
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

The script is wrong!

Student life is always carefree, so time flies by inadvertently.

In a blink of an eye, it was July, and with the release of test results, summer vacation also came.

In the final exam, Shuichi Hoshita ranked tenth in the class.

He scored full marks in all written tests, but he lagged behind in ninja tool throwing and practical combat.

And those ahead of him were all talented people like Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi, who were also from the ninja clan.

Don't think that they don't listen carefully in class, but they may be taking one-on-one tutoring in private!

And Uchiha Obito was naturally the last one.

There was no way, he couldn't do the theoretical exam at all.

Nohara Rin had done her best to give him a chance, but it was a pity that Uchiha Obito was useless and couldn't even cheat.

After leaving the school, Shuichi Hoshita was stopped by Shizune.

Shizune asked, "Shuichi, what are your plans for the summer vacation?"

Shuichi Hoshita smiled and said, "I have already made an appointment with Kai and Kakashi to train together."

Kai next to him showed his white teeth and smiled confidently and proudly, "We have already made a training plan, it's called the Summer Campaign!"

"Shizune, why don't you join us!"

Shizune looked at Shuichi Hoshita, with clear eyes full of expectation: "Is this okay? Is it too much trouble?"

Shuichi Hoshita immediately smiled and nodded: "Of course, you are welcome!"

"Starting tomorrow, gather outside the school at 9 am. Um... it's best to bring lunch with you."

Shizune nodded quickly: "I understand, I will definitely be there on time... See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow!"*2!

Shizune waved goodbye and left with a cheerful breath.

Shuichi Hoshita thought it would be nice to have a little beauty to practice with, so as to avoid aesthetic fatigue.

Should we call Yuhi Kurenai, Nohara Rin and the others as well?

Hideichi Hoshita touched his chin and shook his head secretly: "Forget it, women will only affect my concentration in training."

"Let's go, Kai, today's training officially begins!"

Hideichi Hoshita called out.

Might Guy grinned and said: "Hideichi, let's have a competition and see who arrives first!"

At this time, Kakashi appeared: "I'll give the order!"

Hideichi Hoshita bent down directly: "No problem."

Kai also got ready immediately.

Behind them, Kakashi acted as the referee: "1, 2...3, start!"

As soon as the words fell, Hideichi Hoshita started his body in an instant, exerted force with his legs, and the air wave rolled up, and his body rushed out.

Might Guy's reaction was a little slower, but he followed closely, and his explosive power was stronger than that of Shuichi Hoshita. He jumped and came after him, keeping pace with Shuichi Hoshita.

The two jumped in the streets and rooftops, running to the training ground at the fastest speed.

In the back, Kakashi followed, his eyes locked on the two people in front, but he was secretly analyzing: "It's really amazing reaction speed, and it's still improving, but Shuichi's explosive power is not as good as Kai..."

Might Guy had surpassed Shuichi Hoshita at this time, but as he was about to reach the destination, Kakashi's eyes were fixed.

Because Kai's speed decreased, Shuichi Hoshita surpassed Kai.

"Hidden strength?"

Kakashi sped up: "No, Kai's speed has decreased because of his physical strength. Although Shuichi was surpassed by Kai before, his speed has not changed. His physical strength should not be stronger than Kai's, but his recovery ability?"

Studying and analyzing others, this is what Kakashi learned from Shuichi Hoshita.

Soon, the three arrived at the training ground one after another.

Might Guy bent over and gasped, but gave Shuichi Hoshita a thumbs up with one hand: "You are worthy of Shuichi!"

Shuichi Hoshita panted slightly and smiled: "I just distributed my physical strength more reasonably."

If it weren't for the blessing of the term [Strong and Strong], he would have definitely lost just now.

Kai's training volume is greater than his.

After all, Shuichi Hoshita has to spend time learning other content, while Kai focuses on physical skills.

In this case, Kai's progress is obviously better than his.

With a faster recovery speed and more reasonable distribution of physical strength, he won Kai with a little advantage.

With talent and hard work, what can he compare with?

Of course it's cheating!

Hoshita Shuichi's summer vacation started with a game.

And time passed quickly until the afternoon.

Today's training ended earlier than usual, but only at 4 o'clock.

But Hoshita Shuichi did not go home immediately, but instead walked around the most prosperous area of ​​Konoha.

This summer vacation, he must find a source of income. Not to mention making a fortune, but making a little money is a little bit.

"Write a book?"

After seeing the bookstore, Hoshita Shuichi had an idea, but immediately rejected it.

He is not Jiraiya, who has so much time to write a book.

There is not enough time for learning and practicing!

Making money is to become stronger, and we can't put the cart before the horse.

"So, it's better to be related to ninjas..."

Hideichi Hoshita thought to himself, his eyes swept through the shops on both sides of the street.

Learn medical ninjutsu to cure diseases and save lives, and work part-time at Konoha Hospital?

But medical ninjutsu is not so easy to learn.

Suddenly, Hideichi Hoshita's eyes were fixed on a shop selling ninja tools, and then he walked in.

"Little brother, do you want to buy a kunai?"

The one who spoke was a broad-minded young lady. Hideichi Hoshita looked at her for a while, then stared at the young lady with a face full of collagen, watery eyes and rosy lips, blinked and asked: "Sister, do you have anything else here besides kunai and shuriken?"

The shop is not big, and you can see all kinds of kunai and shuriken.

There are also long boxes on the wooden shelves, which may be knives or something like that.

The young lady leaned over, her breasts almost hitting Shuichi Hoshita's face, she pointed to the wooden shelf: "Of course."

"Little brother, do you want to buy wakizashi?"

The aroma of milk filled his nose, Shuichi Hoshita sniffed, then shook his head.

The little sister blinked: "Detonating Talisman?"

"Little brother, are you still a student of the Ninja School?"

"Detonating Talisman is very dangerous for you!"

Hiroshita Shuichi immediately reached out and grabbed the little sister's somewhat cold and soft hand. Relying on his age of less than six years old, his beautiful appearance, and his black and bright eyes, he begged: "Sister is so beautiful, can you sell me one?"

The little sister smiled at Hoshita Shuichi and said: "Although you praised me, I still can't sell it to you."

"But what are you going to do with it?"

"Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Hiroshita Shuichi lowered his head and acted: "Sister, I want to learn how to make detonating talismans and make money."

The little sister was stunned when she heard it.

Hiroshita Shuichi raised his head, his eyes watery: "Sister, I was admitted to the Ninja School from the orphanage, so I want to make money..."

What a pitiful and sensible little guy!

The young lady hugged Xingxia Shuichi tightly, making it almost impossible for him to breathe.

But after letting go, she still said: "Even though it's like this, I still can't sell it to you. It's too dangerous for you."

"But I can still help you."

"Why don't you come to the store to help during the summer vacation? I can pay you a salary."

The script is wrong!

Hiroshita Hideichi was speechless and said quickly: "Thank you, sister, but I believe I can learn it. You know, I am the first in the theoretical exam in school. If you don't believe me, you can go to school to find Mr. Kimura."


The little sister first praised, then smiled and said: "Sister believes in you, but making detonating talismans is not that simple."

"First of all, you need to know the talisman, and secondly, you need to have fire escape chakra!"

"And the materials for detonating talismans are also very expensive."

Hiroshita Hideichi immediately changed his strategy and said with a proud expression and tone: "Sister, I also know the talisman."

"And I inherited my father's fire attribute and my mother's wind attribute."

"Sister, if I learn to make detonating talismans, you can provide the materials, I will complete it, and then sell it in your store. Sister only needs to give me a fixed reward for each detonating talisman."

What a smart little guy!

Looking at Xingxia Xiuyi's appearance, Tianyun couldn't help but secretly marvel. After thinking for a while, he stood up and took out a detonating talisman from the drawer, shook it in front of Xingxia Xiuyi, and said with a smile: "The price of this detonating talisman is 1,000 taels, and the cost of making materials is generally around 300 taels."

"Little brother, if you can figure out which spells are used in this detonating talisman, I can teach you how to make it, and as you said, I can give you 200 taels for each detonating talisman you complete."