
Komikaze: First Thread

A young man , Keisuke Minami , wakes up and finds himself in a huge building connected to 3 other buildings by the terminal. The buildings itself are supported with pillars to keep above the water in the middle of the vast ocean. Luckily , he's not alone since there's a lot of people in the building he's in. So , he decided to investigate this mysterious world and find out the truth behind his existence.

Kaichou_S3NS3I · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 4

32 hours later , Minami sit down hugging his legs wondering what is happening out there. Minutes goes by , he start to feel weak due to lack of foods and sleep so he decide to build up his courage then stand up and goes toward the door. As he stand , he look at the blood that leak in earlier thinking what would happen to her. He put that thought aside then proceed to push the door open. It lead him outside then look around and there's no monster insight as well as Ren's body. Soon after , he found the blood trail that lead to somewhere so he grip his assault rifle then follow the blood trail. Moments later , the trail end to nowhere and he is unsure on what to do but he soon hear a shriek roar behind him. He turn around to see 2 type D Gaoru appear in front of him and without hesitate , he start to shoot the monster on the right to finish it off quickly. As one of the Gaoru dead , another one start to jump on him and tackle him down. He keeps on defending himself with the rifle away from the monster then he decide to put the tip of the rifle under its head and pull the trigger killing it instantly. He push the dead monster away from him and get up but soon after , Garou type C start to appear from the dark then shoot its spikes toward him. Almost all of the spikes missed him but one of it is able to graze his upper left arm making him fall down in pain. As he grip the wound , he see the monster start to get closer to him so he grab the rifle that drop beside him and shoot at point blank with his other hand at it. He yell in rage as the monster roar in pain then it fall down. He continue to pull the trigger even though there's no bullets left inside then he decide to drop it because it no longer useful to him. He try to catch a breath but the monster begin to slowly get up and move toward him.

Minami: "No way....that only put it down temporarily..."

The monster is about to get closer to him and he know there is no escape this time. As he accept his fate;

??? : "Found you..."

A girl with white hair 5 meters away holding her sniper is in her range to shoot the monster. As it get more closer to him , she shoot directly to its head killing it instantly. Minami wasn't sure what just happen but soon after , 2 persons appear from the corner of his eyes.

Seo: "There he is. He's still alive."

Seo and one of his team goes to him;

Seo: "Are you okay ? , are you hurt somewhere ?"

Minami: "Y-Yeah. My left arm got graze by its spike earlier..."

Seo: "I see , understood."

Seo rip Minami's left sleeve that got hit by the spike then apply his left arm with cloth bandage.

Seo: "Katashi-san , I have applied a bandage on his arm. Please bring him with you and I'll cover you from behind."

Katashi: "Understood."

The man with the named Katashi who came with Seo begin to help Minami up and leaning him on his shoulder to help him move. Seo look at the girl from afar then give her a thumb up sign telling her that they're able to rescue him. He walk to Minami who lean on Katashi's shoulder;

Seo: "We bring you back to safety , so move quickly as much as you're able to and we got you covered."

Thus they begin to move toward the meeting point where they meet the girl and soon they able to go back to the East South terminal and finally reach the Sanctuary.

As they arrive , they come across with Kojima who happen to goes his way to the East terminal. Everyone in his group is shocked to see that Minami survived despite Kojima left him high and dry back at East building. When Minami see Kojima , he is overcome with anger and try to attack him for his selfish act but Seo manage to block his way from getting closer to Kojima.

Seo: "Now's not the time for resentment. You can have your confrontation with him once you get back to healthy."

Minami: "But...but he-"

Kojima: "Why would you bring him back ?. Because of him and that hopeless girl , 12 people of my group had been killed. Does a knight like you really have no shame ?"

Seo: "A knight's duty is to protect the people they hold dear no matter the cause and help anyone in need no matter their status. In your case , you have no sympathy toward anyone who admire you for your leadership and crush whoever that seems weak to you. For that , I'll never approve you as a leader."

Kojima click his tongue in anger;

Kojima: "I have enough of this!!. Let's move forward , everyone , we have hunting to do beside this pointless chit chat. As for him , he is no longer a part of my group."

Thus Kojima leave and goes his way with his group toward the terminal for hunting at East building. On the next day , Minami lay on the bed at the infirmary remembering everything he's been through after the tragedy were happened at the East building. Soon after , he heard a knock at the door of room. As the nurse open the door , a girl with white hair come in.

White hair girl: "Sorry for the intrusion. Is he already awake ?"

Nurse: "Yes , he still resting for the time being."

White hair girl: "I see , thank you very much."

Nurse: "You're welcome."

The girl then proceed to walk toward where Minami at and sit down on the chair beside him.

White hair girl: "Hey there , do you sleep well ?"

Minami: "Yeah , I have a great sleep yesterday."

White hair girl: "That's good. How about your injuries ? , does it hurt anywhere ?"

Minami: "I-I'm fine , thank you for your concern."

White hair girl: "I'm sorry , I must have questioning you a lot huh ? , I guess we didn't have much time to introduce each other back then."

Minami: "Oh , if that's the case , I'm Keisuke Minami and what's yours ?"

Varmoth: "You can call me Varmoth."

Minami: "Varmoth-san , you seems worried for my health. I'll never thought of someone who is concern for me. (beside Ren...)"

Varmoth: "Well , my teammates always fight in close range so they usually have injuries after the scout. I am the only one who shoot at long range so I can only protecting them from incoming enemies."

Minami: "I see."

Varmoth: "Oh yeah , I have a bread and a juice for you in case you need some energy."

Minami: "Thank you."

Varmoth: "Once you're able to get back to health , go look for Seo-san. He's been wanting to talk with you."

Minami: "Okay."

Few days later , Minami get discharge from the infirmary then proceed to find Seo at the hall. As he walk around , he finally found him but he's talking with someone , it's Akihiro Fudo , that man who lead the whole group. As Minami approach them;

Fudo: "Hmm ? , who might you be ?"

Minami: "Oh uh , I'm Keisuke Minami sir , it is an honor to meet you."

Fudo: "I see , and which group are you assigned to ?"

Minami: "Urk...uuuh..it's-"

Seo: "He's on my team."

Minami is surprise by Seo's respond.

Fudo: "Really ? , I do remember that there are 2 members of your group."

Seo: "He is the one that my team and I recently rescue. Despite his look , I cannot denied his toughness for fighting against type C Gaoru."

Fudo: "Is that so ? , well , I guess I have no doubt for that. For now , I have a schedule to do so I have to go."

Seo: "Take care."

As Fudo leave , Seo turn his look to Minami;

Seo: "Shall we have a walk while we talk along the way ?"

Minami: "Sure."

They soon start to walk together to the market while having a chat. Few moments later , they end up at the rooftop of the South building where Seo decide to give him something.

Seo: "Hey Minami-san."

Minami: "Yes ?"

Seo: "I believe this is something that's belong to you when we scout the East building."

Minami: "!!?....that necklace."

It is a white crystallize four sides star necklace that Minami bought for present to Ren back at the festival. As he receive it from Seo , he look at it and soon brake down into tears as he hold the necklace closely to his chest. Seo can only comfort him by giving him a gentle pat on his shoulder. Tomorrow later , Seo and his team walk toward the East terminal to prepare for the next scout. Soon after , they hear a voice coming from behind them and as they turn around , they see Minami on his way to join them while wearing the necklace that Ren used to wear.

Minami: "This is my first time on scouting the East area. I hope I won't hold you guys down."

Seo smile and reply;

Seo: "If you were in trouble , please do not hesitate to rely on us."

Minami: "Understood."

And thus Minami continue his journey alongside his new group.

(End of Chapter 4: Miracle)