
Konoha : Adopted by Tsunade

Change people's Destiny and get rewards. Natsume, wielding the Holy Ring of Destiny, finds himself adopted by Tsunade after awakening the rare Wood Release. With newfound purpose, Natsume sets out to alter the destinies of countless individuals, all the while seeking the rewards of his actions. ................................................ Support me. https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato

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Chapter 10: Danzo's incompetence and rage

In the root office.

Danzo Shimura, despite being over fifty years old, remained as active as a young man, personally involving himself in various matters, including the relocation of the Uchiha clan.

"Ryoma," he called out as he flipped through a scroll, "Has the relocation of the Uchiha clan been completed?"

The Nine-Tails Rebellion had caused a great deal of chaos, with the Nine-Tails being the source of the turmoil. The Uchiha clan had come under suspicion due to the appearance of a massive Sharingan in its eyes. At a previous Konoha council meeting, Danzo Shimura had proposed moving the Uchiha clan from the heart of Konoha to the southwest corner, where the ANBU would monitor them continuously.

This decision meant that the Uchiha clan not only had to leave the center of power but also faced a loss of trust. Shimura Danzo's motivation might have been driven by prejudice, but the relocation of the Uchiha clan was a decision reached collectively by the entire Konoha leadership, including Sarutobi Hiruzen. Without this consensus, Shimura Danzo alone would not have been able to implement such a move.

Aburame Ryoma, wearing a black trench coat, stepped in and said, "It's basically completed." "

Danzo Shimura inquired further, "What was the reaction of the Uchiha clan?"

"The reaction was intense. Everyone was reluctant, and several conflicts broke out, but they were all stopped by the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku," replied Ryoma.

Upon hearing this, Shimura Danzo, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't hide an ugly smile. His plan had been executed flawlessly, and he owed gratitude to the mysterious man who had controlled the Nine-Tails.

"The current Uchiha clan is a powder keg, and I look forward to the day it explodes," Danzo mused aloud. He couldn't help but touch his right arm, which bore Hashirama cells and granted him Wood Release. With the Sharingan in his possession, he believed he would become invincible, even capable of defeating Sarutobi Hiruzen, the current Hokage. The position of Hokage would finally be within his reach.

Danzo Shimura's efforts to control and manipulate the Uchiha clan were primarily driven by his desire to obtain the Sharingan, a coveted blood inheritance limit. The Sharingan represented Uchiha Madara, and its power was unparalleled.

However, Shimura Danzo couldn't help but wonder why, despite the Uchiha clan's relocation and the demise of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, things had turned out this way. What should have been two separate, favorable events had somehow combined into a troubling situation.

Danzo Shimura had never imagined that he would witness Hiruzen Sarutobi becoming Hokage twice in his lifetime, and this realization filled him with anger.

"Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen can't remain Hokage for much longer. As long as I obtain the Sharingan before the new Fifth Hokage takes office, everything will be on track," Shimura Danzo thought aloud, his outlook growing more positive.

The circumstances surrounding Sarutobi Hiruzen's Hokage position were only temporary, given Konoha's current situation. Once stability was restored, the selection of a new Hokage would be inevitable. Danzo knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi's days as Hokage were numbered, especially considering his age.

Danzo couldn't help but feel relieved at the thought of Hiruzen's eventual departure, and he pondered, "How much longer can Sarutobi Hiruzen really last? Perhaps a year, if we're lucky? He's already getting old, after all."

With a sense of satisfaction, Shimura Danzo considered the possibilities. However, his mood was about to change abruptly.

"Danzo-sama," a Root ninja suddenly appeared in his office, delivering unsettling news, "A has gone missing, and we've searched everywhere with no sign of him."

Danzo Shimura's smile vanished, replaced by a dark expression. A, the survivor of the Wood Release experiment, was highly valuable to him. A loyal Wood Release subordinate in the making and a potential surprise for Hiruzen Sarutobi were all within reach because of him.

However, A's sudden disappearance posed significant dangers. If he fell into Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands, the secret of the Wood Release experiment conducted by Danzo and Orochimaru would be exposed. This incident could be used against him, allowing Hiruzen to exert more control over Danzo.

"Repeat that!" Danzo demanded sharply, his anger mounting.

"A vanished last night. Despite a night-long search by our Root team members, there's no trace of him, suggesting he most likely left Konoha," the Root ninja explained in detail.

Frustration and anger surged within Danzo Shimura, and he berated his subordinates as "trash." He had placed Yamato in a training base, where he could practice Wood Release in seclusion while being watched over by other Root members. This should have been a secure arrangement, but now, something had gone terribly wrong.

His outburst was futile, as the Root members, trained by him to be emotionless and ruthless, remained unfazed.

"Where's Orochimaru?" Danzo inquired, slowly regaining his composure. Orochimaru was officially part of Root and, along with Aburame Ryoma, served as Danzo's personal bodyguard.

"Orochimaru is conducting experiments at his home," Aburame Ryoma responded.

"Search Orochimaru's residence for any signs of A," Danzo ordered. His suspicion extended to Orochimaru and a select few in Konoha who could thwart the efforts of his Root team. Aburame Ryoma, an expert in detection, was the perfect choice for this task, as his chances of being discovered during the investigation were minimal.

 Natsume found himself growing tired during his time at ninja school. While the practical ninja-related courses were enjoyable, the theory classes left much to be desired. One of the primary topics covered was the history of the Hokage and the concept of the "Will of Fire."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, received the most attention in the textbooks. Natsume suspected that these texts were likely authored by Hiruzen himself, portraying him as the strongest Hokage in history. This portrayal puzzled Natsume, given that Hiruzen had a personal connection with Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, including being the latter's apprentice. Why would he claim to be the strongest Hokage?

After careful consideration, Natsume surmised that this claim was likely a means to solidify the Hokage's status and power within Konoha. Natsume glanced over at Uchiha Itachi, who was listening intently. Perhaps, this concept of the "Will of Fire" was at the core of Itachi's dedication to his village and clan.

 In the original plot, Uchiha Itachi's life was nothing short of legendary. He began killing on the battlefield at the age of four, graduated from ninja school at seven, awakened his Sharingan at eight, joined the ANBU at eleven, and unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan. His tragic story culminated when he killed his father and mother at the age of thirteen, annihilating the entire Uchiha clan.

Natsume recognized the value of interacting with Uchiha Itachi in terms of gaining destiny points. However, he had no intention of recruiting Itachi as a subordinate, recognizing the extreme danger he posed. If Itachi could murder his own parents, he could potentially betray Natsume as well. This made Natsume wary of keeping Itachi around, But there is a suitable person to keep Itachi.

Undoubtedly, Uchiha Itachi's initial destiny point involves joining the ANBU, Konoha's elite ninja force.

Now, Natsume's plan is to steer Itachi's fate towards someone known for adopting orphans, and that someone is not Yakushi Nono but Orochimaru.

However, let's be clear, this isn't about creating a warm and nurturing environment.

Once Uchiha Itachi unlocks the formidable Mangekyo Sharingan, even a squad of ten Orochimarus might not be enough to challenge his power.

The potential interactions between them were bound to be intriguing.

"What's on your mind?" Natsume noticed Uchiha Itachi's unusual reaction and inquired.

"Nothing," Itachi replied, his tone distant.

With a friendly smile, Natsume offered, "How about I treat you to dinner after school today?"

"Thank you, but there's no need," replied Itachi, still maintaining a sense of detachment.

Being a prodigy from the Uchiha clan, Itachi was known for his early maturity, reserved nature, and limited conversational skills. 

In his perspective, there was little common ground for discussion with Natsume. He'd rather spend his time with someone like Uchiha Shisui, delving into more profound subjects such as the Will of Fire.