
Konoha, Gojo Satoru

(chapters are uploaded every day). As the eldest son of the Hatake family,Kaka Xi's elder brother, Hatake Satoru has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi, not only that, but he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritance of Gojo Satoru in the world of magic. As a person on the ceiling of the magic world, he is naturally above the ceiling in the Naruto world. Although he doesn't have the blood succession limit like Sharingan and Baiyan, but he has the most unique six eyes, the blue pupil. "My lovely brother, your brother and I are the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said, the slightly raised corners of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi stand in any desperate situation. You will feel extremely at ease. -----------------------IMPORTANT--------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Eight Tails Appears Again


Everyone went back to hide in the cave they had hidden before, panting heavily, feeling a sense of fear in their hearts.

"However, I didn't expect Wu You to be really strong, and you were able to successfully escape from that monster's hands."

Qiu Daotai said to Wu from the bottom of his heart, and he also respected Wu very much in his heart. If he faced that monster, he might not be able to hold on for a minute.

"Now you can pass the message of mission completion to Orochimaru-sama."

Nara Yoshie spoke.


Then Tokai Yamanaka took out a scroll and used the psychic technique. A little white snake appeared in front of everyone in an instant, and Tokai Yamanaka wrote the main task of this mission on a blank scroll. experience, and stuffed it into the stomach of the little white snake, after which the little white snake disappeared from everyone's sight.

"It's time for us to figure out how to get out of here."

Afterwards, Nara Yoshie said again, after all, they are now behind Yun Nin, and they don't know when they will be discovered by Yun Nin again, and they are always in a very dangerous situation.

"This time we destroyed the Thunder Moon Bridge, Yun Ninja will be more vigilant after all, and it is not so easy to withdraw from the front line again."

Yoshie Nara drew a simple sand map on the ground, trying to find the most suitable place to leave.

"Captain Hatake, what do you think? Which direction should we retreat from?"

"It's good to leave this question to you, after all, you are the brains of our entire team."

Wu sat casually by the side, leaning against the stone wall, with a slightly tired expression on his face. The battle with Ai just now was not as easy as it seemed, and it consumed him a lot. He felt that if Ai fought again If he came to punch a few times, he might not be able to use any lower limit spells.

Every punch of Ai's was getting closer and closer to Wu's body.

And Ai, who returned to the camp, was furious there, but the only thing that made him feel lucky was that no one of their cloud ninjas was killed this time, although some were injured.

"Even Master Ai didn't catch up with them? It seems that Konoha's team really has some skills."

Seeing the gloomy expression on Ai's face when he returned, they Yun Ninja naturally knew what happened.

"That brat."

The figure of Enlightenment kept appearing in Ai's mind, that white-haired kid with special pupils. He had a hunch that that kid would definitely become a big enemy of their Cloud Ninja Village in the future.

However, the opponent's blood inheritance limit, even now, Ai has not found a way to break it.

"Order all cloud ninjas, pay attention to a white-haired Konoha kid wearing a blindfold, and report to me immediately if you find him."

"Yes, Lord Ai."

What he was thinking at this moment in his heart was that it was absolutely impossible for Wu to grow up smoothly.

"Yo, brother, why are you here?"

At this time, a black-skinned kid suddenly appeared next to the crowd, and said in a hip-hop tone.

When he saw this person, Ai suddenly became furious.

"Bi, you bastard, where have you been?"

In the Thunder Dungeon armor mode directly, it's just a punch to Bi's head.

"Yo, bastard brother, why are you beating me?"

Bi, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, said very unhappy, but he didn't dare to fight back against Ai.

"Okay, okay, Master Ai, calm down, Master Bi is back."

Yun Nin on the side hurriedly laughed and fought.

"Bi, use the Tailed Beast Jade, and give me a way out of the place called Thunder Moon Bridge, no, you can blow up this place for me."

Ai Li immediately said to Bi.

He wants to completely open up the border between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Clouds, so that Konoha will no longer be able to carry out such operations.

"OK, leave this to Master Bi."

After all, eight octopus feet grew out of Bi's back, and then his body immediately became bigger, directly turning into a tailed beast mode, eight tails, bull ghost.

I saw the big mouth of the eight tails, and the red and blue chakras suddenly condensed into a small ball above it, and it continued to expand.

"Tail beast jade."

As the sound of the eight tails came out, the tailed beast jade shot out directly from the mouth of the bull ghost, and the Thunder Moon Bridge, which had been blocked, immediately exploded. Wu and the others felt this strong breath.

Everyone hurried out of the cave to check, only to see a huge explosion in the distance, and they could feel the terrifying heat wave here.

"What's happening here?"

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, the distance was beyond the range of white eyes, so Hinata Kakki didn't know what happened.

Only Wu lifted a corner of the blindfold and looked at the direction of the explosion with a solemn expression.

"Mission failed."

These five words came out of Wu's mouth slowly.

"What happened, Captain Hatake."

Nara Yoshie hurriedly asked, before they left, they had already confirmed that the Thunder Moon Bridge was blocked, but why did the mission fail now?

"Could it be the explosion."

Yoshie Nara thought suddenly.

"That's right, Yun Ninja used the power of the Tailed Beast to flatten everything around the Thunder Moon Bridge. There is no barrier between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of the Moon."


Everyone gasped. It would be better if they didn't know what to say. The task they worked so hard to complete was unexpectedly resolved by the other party so easily.

"Resend the message to Oshemaru-sama again, and wait for the next order from Oshemaru-sama."

"Yes, Captain Hatake."

On the other side of Yun Nin, they cheered.

Kirabi, who exited the tailed beast state, panted heavily.

Since I have just mastered the state of complete tailed beast transformation, there is no way to completely control it. Using a tailed beast jade is already the limit. If you force the tailed beast transformation again, it is very likely that you will be killed by the tyrannical Chakra of the tailed beast. Invasion of sanity.

"Sure enough, it's Mr. Kirabi, it's really amazing."

Those cloud ninjas immediately complimented Kirabi that if they wanted to get through the Thunder Moon Bridge again, it would take a long time.

Now it's over in just a few seconds, which has to make people sigh, the power of the tailed beast.

"Nice job, Bee."

Ai directly patted Bi on the shoulder.

Orochimaru at the border of Konoha had just received the news that Wuwu and the others had completed the mission, and then another little white snake crawled over and conveyed the news of the mission failure.

Orochimaru, who had just smiled for a short time, immediately became icy cold.

"What's the matter, Oshemaru-sama?"

Nara who was on the side also asked.

"The mission failed. Yunin used the eight tails and forcibly razed the Thunder Moon Bridge to the ground."