
Konoha's entry-level ninja! (MTL)

Good news: I have traveled through time! Bad news: I have traveled through time to a world of Naruto full of perverts and cheaters. Good news: The entries are blessed, and they can also be combined. [Student]: When studying, the concentration is 100%! [Self-discipline]: Diligence can make up for shortcomings, and efforts will be rewarded, even if they are insignificant, but without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles. [Strong and strong]: Strong and vigorous, recovery ability increased by 100%, resistance to injuries increased by 100%, and physical talent increased by 100%! [Ninjutsu Master]: Any ninjutsu seal can be shortened to two seals, and ninjutsu talent increased by 100%! Ninjutsu doctor, transformation expert, transformation master... Looking at Uchiha and Otsutsuki, Hoshita Shuichi sneered: Cheating? Pervert? You have more cheats than me? Are you more perverted than me? • • Warning! This is a machine translation, made by Google Translate, so there will be mistakes and names changed! • Original Author: Soybean Master Original Name: 火影:正派的我成了幕后黑手!

Destiny_Splash · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Leave the village!

Looking at Shuichi Hoshita, Minato Namikaze's first thought was the Flying Thunder God Technique.

A non-Uchiha clan member with such extraordinary reaction ability is indeed a good candidate for practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Of course, the Flying Thunder God Technique requires not only a strong nerve reaction ability, but also an extraordinary perception talent and time and space talent.

"But it's too early now."

Minato Namikaze smiled secretly.

Hoshita Shuichi is 6 years old, while Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo are only 8 years old. They need to lay a good foundation and accumulate combat experience and mission experience.

The first day after graduation passed quickly.

The next day, there was still a task in the morning to help the villagers near Konoha Village solve the wild beasts that destroyed their crops.

It was a group of wild boars.

Following the traces, they were easily found by Shuichi Hoshita and others, and then solved.

This left Shuichi Hoshita with only three missions left to unlock the entry [Tracking Expert].

And in the afternoon, it was still special training with Minato Namikaze.

Various traps, shadow clone duels, and physical training instructions.

What Shuichi Hoshita didn't expect was that the next week would be like this.

Missions in the morning, special training in the afternoon.

So much so that before he left Konoha Village, Minato Namikaze helped him get the entry [Tracking Expert].

Tracking talent increased by 100%, and trace sensitivity increased by 100%, which made Shuichi Hoshita's progress in missions and special training visible to the naked eye.

March 24, the 39th year of Konoha.

Still gathering on the rooftop, but after Minato Namikaze appeared, he said: "This mission is a C-level mission out of the village, and gather at the entrance of the village in half an hour."


Shuichi Hoshita and the other two responded in unison, and then they all performed the instant body technique and left.

At home, Shuichi Hoshita quickly packed his luggage into his backpack.

Kunai, shuriken, medical kit, ration pills, change of clothes, detonating tags, grenades...

After packing, while there was still time, Shuichi Hoshita went to Konoha Hospital and Tianxiang Store to say goodbye to the pharmacists Nono and Tianyun.

When he arrived at the entrance of the village, Minato Namikaze and the other two had already arrived.

But Shuichi Hoshita was not late.

"Let's go!"

Seeing Shuichi Hoshita arrive, Minato Namikaze immediately gave the order, and the four of them left Konoha Village and headed south.

But soon the four of them left the road leading to the Daimyo Prefecture, entered the forest, and headed southwest.

Leaping through the forest, Namikaze Minato explained the mission this time: "This time our target is a group of bandits entrenched in the border of the River Country."

"This group of bandits crossed the border into the Fire Country several times and attacked the villages of the Fire Country."

Uchiha Shisui felt something was wrong when he heard it: "There is a ninja team base on the border. They can cross the border several times to attack nearby villages, which means they have figured out the patrol routes of the border ninja team every time."

C-level mission?

I'm afraid it's more than that!

But what Hoshita Hideichi thought was: "Even if ordinary bandits have ninjas, they are not enough to figure out the patrol routes of the border ninja team every time, and let them sneak in smoothly and return to the River Country smoothly."

Kurama Sanyo couldn't help but say: "So, Hideichi, what you mean is that this group of bandits are fake ninjas?"

Hoshita Hideichi: "It's possible." "But if that's the case, we shouldn't be the ones to go on this mission."

"There is another possibility. The bandits are indeed an ordinary group of bandits, among whom there may be only one or two wandering ninjas at the level of Genin. However, they have accurate intelligence support."

Namikaze Minato smiled: "Shuichi's analysis is very good."

Uchiha Shisui asked: "Teacher Minato, if that's the case, then where does the intelligence behind them come from?"

"The Hidden Rain Village?"

"Before the Second Shinobi World War, the River Country belonged to the Hidden Rain Village's sphere of influence, and the mission was also undertaken by the Hidden Rain Village. After the war, the Hidden Rain Village's power has It is limited to the Land of Rain, while the tasks of the River Land are divided between us and the Village of Sand."

"Then it may be that the Village of Rain is going to make a comeback, or it may be that the Village of Sand is going to take all the tasks of the River Land."

Namikaze Minato nodded and asked, "So, Shisui, which possibility do you think it is?"

Uchiha Shisui thought for a while and said, "The Village of Sand!"

Kurama Sanyo asked, "Shisui, why the Village of Sand?"

"Hanzo of the Village of Rain is known as a demigod. It is not surprising that he wants to make a comeback and take over the River Land again, right?"

Hoshita Shuichi analyzed, "But if it is Hanzo, what he has to face is This is not a wise move for us, Konoha and the Sand Village."

"And the Sand Village...it has been a long time since the Second Ninja World War. It is not surprising that they are ambitious again and want to swallow up the River Country in one bite."

"Moreover, the current situation is more in line with the Sand Village."

Kurama Sanyo did not understand and asked, "Why is this?"

Hoshita Shuichi analyzed, "Because if Hanzo of the Rain Village wants to take back the River Country, he does not need to use this method. He can just send people south directly."

"On the contrary, the Sand Village may not have the determination to go to war with us, so it uses this method."

" This bandit is probably not simple either. "

Uchiha Shisui asked hurriedly: "Shuiyi, do you mean that this group of bandits has other problems?"

Hideichi Hoshita said: "It's just a guess."

"For example, this group of bandits has a normal identity in the River Country. We enter the River Country to get rid of them. The Daimyo of the River Country is dissatisfied and immediately deteriorates the relationship with the Fire Country and Konoha. The Sand Village comes out at this time and can easily reach an agreement with the Daimyo of the River Country and take all the tasks of the River Country into its pocket."

Kurama Sanyo was stunned: "This...Shuiyi, how did you think of these?"

Uchiha Shisui was also shocked.

And Namikaze Minato was equally surprised, because what Shuichi Hoshita analyzed at the end was something he had not thought of for the time being.

Of course, he still knew the hidden differences in this task.

"What the Third Hokage said is indeed correct. Shuichi's maturity of thought is not inferior to that of an adult. Moreover, his vision is precise and his analytical ability is amazing."

Minato Namikaze was amazed secretly, and then said to Shuichi Hoshita and the other two: "Shuichi's analysis is very good. It seems that this mission will not be too easy."

"Then, after entering the River Country, we need to be more careful."

"After finding the bandits, the first step is to investigate their situation clearly."

Shuichi Hoshita and the other two responded in unison: "Yes, Minato teacher!"

Departed at 9 am and rested for two hours at noon.

In the evening, Shuichi Hoshita and his group appeared at the border of the Fire Country, but did not cross the border immediately, but camped at the border.

Early the next morning, after eating a meal of fish soup, the four crossed the border and entered the River Country.