
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

11. Hayate Sensei and Kenjutsu training

Auther's Note:{ Hey guys! sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday so I'll try to post more today if possible and please guys post a good REVIEW for the story to motivate me more. thanks for readiing, here is the New Chapter cheers!!!!}

After grilling Ryu about his disappearance, Anko finally remembers to inform him about Hayate's agreement regarding kenjutsu training.

Anko," Ryu-kun about your kenjutsu training I talked with an old friend of mine and agreed to teach you." After hearing this bit, Ryu literally launch himself to Anko and hugged her hard and thanking her continuously. Anko hugs him tightly and says tenderly," Anything for my dear otouto."

After the moment, Anko continues,"But Ryu-kun, before teaching you he will test you to gauge your talent and whether you are worthy for wasting his time, so be ready next week at training ground 7, Hayate will test you at 6 am sharp." Ryu with grim determination turns to Anko and answers," Hai nee-chan, he won't be disappointed for wasting his time, besides I don't want to tarnish your name by not performing upto his standard, so don't worry I will show him the miracles of your training and my hard work."

Anko hearing this becomes happy and says," I have complete faith in you my otouto, after all you are my otouto, hpmh."

Ryu hearing this smiles brightly, meanwhile Ino smiles gently hearing the banter between brother and sister duo and says," Me too, Ryu kun, I also have complete faith in you." Ryu thanks her and they parted after this conversation.

Ryu to his orphanage and Ino to her shop to help her mother in closing the shop.

Next day Ryu visits library to search for basic kenjutsu katas for foundation of his kenjutsu training. After going through the book, Ryu decides to practice the katas for entire week.

For 7 days Ryu with his wooden sword practices the basic katas and does routine ninjutsu and taijutsu training, but he focuses more on the katas.

Finally the day of test arrives and Ryu along with Anko and Ino visits training ground 7, where they find a sickly looking man, with sword on his back waiting for them.

Ryu seeing him instantly recognizes him and bows with a smirk," Good Morning, Hayate sensei, thank you in advance for giving me kenjutsu lessons."

Meanwhile Hayate replies with a surprised cough at his confidence," So you are otouto of konoha's Snake mistress, not bad but, I am not your sensei yet so don't bow to me."

Ryu," Don't worry sensei, you will be in few minutes, so lets do your test."

Meanwhile Anko and Ino in background smiles at his confidence and waits for Hayate to begin the test.

Hayate unsealing his wooden sword," Alright then Ryu, be ready with your sword stance."

Ryu with his stance ready," Hai sensei."

Seeing his stance Hayate is impressed that atleast he practiced basic leaf kenjutsu katas and takes position opposite to Ryu with his own sword stance.

Hayate," OK, Lets begin." And launches himself towards Ryu.

Ryu defends with his own wooden sword using his full strength (with seals on) and flips back in the stalemate.

Hayate," hmm, not enough , you are holding back, go all-out or you will be defeated in mere seconds."

Ryu," um, Ok sensei, here goes nothing, while stopping the resistance seals' effect."

Meanwhile Hayate is surprised seeing his speed and defends himself using his sword and comments," Now thats what I was talking about, lets spar a bit."

Then the match continues as Ryu attacks Hayate with his basics while Hayate defends (of-course he is holding back) to gauge his skill.

This continues for a while, then Hayate suddenly attacks making Ryu drop his sword and sword on his neck.

Hayate," Its over", says while withdrawing his sword.

Ryu is still surprised by this sudden outcome and falls down with his head low thinking how lost so easily with any effort from Hayate.

Anko and Ino arrives to his side the very next minute, Ino comforts him while Anko comments," That was very good fight Ryu-kun, against Hayate no one can last that good at your age, even if he is not going all-out."

Hearing this Hayate also pitches in with a cough," Yes, Ryu she is right, good fight btw, So let's discuss our training schedule so it doesn't come in between your academy training and my missions."

Ryu while surprised by Hayate's acceptance, jumps happily and answers," Hai Hayate-sensei."

Hearing enthusiastic reply from Ryu, Hayate with Anko and Ino chuckles quietly and congratulates him for getting new sensei.

And then from that day onwards training continues as Hayate teaches him the leaf sword style, by correcting his stances and having mock spars now and then, when he is not on a mission or with his girlfriend, which he introduced to Ryu.


Ryu while doing warm up for kenjutsu training, Hayate arrives with some one.

Ryu simply tilts his head and asks," Good morning Hayate sensei, who have you brought with you today?"

Seeing the sight of Ryu tilting his head and softly speaking, Yugao thinks in her mind 'he is too cute to be Hayate-kun's student, how did he get so lucky hmph.'

While Yugao was busy analyzing Ryu, Hayate introduces Yugao proudly," Ryu meet my girlfriend , Yugao Uzuki. And Yugao he is my new and very talented student Ryu."

Ryu introduces himself while bowing," Hajime mashite, My name is Ryu Shirokami, 10 and half years old and I am an orphan."

Seeing and hearing this Yugao bends down caressing his soft snow-white hair , speaks with a gentle smile," Nice to you too Ryu-kun, Hayate-kun is pretty lucky to have you as a student, he never stops talking about you these past six months, so I wanted to see you personally."

Ryu smiles happily towards Hayate while Hayate looks away and says," I hope Sensei is telling good things about me."

Yugao hearing this laughs and says," You have no idea, how proud he is of you, he also plans to teach you his personal sword style, oops I wasn't allow to say that! And giggles behind her hands." While Hayate yells at Yugao," You weren't suppose to disclose that."

Hearing this revelation, Ryu is surprised and shocked and feels honored that his sensei is entrusting him with his own precious sword style.

Ryu after seeing Hayate is finished grilling Yugao about secrets, bows to Hayate and says," Hayate sensei, I am honored to be your student and trust you have shown to me by teaching kenjutsu but now also entrusting me with your own style, thank you so much for doing this for me." Finshing emotionally.

Seeing this, Yugao smiles gently while Hayate looks proudly at Ryu and pats his head," Ryu teaching you is never boring but immense joy, seeing you progress so quickly by just seeing and mimicking me, I am very much proud of you and so I have decided to teach you my style, so learn it with pride and use it to defend your loved ones."

Ryu replies fondly with soft voice," Hai sensei, I promise I will become so strong that one day I will protect you as well as Yugao-nee."

Yugao hearing this bends and kisses his forehead and says gently," Yes, Ryu-kun you will definitely surpass Hayate-kun in no time and thank you in advance for Looking out for us."

<Flashback ends>

With this, next six months Hayate teaches his own sword style called Dance of the Crescent Moon , a technique involving him and two shadow clones simultaneously attacking an opponent with their swords at such high speeds, that they create afterimages, making it difficult to avoid.

Seeing first time the sword style, Ryu was beyond shocked and excited that he will be able to perform such powerful and elegant technique and looks at Hayate with admiration in his eyes.

Hayate seeing Ryu looking with stars in his eyes, blushes and covers it with a cough and speaks," Ryu no need to behave as such, you will also be able to perform it with great amount of dedication and practice, so now let's begin.

With completion of the year and Ryu turning 11 year old, he completes his sword training with Hayate and promises him and Yugao-nee (she visits him often) that he will master this technique and defeat them in future.

Yo guys! here is the brand new chapter hope you like it and kindly comment on this chapter and also post REVIEW for my story thank you for reading.

Crimsoneyescreators' thoughts