourth Raikage A for their correct answers.]

[Congratulations to Onoki for winning the reward, Age has been reversed by ten years.]

[Congratulations to Gaara for winning the reward, The influence of One-Tailed Beast Shukaku has been eliminated now there is no fear of his rampage while sleeping.]

[Congratulations to Fourth Raikage A for winning the reward, Physical skills have been strengthened.]


Iwagakure's Onoki is ten years younger?

Hiruzen Sarutobi on the high platform trembled suddenly.

This is the result he dreamed of, who would not want to have another ten years in their dying years?

"Sarutobi-Sensei looking at your excited and hopeless appearance makes me feel joyous."

Orochimaru saw through Hiruzen's mind at a glance, and couldn't help feeling contemptuous.

Isn't it just prolonging the time to live for ten years?

Do you need to be so excited?

Hashirama: "Oh! It turns out that answering questions can really be rewarded."

Tobirama: "Brother, we can't believe it, after all..."

Onoki: "Second Hokage, Believe me, I have become younger, and I feel that now my waist doesn't hurt and my legs don't feel sore."

Fourth Raikage A: "Hahaha, I haven't tried it yet, but there was indeed a force rushing into my body just now. I want to move my body after watching the scene."

Gaara: "...."

Shukaku: "Damn it! If Gaara falls asleep and I can't come out, wouldn't I be completely sealed by this guy?"

Fourth Kazekage Rasa: "Unforgivable, Gaara is an important weapon of war for our Sunagakure, without the power of Shukaku, what will we do..."

Gaara's sleeping technique is to use the sleeping gap to release Shukaku.

Shukaku would always take advantage of Gaara's deep sleep to go berserk, and he didn't want to stay in Gaara's body every day.

In terms of combat, preventing Gaara's sleep technique is preventing the One-Tailed Beast from showing up.

It seems to weaken Gaara, but in fact, it gives Gaara the right to take a good rest.

Poor Gaara hasn't had a good night's sleep since birth.

However, it does not seem to be a matter of considering the rewards now.

At the Chūnin exam site in Konoha, all eyes were on Naruto Uzumaki.

Even though it was clear that Naruto was not like Menma, everyone still asked Naruto subconsciously: "Naruto, did you ever think of taking revenge on the villagers?"

Naruto touched his chin upon hearing this.

"I was just very disappointed at the beginning, so I tried my best to fit in with everyone and tried my best to play pranks."

At the same time, they could hear the bitterness revealed in the other party's tone.

They all fell silent.

It turned out that Naruto was so painful.


Everyone couldn't help turning their eyes to the screen.

Perhaps Menma Uzumaki in the black screen is the real Uzumaki Naruto.

The silly-looking Naruto in front of them is fake.

"Don't worry!"

But at this time, Naruto suddenly laughed and said, "After all, it is me who is being broadcasted, so I naturally know myself."

"Don't worry everyone, I think Menma on the black screen will not retaliate against the villagers."

"I believe in him."

"Now it's just because he's young."

"As expected of my apprentice."

Suddenly, a hearty laughter fell and an arm was placed on Naruto's shoulder.

"Pervy Sage, you're here too."

"I was chasing after Orochimaru, but I didn't expect that guy to do something like this to destroy Konoha."

"But due to the emergence of the viewing system, a large number of ninjas from Otogakure and Sunagakure are staring outside Konoha."

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru who was sitting with Sarutobi-Sensei on the high platform.

Then he turned his gaze to the sky.

Jiraiya smiled but didn't think so in his heart.

In his opinion, after they both met Sarutobi-Sesei, the paths they took were different.

A white framed screen appears-

[Time passes day by day.]

[Naruto became a student of The Konoha Ninja School.]

[In just a few short years, Naruto has turned from a naive child to a "disaster" in Konohagakure.]

[He was mischievous and made the villagers of Konoha Village furious.]

["Ah! My shop."]

["I just bought the flowers yesterday."]

["Damn it, this whole street has been smeared by that bastard."]

["Hey! Look, The Hokage Rock..."]

["The Hokage Rock was also ruined by Naruto."]


[Looking at the streets of Konoha Village, large and small, have become the battlefield of Naruto. ]

[Many villagers jointly reported to The Third Hokage, asking Third Hokage to punish Naruto.]

[Unfortunately, The Third Hokage just used the naughty children as an excuse to fool everyone.]

[Naruto's behavior not only angered the villagers of Konoha Village but also caused headaches for the ninjas.]

That's The Hokage Rock! He really dared to...

Hashirama: "Well, Naruto is a good kid with energy."

Tobirama: "...."

Kushina: "My poor Naruto, this is how you want to fit into everyone's world."

Minato: "Kushina don't be sad, be proud our Naruto is at least lively and cheerful."

Onoki: "Really? Fourth Hokage..."

Minato: "It should be... right?"

Minato Namikaze couldn't understand the pain in Naruto's heart.

From the moment he sealed Nine-Tails inside Naruto and made his son a Jinchūriki, he knew that something similar might happen to Naruto.

But Minato chose to believe in Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Because the identity of Kushina being a Jinchūriki was well hidden, many people didn't know that.

It's a pity that it was beyond Namikaze Minato's imagination. He didn't expect Naruto Jinchūriki's identity to be leaked from the very beginning.

Shinigami space.

Minato was puzzled.

When he sealed Nine-Tails into Naruto, only Hiruzen and two Anbu members were present.

Hakke no Fūin Shiki (Eight Trigrams Sealing Style) was sealed by him himself, and no rampage could occur in the past few years.

Together with the top management of Konoha, not many people should know the identity of Naruto.

"Who the hell revealed the secret..."

"Could it be the masked man who wanted to destroy Konoha?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dannycifercreators' thoughts