
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Tian Cong!

March 15, the 39th year of Konoha.

Hideichi Hoshita formally submitted an application for early graduation to the school.

Although it was not as good as Kakashi's graduation at the age of 5, it still attracted a lot of attention.

For Kimura Kuoya and Sarutobi Hiruzen, this was expected, so they reviewed it on the same day.

On the second day, under the gaze of Shizune and others, Hideichi Hoshita entered the examination room prepared for him alone.

The written test was over in 10 minutes.

Hideichi Hoshita had no problem with the assessment of the Three Body Technique.

There were no other programs or accidents, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not come.

Everything was ordinary.

"Congratulations, Hideichi, from today on, you are a real ninja!"

After the assessment, Kimura Kuoya smiled and handed Hideichi Hoshita a ninja forehead protector.

Hideichi Hoshita took it and bowed: "Thank you, thank you for your teaching, Mr. Kimura!"

This thank you was sincere.

Kimura Hiroya answered many questions for him not only in class but also outside of class.

It was because of this that he was able to master all the courses of the Ninja School in advance.

Kimura Hiroya accepted this thank you because he felt that Shuichi Hoshita was a genius he really taught, but Kakashi Hatake was not.

"The road of ninja is full of dangers, Shuichi, I hope you can keep going."

Kimura Hiroya blessed.

Hideichi Hoshita nodded seriously: "Mr. Kimura, I will!"

Kimura Hiroya patted Shuichi Hoshita on the shoulder and smiled: "Go, let your classmates congratulate you. But remember to go to the Hokage Building tomorrow to wait for your team leader."

Hideichi Hoshita bowed and then turned and left, walking out of the examination room.

Shizune immediately stepped forward: "Shuichi, congratulations!"

Then Might Guy, Nohara Rin, Yuhi Kurenai, Sarutobi Asuma and others also gathered around to congratulate.

At this moment, Shuichi Hoshita became the most eye-catching presence.

Uchiha Obito, who was standing at the outermost edge, couldn't help but clench his fists: "Even Shuichi has graduated, Obito, you are a member of the Uchiha clan, you must work hard, and you must catch up with that arrogant guy Kakashi!"

After returning home from school, Shuichi Hoshita suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

From today on, he doesn't have to go to school anymore.

Then the previous plan should also be changed.

In addition.

"Who will be my team leader?"

Shuichi Hoshita was looking forward to it.

He learned from Tsunade that not every newly graduated Genin's guidance and team leader would be a Jonin.

Every year, there are new graduates from the Ninja School, but the number of Konoha's jonin is limited, and it is impossible for all of them to be team leaders.

Therefore, only those with good talents can get guidance from the jonin team leader.

And more of them are actually led by the chunin, which is the general situation.

Because in any ninja village, the backbone is the chunin.

The jonin is the top of every ninja village, a very rare existence, and can stand on its own.

Every jonin not only has extraordinary strength or talent, but also has rich and incomparable mission experience.

Hideichi Hoshita felt that with his performance, he should be worthy of a jonin to lead the team, right?

The team leader of Kakashi is a jonin from the Sarutobi clan.

After thinking about it, Hideichi Hoshita took the jonin tool bag and went out to Tianxiang's store with a senbon in his mouth.

"Hey, Xiuyi?"

Tianyun was surprised to see Xingxia Xiuyi, but then reacted and smiled: "You graduated early!"

Xingxia Xiuyi smiled and said: "Of course."

"Then I have to congratulate you!"

Tianyun said with a smile, and then immediately turned around to take out a wooden box and handed it to Xingxia Xiuyi: "Hey, this is a graduation gift prepared for you, open it and take a look!"


Xingxia Xiuyi hesitated a little, because Tianyun had just given him an exquisite kunai on his birthday not long ago.

Tianyun immediately put his hands on his waist when he saw his look, and said unhappily: "Why, do you want to refuse my gift?"

Xingxia Xiuyi quickly took the wooden box: "Sister, you are not short of money, I will not refuse."

Tianyun was very happy to hear: "This is almost right, open it and take a look!"

Xingxia Xiuyi nodded and immediately opened the wooden box, which was a short knife with a sheath.

Tianyun smiled and said, "This is specially prepared by my sister. You can give it a name!"

Xueyi Xingxia felt that it was not simple, so he took out the short knife, put down the wooden box and drew the knife.

The short knife has a straight blade, and the blade is sharp on one side, which is bright enough to reflect people.

Xueyi Xingxia channeled the chakra, and the blade immediately trembled slightly, and a layer of bright light suddenly appeared on it.

Chakra flowed, but it was unparalleled.

It is indeed a chakra knife!

Chakra knives are not cheap, and they are rare.

Xueyi Xingxia showed a happy expression: "Thank you, sister, this knife is called... Tiancong!"


Tianyun smiled even more brightly and said, "Xueyi, you like it."

The grenade brought great benefits to her and her family. Although she would also share some of the money with Xiuyi Xingxia, it was far from enough. Of course, she had to compensate her little brother.

Looking at Xiuyi Xingxia, Tianyun suddenly felt a little melancholy in her heart.

It's still too small!

But she went out excitedly, and when she came back, she had a leather belt in her hand.

Tied it for Xingxia Shuichi personally, Tianyun smiled and said: "Well, in this way, the Ame-mu can be inserted behind the waist."

"If you have a long sword in the future, you can carry it on your back."

Xiaoxia Shuichi stretched out his hand to try, and it was very convenient to draw the sword, and it would not affect the ninja tool bag.

So he gave up the idea of ​​buying ninja tools, and first mastered the use of the Senbon and the short sword.

After staying in Tianxiang's shop for a while, Xingxia Shuichi said goodbye and left, and came to the place where he often trained alone to get familiar with the use of the Senbon and Ame-mu sword.

At noon, he had a lunch box, and in the afternoon, he took out the scroll of the shadow clone technique to study.

With the foundation of the clone technique, the difficulty of the shadow clone is not high for Xingxia Shuichi, and the key is still the chakra.

In less than an hour, he has basically mastered it.

However, he could only create one shadow clone, which was still quite weak.

After taking out the unpalatable Bingliang Pill and recovering his strength, Hoshita Shuichi immediately created a shadow clone.

In this way, with the main body and the shadow clone, one could practice swordsmanship and the other could practice the use of Senbon.

However, Hoshita Shuichi was also very careful, and tried the use of the shadow clone a little bit, without squeezing it hard to test his ability to bear.

So, the first shadow clone only took 10 minutes.

Fortunately, it was completely bearable.

The second time, 20 minutes.

The fatigue increased significantly, and the memory impact was not small.


"Maybe I can use the memory palace..."

Feeling the memory impact brought back by the shadow clone, Hoshita Shuichi suddenly thought of the memory palace.

Can the memory brought back by the shadow clone be directly stored in the memory palace to reduce the impact on the brain?

"It should be possible."

Hiroshita Hideichi thought: "But we still need to modify the memory palace, add curses and sealing techniques, so that this memory technique can completely become a ninjutsu."

Of course, he also knew that this could not completely solve the dangers brought by the extensive use of the Shadow Clone Technique.

Especially the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, which can be called a forbidden technique.

The biggest harm of this technique lies in physical strength.

One is to divide the chakra equally, and the other is not well controlled, which can easily kill oneself.

Another problem that even ordinary shadow clones will bring.

It is the fatigue brought back by the shadow clone.

This requires a strong physical fitness!

Otherwise, a huge amount of fatigue will hit the body in an instant, which can easily lead to physical collapse.

"Sure enough, the more methods, the more difficulties."

Hiroshita Hideichi sighed.

Turning the memory palace into a ninjutsu and a sealing technique is not easy.

To have a strong enough physical fitness, in addition to exercise, the fastest way is to practice.

"Work hard!"

Hiroshita Shuichi continued to concentrate on his practice.