
Chapter 9 The Foundation of Ninjutsu

"As the foundation of Konoha, there are a lot of commissions every day, from taking care of children to assassinations. According to the difficulty of these commissions, they are divided into four levels of ABCD. As a newly graduated Genin, you need to start from the lowest level tasks. After accumulating a certain amount of experience, you will be assigned C-level tasks according to the strength of your squad." The third Hokage explained slowly while smoking a pipe.

"This is your task list for today, and come over and take the task at the same time."




After talking about the eighth class, they walked out of the Hokage office. As an ordinary Genin team, the three generations of Hokage are not interested in showing his kindness. He is very busy. As Hokage, Konoha's number one leader, he needs more to show his majesty.

There are more than a dozen tasks written on the list, all of which are entrusted by ordinary people. As for the cat that Mrs. Daming is always missing, it is not their turn to do it. The task of contacting the dignitaries is more popular among D-level tasks. .

"I divided the tasks into one. Everyone completed 5 tasks today, and today's target was completed. After completing the tasks, we will gather at the old place." He looked at the task list in the same way and began to take them to the task together. At the client, leave one person to complete the task, and the others continue to go to other clients, and basically take them around twice to get acquainted with them, and let the three Mengxin go to the client by themselves.

Everyone has a walkie-talkie in their hands, and they say something on the walkie-talkie. They can only talk about the difficulties encountered in the task.

Looking at the walkie-talkie in his hand, Mu Ke once again felt that the technology in the Naruto world is really magical. In one morning, Mu Ke was basically familiar with the task and could solve it quickly. Weeding, ploughing, delivering goods, picking up garbage by the river, Mu Ke felt that he was doing volunteer work, and of course he was a volunteer with money.

In the past month, Mu Ke has completed more than 100 tasks. According to the laborers who were involved in the previous life, it is really inefficient. Unfortunately, there are only so many tasks that can be taken every day, and they also need to take care of the emotions of teammates. After all, in the eyes of these two little devils, it would be a shame for my dignified ninja, the upper class of society, to do such nonsense.

Mu Ke was actually cultivating during the mission. He was extracting chakra and wrapping the natural energy around his body all the time. The training effect was very obvious. At first, he just practiced secretly. Later, he found that there are not so many people in this world who perceive ninjas. Most people cannot perceive other people's chakras, and Konoha's strongest chakra perception eyes, the Hinata clan, are inside Konoha. You can't just open your eyes.

Not to mention that the senior officials of Konoha are not happy, and the major ninja tribes are not willing to be spied on in the village.

The Hinata clan lives on the edge of the village, and Naruto is also nearby with people to perceive ninjas, which is also related to this. After Sharinyan was destroyed, Hyuga, as the largest ninja clan, was also closely monitored to avoid the fate of the Uchiha clan.

Consuming and exercising chakra a lot every day makes Mu Ke's chakra application more refined. Later, it can be run automatically, and Mu Ke is already a ninja who is getting stronger all the time.

Climbing trees and treading water is a chakra skill that is bound to be used during the mission. For Mu Ke, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

In the original book, Sakura, as the representative of Chakra's fine control, doesn't need to learn these two things at all. For her, isn't it enough to have a hand?

The contents of the book of seals were written by Mu Ke in a small book using simplified Chinese pinyin. As a native, it was impossible for him to understand. The comics were drawn very deliberately on it, and the blank page in the front of the book was written with a daily task list.

So even if it was dropped and found, everyone thought it was just a book to record the task list, with some garbled characters and graffiti in the middle.

Between each mission, Mu Ke would study the above-mentioned sealing technique, and he did not practice the part that recorded the ninjutsu. It was not yet time, and the practice would not explain the source of the ninjutsu.

After figuring out a ninjutsu, he will verify it at home in the dead of night. The scope is not large and the secrets can be kept. Ninjutsu is not his focus, sealing is the focus. It takes a lot of brain cells to study hard every day to get some fur.

I don't know if it is because of being nourished by natural energy, but Mu Ke's mind is getting better and better, and his brain is turning much faster than before.

Studying the book of seals, Mu Ke began to have some vague concepts about Chakra, and gradually understood what the foundation of ninjutsu was?

Is the foundation of ninjutsu chakra? Yes and no. For example, the same ninjutsu will be different in the hands of different people. Can Uchiha Madara's fireball technique be the same as Uchiha's fireball technique?

Maybe some people will say that Uchiha Madara's Chakra is so powerful, isn't Naruto's Chakra not much? As the perfect man of the nine tails, his chakra is definitely not less than Uchiha Madara's, but he just can't beat it, because the foundation of ninjutsu is each ninja's understanding of this ninjutsu, the arrangement and combination, in the same Use a ninjutsu. Everyone is similar, why his is better than yours.

Because his ninjutsu permutations and combinations are better than yours, they are also carbon atoms permutations and combinations, and what others expel is the strength of diamonds, while yours is only the strength of graphite. Therefore, every ninjutsu has its own optimization direction. This is the direction that Mu Ke needs to keep working hard. As long as a ninja can optimize a ninjutsu successfully, it will become the ninja's ultimate move, which is his life-saving measure. Ninjutsu is a secret ninjutsu that cannot be seen through.

Why does the ninja have a huge advantage over the commoners, because this kind of thing like a secret recipe is the strong foundation of the entire ninja, and it is also the foundation for them to settle down.

But everything has two sides. The convenient and clear clan ninja can make a clan ninja stronger quickly, and it will also become a bondage that he cannot get rid of.

Every great ninja is a strong person who has escaped this kind of imprisonment, or is directly the founder of a ninjutsu. The first generation of Mu Dun is the invincible player in the world, and Uchiha Madara's Eternal Sharinyan is also the founder. The second generation created more ninjutsu, but unfortunately died young and did not fully develop the ability of these ninjutsu. The third generation inherited the profound knowledge of the second generation. The title of Doctor of Ninjutsu is not a vain name, and his strongest should be Taijutsu. Unfortunately, as his body gets old, Taijutsu will decline even more than Ninjutsu. Although the fourth generation of Flying Thunder God was invented by the second generation, it was completely developed and turned into an inexplicable ninjutsu. . . There are many more examples to prove this.

What Mu Ke needs most is to find a ninjutsu that suits him, and he has been thinking about it.


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