
Konoha, I Am Super Talented

This year, the God of Ninja shines on Konoha with the last afterglow. This year, the future Konoha Sannin just entered the school gate. This year, Jingle Zhenyang, who had just arrived in the Hokage world, officially started his legendary journey. Growing up with Tsunade's childhood sweetheart, he was valued by First Generation and Second Hokage, and has shown talent beyond ordinary people since he was a child. Rising in World War II, overthrew the teacher Third Generation and established itself as the Fourth Generation, and then opened the road to hegemony in the ninja world in the Third World War. Blooming in the slaughter, the fiery red lotus finally burned everything in front of it. He is hailed by the ninja world as the second god of war after Shura in the ninja world, and he is the man who limits Feilu battlefield with Lava Style Bloodline. "Uchiha Madara, your Fire Style is only suitable for lighting candles at my birthday party!" Zhenyang fired at Uchiha Madara on the battlefield.

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30 Chs

Chapter 19

The next day, when Zhenyang announced that the future teaching tasks would be handed over to Tsunade, Shi Shiran left the classroom regardless of other people's reactions.When he came to a big tree in the back mountain, he raised his head and looked at the 20-meter-tall trunk in front of him. Zhenyang rubbed his chin and said:"Just this one, the height should be enough."After listening to Senju Tobirama's instructions yesterday, Zhenyang decided to focus on the cultivation of Chakra's control ability. The time for basic physical exercise and reaction training was halved, and the extra time was used to train control ability.It's not surprising that Zhenyang has such an idea. If his cell strengthening technique can really be realized, then maybe he can make his body stronger automatically while lying down in the future. Isn't it more fragrant than spending a lot of time exercising now?If ninjutsu is invented by then, but I can't learn it because I don't have enough control, that will be the most depressing thing for me.And Zhenyang believes that with his own learning ability, it is not difficult to improve his control.Zhenyang was very inflated, and felt that this training was easy for him.After retreating more than ten meters, taking a deep breath, Zhenyang quickly ran towards the big tree.When he was less than one meter away from the big tree, Zhenyang jumped suddenly, stepped on the tree trunk firmly with his legs, and then ran up.This is one of the methods entrusted to Zhenyang by Senju Tobirama, that is, by controlling Chakra to attach to the feet and generate adsorption force on the big tree, so that he can run on the tree trunk like a flat surface.When you can successfully walk on the tree freely, it means the success of this training, thus starting the next stage of treading water training.At the beginning, Zhenyang ran very steadily, but as the altitude continued to increase, Zhenyang's mentality gradually changed.As he got farther and farther away from the ground, Zhenyang began to become flustered. He was worried that what would happen if he slipped and fell?It is estimated to be seven or eight meters high from the ground now, right? If I had known earlier, I should have put a cushion on the ground, and if I fell from such a high place, even if my body could resist it, I would probably be injured a little bit.In a state of confusion, Chakra's control began to weaken.Finally, Zhenyang couldn't control the Chakra under his feet anymore. As the Chakra dissipated, Zhenyang's feet lightened, his body tilted down unconsciously, and then fell straight down.Plop!With the sound, Zhenyang fell heavily to the ground.Gritting his teeth, he stood up, unconsciously hammered his back, and couldn't help crying out in pain."Hiss! It hurts! Falling from such a high place is really not covered, no, I have to make a cushion to protect it."Turning his head and looking around, his mind moved, and he immediately had an idea.After a while, Zhenyang looked at the simple mat made of leaves in front of him and clapped his hands in satisfaction."Okay, now that I have this mat protection, I can start practicing with confidence."It has to be said that Zhenyang seems to have no restraints since he lost his psychological burden. In just three hours, he has made rapid progress. Now Zhenyang has been able to run up to a height of 19 meters, leaving only one m can complete the training.Standing in front of the big tree, he took a deep breath, then exerted all his strength, and charged towards the big tree for the last time.Close to the tree trunk, take off, Chakra attached to the feet, and began to run at high speed.Feeling the wind flowing in his ears, Zhenyang's heart gradually became calm, and there was nothing in his eyes except the target.Things were going well, and when Zhenyang touched the canopy with his hands, it meant he had successfully reached the top.Standing on the topmost branch of the tree, looking into the distance, Zhenyang was filled with a sense of accomplishment....In the afternoon, after the training of the four of Zhenyang, Zhenyang bandaged Orochimaru's wound while listening to Tsunade enthusiastically promoting his performance as a teacher on the first day."Zhenyang, let me tell you, the students listened to my lecture very seriously today, and they didn't even want to go out after class, and urged me to continue. There was no way, I could only reluctantly speak for two more hours." He raised his head proudly, with a proud expression on his face.Jiraiya on the side twitched.Good guy, you are too shameless, do we dare not be serious?If you don't take it seriously, you will be beaten up. When it's time for get out of class, you still pretend you didn't hear it. Zhenyang finished the lecture in an hour, but you have to talk for three hours. It's too wordy.Jiraiya doesn't know how other people feel, anyway, now he misses the days when Zhenyang gave lectures.Listening to Tsunade's bragging with a smile on his face, he finally bandaged the wounds of the two. Zhenyang clapped his hands and ended today's training.Zhenyang did not go home with Tsunade this time on the grounds that he had something to do with Jiraiya temporarily.When only Zhenyang and Jiraiya were left, Zhenyang suddenly changed his face.Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Zhenyang swooped and threw Jiraiya to the ground.Holding Jiraiya's neck, Zhenyang looked at him with a gloomy expression:"Be honest, what did you do last night?"Jiraiya's complexion changed, and he hesitated immediately. Seeing this situation, Zhenyang immediately affirmed his guess, shook the opponent's head vigorously, and roared loudly."Okay, you bastard! I treat you like a brother in vain. That's how you treat me? Buy a photo and turn into me? Has your conscience been eaten by a dog?""Ah! How do you know?"Seeing the horror on Jiraiya's face, Zhenyang sneered.He has a basis for such a judgment.First of all, when the fake Zhenyang saw him yesterday, the first thing he blurted out was to call him uncle, which meant that he must be from his own generation.And since I have been at home for so long, there are only two juniors who come to my house as guests, namely Tsunade and Jiraiya that he brought back when the school just started.And Tsunade is obviously not a person who likes to read photobooks, so the only one left is Jiraiya who is an lsp.In addition, when Zhenyang asked just now, Jiraiya, who had a 90% possibility, exposed herself instantly, which made Zhenyang very angry.But Jiraiya was not slow to react, and immediately guessed the truth."Yesterday's Uncle Chunshui...it was you!"Zhenyang sneered: "It's your father!"Jiraiya froze for a moment, then became exasperated."Asshole, you tricked me!""We are each other."After a fight, the two finally regained their composure.The disheveled two looked at each other, and Zhenyang said to Jiraiya with a full face of hatred:"Are you talking about you, is there someone like you who cheats brothers? I can't even do this!"Jiraiya rolled her eyes, curled her lips and said, "That's better than cheating on you.""You... Forget it, anyway, you remember it for me. Let's go out to travel the rivers and lakes. If you can use your real name, it's best not to use it. You must know how to build a trumpet for yourself.""I built it, isn't it you?"Zhenyang blew up on the spot, angrily yelling at Jiraiya, who kept arguing with him:"You bastard! Do you know that what you do will increase my risk of exposure? What if my dad finds out?If you want to find someone who doesn't talk a lot and has no interest in this area, it's better to never go to the bookstore, so that the risk of our exposure will be reduced. Do you understand, idiot? "Jiraiya suddenly realized, and finally realized that what Zhenyang said was based on his experience. Zhenyang is indeed relatively high-profile at ordinary times, and the possibility of being recognized is very high.If someone recognizes him, the possibility of exposing himself is very high, so you should find someone who usually doesn't talk much and is quiet..."Zhenyang...you say...how about Orochimaru?"Zhenyang was taken aback for a moment, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared on Shuran's face."I think so."The two looked at each other, and suddenly let out a strange smile.At this moment, Orochimaru, who was walking towards the house, felt a shudder on his back, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.