
Konoha, Gojo Satoru

(chapters are uploaded every day). As the eldest son of the Hatake family,Kaka Xi's elder brother, Hatake Satoru has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi, not only that, but he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritance of Gojo Satoru in the world of magic. As a person on the ceiling of the magic world, he is naturally above the ceiling in the Naruto world. Although he doesn't have the blood succession limit like Sharingan and Baiyan, but he has the most unique six eyes, the blue pupil. "My lovely brother, your brother and I are the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said, the slightly raised corners of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi stand in any desperate situation. You will feel extremely at ease. -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Shisui Uchiha

"This time, you don't need to lead the team, just go by yourself. When you get there, Konoha's ninjas will meet you. Now go and say goodbye to the people you know, and then set off immediately."

"Yes, Oshemaru-sama."

I briefly talked to Mr. Nakajima and the others. They also knew the importance of this mission, so they didn't pester Wu too much. They hugged and said to be safe, and Wu left.

It won't take long from his current location to the place where the mission is located, because there is a sea between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Water. Although there are a few small islands in the middle, they are all unowned objects, which do not belong to Fire. The country of water does not belong to the country of water. If you have to say it, it belongs to pirates.

However, between the two big countries, there is still a small country, that is, the country of Bo.

Satoru ran at full speed for about two days, and finally arrived at the place designated by Oshemaru-sama. After firing a Konoha signal flare, three figures immediately appeared in front of Satoru.

"You are Hatake Gojojonin, right?"

The leader said, looking at the other person's face, he is not very old, he is about the same age as Wu, maybe even a few years younger than Wu.


Hatake Satoru responded.

"Uchiha Shisui, I'm here to meet Hatake Joshin."

Upon hearing the name, Wu was a little surprised.

"Uchiha Shisui, is Shisui instant? I didn't expect that the person who came to greet me was you."

"Where, this is not as good as Hatake Kaminin's title of white devil."

Hearing the name of the Second Secondary School really made Wu's face a little red.

His face has not been cultivated to the level of Gojo Satoru.

"Don't mention this title again. How is the situation here now?"

Upon hearing this question, Zhishui's face immediately became serious.

"At present, the other party has no intention of launching a large-scale attack, but they send small groups of troops to harass us from time to time, and our side also lost a lot of people.

And sneak attacking things like this is the trick that Mist Ninja is best at. "

"Shouldn't the Hyuga clan be called over to deal with Mist Ninja? Their family has a deep hatred against Mist Ninja."

Wu remembers that there is a Kirin who has a white eye of the Hyuga Clan, and the Hyuga Clan's Kirigakure technique against the Mist Ninja also has a great effect.

"I heard that the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan did volunteer to come here, but was rejected by Hokage-sama, as if he was afraid that the Hyuga Clan would be dazzled by hatred."

Zhishui told Zhiwu the gossip he had heard.

"That's why, tell me about our defense."


Although Satoru is only eleven years old now, he is already the supreme commander of this battlefield. As for why he can hold such an important position, it is entirely Orochimaru's recommendation to the third Hokage.

There is also a tinge of guilt from the third Hokage towards Sakumo, plus Satoru's strength is good, and Kirinin did not launch a large-scale attack, otherwise, the position of commanding a battlefield would definitely not be Satoru's turn.

"Well, yes, but remember not to fight alone when you meet Yunin. Even if you meet one person, you must fire a signal flare and let the surrounding troops go to support."


Shisui nodded earnestly. His strength can definitely be said to be among the best among Konoha's ninjas on this battlefield, so Satoru immediately handed over the position of deputy commander to him.

Although this decision may have been hasty, except for Shisui, Satoru can't think of any candidate who can take up this position. After all, the Konoha ninjas currently on the battlefield of Mist Ninja are all lower ninjas and middle ninjas, and there are no upper ninjas at all. several.

But what they are facing may be the entire Mist Ninja Village.

"Brother Wu, is that you?"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind Wu, and Wu had already noticed who it was.

"Long time no see, Kay."

Satoru turned around and said with a smile, next to Kai were Shiranui Genma and Ebisu.

"It's really you, Brother Wu. I heard that you have been promoted to Jōnin. Congratulations."

Kai happily said to Wu that since he came to the battlefield, although Kai has maintained an optimistic expression on the surface, his heart is always worried. After all, people die here every day. Who knows if one day they will be ambushed by Mist Ninja and die. They are also a group of children. Although they are ninjas, they still fear war.

"Thank you, but I did not misread you at the beginning, you have already become a Chunin."

"Haha, thank you Brother Wu for your encouragement all the time."

Kai rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly, showing his big white teeth, and said embarrassingly.

"You two are also very good, and you are already Chunin."

"Compared with you, there is still a big gap."

Shiranui Xuanjian said, with some envy in his tone.

When they were in school before, they looked down on Wu. They usually looked indifferent, and felt like a crane tail, but they didn't expect that when Wu revealed his strength, their strength with the other party would become stronger and stronger. bigger.

If they hadn't taken advantage of the opportunity of this war, they might still be patient now.

They also made a lot of military exploits before they became a Chunin.

"Haha, don't compare yourself to me. You will never surpass me. If you set your goal on Kakashi, there is still hope."

"Kakashi, I will definitely surpass him."

As soon as Kakashi was mentioned, Kai seemed to have been turned on by some switch, raging flames burst out of his eyes, and his aura was even stronger than before.

"Okay, you go on patrolling, I still have things to do."

"Yes, Brother Wu."

After all, Wu left with Zhishui, and he also wanted to have a detailed understanding of the terrain and conditions here.

"The one following Wu is Uchiha Shisui, right?"

Looking at the backs of several people, Shiranui Genjian suddenly said.

"It seems to be him."

Ebisu also pushed his sunglasses.

"It is said that we have a new commander here, so it must be Wu."

Suddenly, Shiranui Xuanma thought of this matter, and said in surprise.

"How is it possible, no matter how powerful Wu is, Hokage-sama will not give such an important position to Wu."

Ebisu said calmly.

"I think brother Wu has the qualifications to be a commander."

The current Kai can be said to have blind worship for Satoru.

"Who were those just now?"

Zhishui asked Wu. Although they had met a few times, they couldn't remember their names. They only knew that they performed well in this war.

At least it is much better than the ninja who entered the battlefield for the first time in the same period.

"They used to be classmates in the ninja school, and they are also a group of talented ninjas."