
Konoha: Naruto and Menma Comparison

The original world. Naruto Uzumaki embraces the will of fire and becomes the Konoha’s Seventh Hokage. The Sage who was able to defeat the "god" could not protect his son. In the end, He was sealed in a different space. Menma Uzumaki of the parallel world. Hashirama Senju : "This kid is a ruthless character." Madara Uchiha: "His approach seems to be more effective than Infinite Tsukuyomi." Kushina Uzumaki: "Well done Menma, it's up to you to revive the Uzumaki clan." This is a translation not my original work, If there is any mistakes in my translation please feel free to point them out I'll fix them.

Dannycifer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

03 Naruto can't afford Ramen

Why is there a child Naruto on the screen?

Everyone in the ninja world doesn't understand the meaning.

Moreover, regarding the black screen that disappeared just now, they don't quite understand what happened.

Hashirama Senju: "Son of Fourth Hokage, isn't he someone from our Konoha, hahaha..."

Fourth Raikage A: "Could it be said that the content played is the son of Fourth Hokage?"

Third Tsuchikage Onoki: "Hehe, Won't this make that old monkey die of excitement, the screen shows people from Konoha."

Tobirama Senju: "I don't agree with your statement, it's just the beginning. Who knows what will happen in the future, and no one knows the authenticity of this video."

At least judging from the scene where the chat room recognized relatives just now.

Uzumaki Naruto is now twelve.

But the child in the picture is only three or four years old.

Only Hiruzen Sarutobi frowned.

This scene seemed familiar to him.

Naruto, at that age, did occasionally like to lie on the big mountain of Hokage Rock, looking lonely and looking at the sky aimlessly.

[Several eagle howls are heard from the sky. ]

[Several eagles soaring into the sky instantly attracted Naruto's immature eyes. ]

[His lonely look is also smiling because of the eagles flying in the sky. ]

[After the eagle flew away, Naruto pursed his lips and carefully returned to the village market from the trail behind the mountain. ]

[On the street, Naruto put his hands in his pockets, walking forward aimlessly. ]

["Hey, it's him..."]



[The voices of villagers whispering to each other can be heard from both sides of the street. ]

[Naruto seemed to turn a blind eye to the whispers, maybe because the voice was too low, he didn't hear it. ]

[At this time, a ball slowly rolled to a stop in front of him. ]

[ Seeing this, Naruto hurriedly leaned down smiling, and grabbed the ball on the ground wanting to return it. ]

["Hey, it's terrible."]

["The way he looks at you is so scary."]

["Hey, you can't play with him."]

["No one knows what he will do to you."]

[The ear-piercing voices were getting louder. ]

[The smile on Naruto's face gradually disappeared, and the ball in his hand fell to the ground as soon as he let go of it. ]

[He didn't say anything and continued to walk forward. ]

["smell good..."]

[A pleasant voice came into his ears, followed by bursts of tangy aroma.]

[Naruto looks up in the direction of the aroma. ]

[Ichiraku ramen restaurant. ]

[This is the most popular ramen restaurant in Konoha, and many ninjas like to come here to eat ramen. ]

[Naruto stands alone at the entrance of the ramen restaurant, looking inside with a yearning expression. ]

[That lonely figure seems to be more lonely and helpless than the black-clothed man squatting in the corner of the ramen restaurant smoking a cigarette. ]


[The tangy aroma made Naruto feel hungry. ]

[He fumbled in his pocket. ]

[Several coins suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. ]

[Looking at the few coins in his palm, Naruto silently took them back and then hurried towards his home. ]

["Hey, it's him, the one who killed Fourth Hokage."]

["Damn fox, why did he appear in the village."]

["I don't know what Third Hokage thinks, why should he keep him."]

["Hush, keep your voice down, the word demon fox is forbidden to discuss."]


indifference, exclusion, abuse, the demon fox

On-screen, Uzumaki Naruto's lonely and ostracized scenes all say one thing.

Especially ninjas who have experienced this phenomenon know exactly what happened.

The identity of Naruto is not only Fourth Hokage's biological son but also Konoha's secret weapon, Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

Third Tsuchikage Onoki: "So that's it, this boy is Jinchūriki from Konoha Village."

Mei Terumi: "Jinchūriki, no wonder the villagers' eyes are so indifferent."

Gaara: "All those faces, damn it!"

Temari: "Gaara..."

The on-screen moment seems to poke Gaara in the heart.

He understood what Naruto's smile meant.

It's nothing more than wanting to mingle with the children in front of him, just like myself back then.

He also smiled and wanted to make friends with the others, but what he got in return was the other person's indifference.

Gaara: "These guys..."

Kushina Uzumaki: "Wait a minute! Can someone explain to me if this video is true or not? How was my son's identity as a Jinchūriki exposed."

Tobirama Senju: "Are you from the Uzumaki Clan? You should be from Mito's family. Please be patient, we must understand the authenticity of this viewing."

Kushina Uzumaki: "Also, why doesn't Naruto even have money for a bowl of ramen? Naruto, do you remember that you had this experience?"

Naruto Uzumaki: "Me? Hmm...I honestly forgot."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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