
Kokushibo In Jujutsu Kaisen

Cole takes a walk out of his home, on the night he happens to see someone gets robbed, he try to help, but ends up with getting himself killed, just as Cole thoughts starts drifting away, he meets a ROB. What happens after he meets this omnipotent being, to find start reading!!! Spoiler alert!!!!! (A) Yeah also it will have spoilers for the up coming stories in the Jujutsu Kaisen!!!!

Jojo_Dragon · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 Risen From The Flames And Born Again

"There are some Anime/Manga spoilers, so if you care do not read!!"

"Yeah, my fault, Toji! How about i treat you for some good food!" Naobito laughed while stroking his thin and style mustache that extended beyond both sides of his cheeks.

Toji ignored the old man and gazed at Michikatsu. He then picked out a knife from his pocket and threw with no hesitation straight at michikatsu. Aiming for Michikatsu's head, but he quickly dodged it, and it passed by him.


His eyes turned around and stared at the knife hitting the wall behind him. The knife had penetrated deep into the walls and created a hole, which cracks came from and spread away from the hole.

Toji scoffed from his reactions and said "It seems that you are ready!" and walked casually out through the broken entrance, passing Naobito. Naobito then looked at Michikatsu, and whispered to him "I can let you fulfill only one of you conditions!", which Michikatsu responded to him with a thumbs up, as he chased after toji and left. 

Naoya looked at Michikatsu with a flash of anger, but turned around and shouted "This time our fight was interrupted so there was no winner, but hear me. Next time we fight i will win you!" and left. 

Now in the petite garden, Michikatsu was the only one left. He started to look around and when he made sure there were no one close, he quickly ran in to the house and to the toilet and puked. His appearance changed and he turned back into his human form. 

After a while, when Michikatsu had calmed down, he went to the biggest room and found the door open. He slowly went in and saw a pretty woman. He poked at woman until she woke up. The woman was drowsy and sluggish with her movements.

When she was fully awoke she noticed Michikatsu and she couldn't help but be dazed by his dazzling look and casually pulled him close to her embrace. 

Michikatsu was used to situations like this now from his years of living together with Toji. Toji Zenin, the black sheep of the Zenin family. He had no curse energy due to his Heavenly Restriction and which he instead obtained a body blessed with physically prowess, but because of that. He was orchestrated and treated as an outcast by the Zenin family. 

As he couldn't take on missions which one needed cursed energy for, he had to earn money through scamming and swindle women into giving him money instead while also taking on assassination quest both from either other curse users or the Zenin family.

He loved to waste it away through gambling. 

After Toji had taken in michikatsu, he had helped him grow and given him a home and a roof over his head, which surprised Michikatsu a bit. As when he had read in the manga toji seemed like the type of dude who would have leave his women if she was pregnant, but when he noticed Toji's skills as a caretaker, he couldn't help but laugh of how terrible he was.

Michikatsu thankfully had his memories of his past life as he could cook or else he would probably have died from hunger.

She lifted him close to give him a warm hug, then squishing her cheeks at his and rubbing them while saying "Wow! Hello little girl, you look so cute. Let's go and find your father, huh sweety!" the woman said and dragged Michikatsu out of bed while trying to signal that he was gone.

She ignored his signal and started searching over the whole house, but found no signs of him. "That asshole talking so big while we were intimate, but leaving me right after doing it. Hmpf!" the woman snorted, she then looked over at michikatsu and smiled at him and continued saying "Well! Im sorry little one, this pretty sister has to go. I would have liked to be with him more, but i have to go now!" 

Michikatsu just casually nodded up and down, signaling that he understood. After some time had passed, she silently sneaked out and waved bye to Michikatsu who was by the door and saying bye to her.

After hours of time had passed. Michikatsu was now inside in room and lying on the bed. He was focused on reading the manual, he looked as if he enjoyed reading it and kicked his leg in the air while reading. 

Then suddenly a thought came over him, while as he was reading.

"I remember toji having tamed a cursed spirit, but these last five years i have not seen any signs of it. When does he obtain it." michikatsu pondered inwardly and his thoughts started to think of many reasons as to why he has not seen it yet. 

Michikatsu quickly tried to think of other things and rose up and went out to the garden.

In a small part of the garden there was a pond with flowers and a small bridge. Michikatsu was leaning at the bridge and gazing at the view.

The cold and unilluminated night. The chill wind breezing at his body. The sky clear of any clouds and filled with thousands of little stars.

While the moon shining so bright and clear with all of it's light. The moonlight beaming down at the pond and a reflection of this man was shown. Michikatsu just starred at his reflection and dwelled deeply on his future in this world, the world of jujutsu sorcerers.

This world is unfair, and if someone is not strong, they would like a worm screaming for their life while having no strength to fight and protect it. He hated that, its like a poor excuse for being a murder but its what this world sees the weak like. 

Michikatsu knew that sooner or later, he would have to kill people. So he need to resolve himself both mentally and physically. He suddenly remembered what Sukuna told Jogo.

"To reach the heights of Satoru Gojo and not worry about your future or identity. But you lack the hunger to take hold of your desires"

"What is my dream? What desire to i hold in this world?" Michikatsu started to ponder deeply. 

"Is it fame, love or wealth? No! I want something more, something thats not superficial. I am already immortal."

Suddenly a great wind came and came upon him while his expression seemed as if he had found his purpose, his goal.

"Yes! I want to be able to fly!" he shouted with pure excitement. 

"Humans have dreamt of being able to fly for centuries. So I who am already an immortal and can grow in strength, truly is only in the need of the ability to fly." Michikatsu laughed while thinking this.

"There are only few people who can fly and they are Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kenjaku, Ryomen Sukuna, Hana Kurusu, probably Yuki and maybe Yuta."

While most of them use their cursed technique to help to fly, the rest use their cursed spirits or shikigamis, but i have none of them! Neither a cursed technique that can help me fly, no cursed spirit and no shikigami." Michikatsu pondered deep into his thoughts.

"So to accomplish my dream to fly, i have to ideas, but i need to wait at least until that incident has happened before i do anything, sigh!" Michikatsu exhaled huge sigh but his expression was no longer filled with stress or any signs of trouble just a simple pure smile.

"Where is that bastard anyways!" he loudly roared out through the Zenin property. 

Hi again, its a new fanfic chapter! Thank you for reading and have a happy new year.

Jojo_Dragoncreators' thoughts