

Ever since the arrival of the new Black Transfer Student at his school, Hiroki's life has begun spiraling downward from then on. Hiroki's mother (Kaede), big sister (Kanoko), girlfriend (Nao), and best friend (Ayumu) were all accustomed to the Black Transfer Students' sex life and were driven to it by nothing but lust and pleasure to the point that he broke their mind into not caring about Hiroki's well being at all.

On the day of discovery, Hiroki is forced by the Black Transfer Student to observe through the closet while being tied up, watching and hearing the four women he once saw as the love of his life turn into nothing but a degraded toy for the Transfer Student's pleasure. Upon being spotted, instead of helping Hiroki as he had hoped, he was laughed at in the face like he was no more than a piece of entertainment, even while in the middle of doing it with the Transfer Student as they all lost themselves during their intense heat moment.

Leaving the poor boy feeling heartbroken, betrayed, humiliated, AND traumatized all at once.

And so after that, like any other sensible person would do...

He left.

Not ever planning or wanting to return.


The first day after Hiroki's disappearance, nothing much changed as expected. The day goes on as usual, with the four girls being banged by the transfer student. The only key thing missing is Hiroki and his presence... Which, at that time, felt like a minor thing for the girls and the transfer student.

Neither Nao, Kanoko, Kaede, nor Ayumu cares about his disappearance, for all they care about is the pleasure they crave for the Black Transfer Student.

However, two of them are beginning to notice his disappearance during their dinner, that being Hiroki's mother and sister, Kaede and Kotone.

After another intense day and hot session with the Transfer Student, Kanoko can be seen sitting down at the table in a slouched position, while Kaede is preparing soup for dinner.

Kanoko - "My legs are still sore..." she complained in her seat.

Kaede - "Hm... I would agree too, dear. He seems a little more... hornier than usual." she stated with an unreadable expression, filling the bowls with soup before bringing them onto the kitchen table.

Kanoko - "Ah, thank you. I've been starving all day..." She grabs the spoon and begins eating her soup, paying no attention but her soup.

Kaede couldn't help but stare at her daughter eating her dinner as her mouth quivered into a more concerned one.

Kaede - "E-Either way, off topic but... have you seen Hiroki lately?" she asked in slight concern, which earned a raised eyebrow from her daughter Kanoko.

Kanoko - "Hiroki? What about him?" she asked in a slightly confused tone.

Kaede - "It's just that... I haven't seen him today, like at all. He's usually waiting for us back at home." she then glances around the room before looking back down at her food.

Kanoko - "Come on, Mom. You know how he is. Usually when he's gone, he's gonna come back later. It's not like this is the first time this has happened." she said in a now annoyed tone.

Kaede - "I... I guess you're right, dear." Kaede replied with a subtle smile, feeling quite eased by her daughter's words.

However, that smile quickly faded into an unreadable expression once more. She begins to question herself after the previous incident from yesterday...

Kaede - 'Why do I feel like... something is wrong?' she asked herself internally, still glancing down at her food.

Kanoko - 'Hiroki will come back for sure, not like he could live off without us...' she thought.

Oh, just how wrong she is.


Three days have passed, and the sight of Hiroki remains nowhere to be found.

Of course, like usual, Nao, Ayumu, and Kanoko were still left completely unbothered by Hiroki's absence.

Meanwhile, Kaede... seems to be more worried than usual, to say the least. Sure, she still does it with the transfer student like it's her usual daily routine, but her mind can't seem to leave Hiroki and where he has gone the entire time.

Kanoko just come downstairs after preparing herself to go to school, and she then spotted Kaede looking out the window along the way.

Kanoko - "Hey, Mom. I'm heading off to school." she announced briefly with one hand in her pocket.

Kaede shook her thoughts away and looked at Kanoko.

Kaede - "A-Ah... Ahem, I mean. Yes, dear. Go ahead." With a fake smile, she attempted to hide her worried expression.

However, it seems like Kanoko had noticed her worries through her fake expression.

Kanoko - "You seem off today, Mom. What's wrong?" she asked with a confused expression.

Kaede - "It's... I-It's nothing dear. Just... Can't take my mind off of someone." she continued to stare out the window, still keeping her fake smile in an attempt to diffuse and concern from Kanoko.

Kanoko - "Uh... I see. Well, I must get going now then." she replies with slight suspicion before walking away but is stopped upon hearing her mother calling her out.

Kaede - "W-Wait, Sweetie." she said, her worried expression returning, "Do you mind if... you could search for Hiroki anywhere?"

Kanoko - "Why? Hasn't he gone home yet?"

Kaede - "N-No, dear.. He hasn't. In fact, I haven't seen him all day again." she shook her head in confirmation.

This seems to... confuse the agitated Kanoko a bit. But still, she kept her composure and slightly nodded at Kaede.

Kanoko - "I'll... Try my best to find him." she nods.

And with that, she made her way back to school. Only this time, she couldn't help but think about Hiroki now.

Kanoko - 'This is strange... Where could he have gone? I thought he'd come back in like a day or so...?' she then shook her head to get rid of her thoughts, 'No,

no... Everything is alright. Just give it a couple of more days. He'll return for sure.'


A week has passed now, and Hiroki, surprisingly for them, still hasn't come back home.

It feels like the more days have passed, the more anxious and worried Kaede has increasingly become. Doubts and questions started to flood her mind within the first week. Where is Hiroki? and most importantly, how is he doing?

If they knew where Hiroki was right now and how he was doing, then they would not be worried as much as right now. But... Hiroki, just... disappeared out of nowhere? And the fact that he did it without sharing any news like he used to fill Kaede with so much confusion and worry as his mother.

This is not helping Kanoko whatsoever, too, as no matter where she goes, it seems like she can't get any information regarding where Hiroki is, much less on how he is doing now.

This fills Kotone with so much confusion that she's starting to worry as much as Kaede does. Hiroki, her supposed little brother, whom she has known for a long time, can't seem to be found by her no matter where she goes. She even went to the spot where he and she usually hang out, but he wasn't there too.

But even after all of that, she's still not gonna give up... She needs to find him no matter what. He is still her little brother, after all.

Kanoko - 'T-This isn't funny anymore, Hiroki... Come back home now...' she asked in worry, keeping a slightly hasty manner while looking around to try and find the blonde boy.

But, of course, that's gonna be easier said than done.

Back at home, Kaede can be seen standing next to her bed and in front of a picture of a smiling Hiroki and her as they joyfully hug themselves. She couldn't help but feel a little conflicted upon seeing the happy portrait.

When she does it with the transfer student, all she wants is to fill the void in her empty heart. A certain kind of long-awaited feeling... Pleasure. Her husband died when Hiroki was still a baby in a car accident, so she thought that maybe if she did this, she would just mend her lonely heart and everything would continue the same way as it was supposed to go... She just wants to fill in the emptiness of her heart, is all.

But, here she is, facing the consequences of her action. She may have filled in the emptiness in her heart, but... at what cost? Hiroki saw all of it, heard all of it, and now, it's certain he will most likely not return. Her son, whom she raised and adored her entire life... was driven away because of... her.

It's just gonna be her and Kanoko back at home. No one else. Just the two.

She felt like, even after doing all of this, even after thinking nothing would ever go wrong... She suddenly felt... Empty again. It's a worse kind than that... Loneliness. As if not even sex from the transfer student is gonna help her anymore... But rather, she missed the affection and adoration of her son, Hiroki.

Kaede - 'I'm... I'm sorry...' she sobs, curling herself up with a regretful look, 'I...'

'...I failed as a mother...'


A month has passed, and the Hiroki household is not doing well as expected. It got progressively worse.

Kaede has not only stopped having sex with the Transfer Student, but also stayed in her room for the majority of her time while staring at a happy portrait of her, her husband, and baby Hiroki as the regrets and loneliness are slowly eating her away. She's aware that this is her fault, and Kanoko tries to reason her out of this but to no avail.

Kaede still remembers clearly the time when she hurt Hiroki badly during her heat session with the transfer student. Humiliating him further without thinking of any unforeseen consequences.

There's nothing she could do about it now. It's not like she could go to Hiroki once she found him and ask for forgiveness, and everything would go back to normal. All she can do is mourn in her room, with the haunting still-image of the heart-shattered Hiroki in her mind.

Kanoko, of course, gets pretty frustrated by this.

Kanoko - 'Damn it... Where are you, little bro? You're worrying me and Mom, too...' she asked herself with a frustrated look.

But as she walked around, she started thinking... what did go wrong? While her mind is going through past events to try and find any clues to Hiroki's whereabouts, she starts to stumble upon... a moment where she insulted Hiroki while having sex with the transfer student. It was a moment that she remembers clearly until now.

She still remembers all the words she inflicted upon Hiroki's poor heart, calling him a pathetic little brother and all of that.

That's when she realized... She might be in the wrong, too. She was the one who swore herself to protect her little brother from anything that might endanger him, but instead... she's siding in with his one and only bully for nothing but lust. Not only breaking her promise but also his bond with him.

And here she is right now. Standing with guilt on her shoulders. No one to comfort her, not even her mother, as Kanoko was most likely the one who suggested Kaede about the whole Transfer Student sex thing in the first place.

Now all she can do is stand there with all the guilt and broken promises attached to her...

Kanoko - '... This is all my fault too, huh?' she glances down at the ground in a dejected expression.

She's aware that Kaede might be in the wrong too, though she couldn't help but feel a little more responsible than anyone else regarding Hiroki's sudden but expected absence.

Meanwhile, Ayumu, Hiroki's best friend and Martial Arts partner back at school, is quite bored with just having sex all day with the transfer student. To fix that, she decided to go back to school after what felt like a long time.

After a brief lesson, she comes to the club where Hiroki and her used to train and spar together, feeling all happy and excited by the thought of having to train with Hiroki like usual.

Ayumu - "Hiroki-senpai~! Wanna spar again today?" she asked in a happy tone, fully expecting to see her very own best friend waiting for her back at the dojo, but... surprisingly for her, he wasn't there.

She was quite confused at this, and yet she paid no mind to his absence (thinking it was just Hiroki being sick and could not come to school), so she got some training to do for today.

During her training session, however, the fun and joyful atmosphere was no longer present. It was only her and the training equipment around the room.

Ayumu - 'I should pay him a visit...' she told herself in her mind.

Despite that, after coming over to his home after school, she was met with a surprising discovery. Hiroki was not home. It was confirmed by Kanoko, that Kaede couldn't talk at that time due to dealing with her built-up stress. She couldn't help but feel a little tinge of worry for Hiroki.

And so, she starts to spend the majority of her time after school going around Tokyo to find him. While doing so, she kept walking past places and destinations where she and Hiroki usually hang out... She misses that sweet and innocent smile of his.

And here she is right now, walking through town with no other thoughts in mind except Hiroki and his whereabouts.

She has to find Hiroki, because... It felt so wrong and lonely without him.


Three months have passed, as Kaede and Kanoko completely cut ties with the Black Transfer Student to try and find Hiroki... but as expected, their attempts were left completely useless.

Kaede starts to stress out more and more during work and even sometimes at home. Every time she and Kanoko are having breakfast, lunch, or dinner, they would just simply eat in silence. The once happy family atmosphere was replaced with an unpleasantly quiet one. They kept glancing at the chair where Hiroki used to sit when they were having food, and now, it's just an empty wooden chair with no purpose.

Every time Kanoko tries to comfort Kaede, she simply ignores her futile attempts and even sometimes lashes out by accident. However, she kept repeatedly apologizing every time she did it.

Kanoko couldn't blame her, though. The thought of losing her son is already stressful enough for her to bear. It's been three months since they last saw him, and they haven't even gotten a single news or even clues that might hint at his current whereabouts.

This goes the same to Ayumu, where she's so bored out of her mind. The fact that having sex with the transfer student is not doing her any favor too. She wished that she could see Hiroki again, but it seems like that's not the case.

So when she got bored, she either silently sat down in a park, walked around Tokyo, or sometimes practiced her Judo back at school whenever she had the time.

Speaking of which, whenever she has time to train, she feels more lost than usual. No matter if she trained alone or with another classmate, she couldn't help but feel more... unguided than when she was with Hiroki.

While training, however, all of a sudden, all the memories where she humiliated the poor Hiroki along with the three girls came flooding back to her.

This causes her to punch the punching bag repeatedly to let all the stress out. But no matter how many times she punched the bag, she couldn't escape the feeling of guilt and anger that clung to her.

Once she was done punching the bag, her hand tugged onto it tightly while her head dropped down to the floor. As then, a few tears landed on the floor, falling off her sad and regretful face.

Ayumu - 'Hiroki... I-... I'm sorry. I-... I-I-' hic 'I'm such a terrible friend...'

All the three girls' guilt from their actions is starting to catch up to them, with the only one left being Hiroki's girlfriend, Nao.

Speaking of Nao, she has been pretty... shallow lately. All her fun time with the transfer student had turned progressively tasteless over time to the point where it was irritating her. She can't figure out why, but every time he asks for one, she can't help but send a frustrated glare at him. But still, she chose to oblige.

It's not like she has anything else to do for fun anyway.

She had become increasingly hesitant and annoyed by each request of him wanting to have sex with her every single time they met. She felt used more than being loved. She doesn't want to admit it, but... She's starting to miss Hiroki.

She missed his kind and caring smile. And now, even Nao herself is starting to question why she chose to rather be with the Transfer Student instead of him in the first place. Furthermore, why she would let herself say those things to him? To break his heart even more on that particular day.


Another month has transpired, and everything seems to be going... just as usual.

The only new thing is that Ayumu had stopped having sex with the transfer student to help Hiroki's family find him.

The transfer student starts to notice how Kaede, Kanoko, and Ayumu are all distancing themselves from him just to find Hiroki. Which, in return, pissed him off and further pushed his hatred toward Hiroki.

So, instead of trying to convince and/or persuade them like it would've normally worked, he ended up having to force them to have fun with him. Kaede however threatens him that she would not hesitate to call the police if he ever did anything again since she got all of the evidence during their heat session before Hiroki discovers it.

And, of course, he doesn't want to be involved in the law reinforcement, so he just went back to the disinclined Nao.


Another week has passed, and it's been six months since they last saw Hiroki.

Kaede had begun increasingly stressed and worried beyond belief where she couldn't even sleep normally at night. Her eating schedules are all jumbled up, too.

Koneko is experiencing this as well but differently. She couldn't focus at all in class since all she could think about was Hiroki. Where he is and how he is doing. She wished that... maybe she could go back in time to fix her mistake. But the past is already the past. There's no way of turning back.

Koneko's mind is filled with nothing but regret and rage. Her anger towards the transfer student further intensifies. The fact that the guy is still asking to hook up with her after school almost every single time they meet further enrages her.

Does he not know she's currently in the middle of finding her missing little brother?

Of course, he doesn't. All he cares about is pleasure and pleasure only.

She wants to punch him in the face when she sees him. But it seems like he's skipping school again today.

Koneko - 'Fuck... I gotta do something...' she presses her forehead against her desk, impatiently waiting for class to finish.

Back with Ayumu, she can be seen training in the Judo club like usual.

Unexpectedly, she receives a letter out of the blue. It was a letter from the school's council written by Hiroki explaining that he would be quitting the Judo Club and, in return, granting her the title of the Leader of the Judo Club from now on.

Ayumu - 'H-Hiroki... Senpai...' she could barely process upon reading the letter, as her grip on the paper tightened which crumpled the paper a little.

A few tears landed on the paper. She couldn't believe it. She still remembers a certain moment in her life, one promise made by Hiroki, that being he would never leave the Judo club without her. She is his best friend after all, so there's no way he'll abandon his best friend like that. But now, it appears that is no longer the case.

It will just be her the rest of her time at not only this school but also potentially outside of school.

And the reason for his leave is not because of Hiroki himself.

It's because of her.

She's the one who put herself into this.

And all she could do is to accept it.

However, with this newly found information, she could try and talk to Kanoko about this. She has been searching for him too either way for the past months, so this could act as a clue to his whereabouts.

So after school, she attempted to find Hiroki's sister, Kanoko. But along the way, she spotted Hiroki's girlfriend, Nao.

Ayumu - "Nao! Wait up!" she immediately sprints toward her, "Do you know where Kanoko is?"

Nao - "Kanoko? Er... Hiroki's sister? Um, Y-Yeah. I just walked past her on my way back home. But, why do you ask though?" she tilts her head in confusion.

Ayumu - "T-This..." She reaches deep inside her uniform's pocket and pulls out Hiroki's note, the same one she received and reads this noon.

Nao reads through the note carefully word by word, and she then immediately puts up a shocked look on her face.

Nao - "H-Hiroki left school..?! S-So that's why we haven't seen him for the past months. But... Why did he do it, though...?" she plastered a concerned look on her face, though, she couldn't help but feel responsible to this.

Ayumu - "I don't know, but that's beside the point! We need to show this to Kanoko. Maybe she could at least get a hint with this." she responded.

With a nod, Nao grabs Ayumu's wrist before walking away to try and find Kanoko again.

Meanwhile, back at the Hiroki's household, Kaede can be seen sitting alone on the couch. She has dark circles under her eyes due to her lack of sleep, and the shine in her eyes is gone. Now replaced by a soulless-looking one.

She kept recalling all the good times between her and Hiroki. There's not even a single bad memory regarding her and her son, besides the day where he witnessed them all.

This reminded me so much about that day, the day when she lost her husband to a car crash. Where she felt so lonely and lost. Luckily though, Hiroki was there to calm her down. But now... It's different. He's not here anymore. Hiroki, the only person who reminded her so much of her husband, is now gone. And it's not because of any type of accident either.

It's because of her.

There's nothing else in her mind besides wanting Hiroki back. She knows she messed up. She is aware. Everyone is. But she wants to see him again. His face. Her own innocent and adorable son she adores and took care of her entire life.

Just the thought of him being dead is enough to break her down...





She suddenly drops to her knees from the sofa and clenches her chest hard. Her breathing became ragged, as sweats began to appear on her forehead. Hiroki couldn't be dead... Right? He's just hiding out there somewhere. The only reason he hadn't brought out any news regarding where he is and how he is doing is just because of the previous incident. Nothing else, nothing more...

However, her thoughts were all shaken up upon feeling the touch of Kanoko from the side, for which Kanoko had a very confused and worried expression on her face.

Kanoko - "M-Mom?! What's wrong?!" she worriedly asked her.

Seeing her daughter, her breathing slowly softens as well as her panicked state. After finally settling down, she wiped the tears off her eyes and cheeks before looking back at her. But then she also spotted Hiroki's best friend and girlfriend peeking their heads in from the front door.

What are they doing here?

As much as she didn't want to see them today, she couldn't help but raise a confused expression upon seeing the three hastily.

Kanoko - "Mom, are you alright?" she placed her hand on her mother's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her

Kaede - "I-I'm alright, dear... I-It's just... N-Nevermind..." She drops her head down and sighs, before looking back at Kanoko and then at the other two, "Um... W-Why are they here, dear...?"

Kanoko - "Mom..." she holds a serious facade,

"I think I know where Hiroki is."


The next day, all four girls can be seen standing in front of a traditional-looking house. They drove to a village somewhere in Tokyo just for one particular reason.

To meet Wasuke Itadori, Hiroki's grandfather.

Kanoko could recall a certain conversation she had with Hiroki before. She forgot when, but she remembers that Hiroki himself stated he would go back to his grandfather if he ever wanted to quit school.

Kanoko - 'Alright... Let's just hope he's here. If he's not, then... I don't know where else he's supposed to be...' with a quick; deep breath for good luck, she knocks on the front door twice before standing back.

Not a few seconds later after the call, Wasuke answered the door with a confused yet stern look on his face. His attention drifts from Kaede and Kanoko to the slightly nervous Ayumu and Nao.

Wasuke knows the two clearly, Hiroki had told him about them before.

Wasuke - "Go on, tell me what you want." he spoke stoicly.

Kaede was the first to ask as she took a step forward.

Kaede - "I-Is my son here?" she asked while clasping her hands, holding them tightly in the hope that her son, Hiroki might still be well and present.

Wasuke - "Why do you want to know?" he raised his eyebrow in confusion

Kanoko was the second to step forward.

Kanoko - "We need your help, gramps. Hiroki is missing, and... We just wanted to know if he's here with you." she explained with desperation in her voice, but this earned a glare from Wasuke.

The last two remaining girls then step forward as well, having a begging look on their faces.

Ayumu - "P-Please, mister. We haven't seen him for months."

Nao - "Y-Yes... And we're worried if there might be something bad happening to him..." She lowered her head in shame but kept her gaze locked in with Wasuke.

Wasuke kept staring at them all, before sighing. Seeing this as a sign of hope, they awaited his answer... only to be met with an unexpected one.

Wasuke - "He's not here." he answered bluntly, hiding his lies through his tough exterior.

Kaede - "W-What?!" her eyes widened in shock, as she took another step closer, "P-Please, Wasuke...! M-My son is missing...! Your grandson...! Do you at least have any clue where he's at...?"

Wasuke - "And why should I answer you?" he frowns at her.

Kanoko - "G-Gramps, this is serious..." She lets out a slightly angrier tone at her grandfather's bluntness and calm expression.

Wasuke - "I trust you two to take care of him a few years ago." he sighs.

This, of course, causes them all to stare at him in silence.

Wasuke - "You have no right to ask me where he is. It's your responsibility to look after him." he sends Kaede a scowl, "You're his mother, right? Do you know where he could have gone?"

She stayed silent at this, much like Kanoko, Ayumu, and Nao too.

Wasuke - "If he's gone, then it's not my fault. You should remember that. This is all on you. All of you. So if you don't mind me, please leave my front porch.." he said with a huff, not even attempting to sugarcoat his words.

Kaede - "P-Please, Wasuke...! I-" Her words were cut completely at the sight of Wasuke closing his door again, not even wanting to waste his time with her or the others any longer.

Her legs went on a limp as she dropped onto her knees, staring down at the wooden board of the house's front porch with a shocked expression... The realization has finally caught up to her... There's no way she can forget it now. She remembers all the words she said to her son during that day... that particular moment...

She asks him to begone, and now her words are fulfilled. She got what she wanted. There's no way of denying it.

Kaede - "O-Oh god..." with trembling hands, she covered her quivering mouth as she began to cry once more, "H-Hiroki... M-My sweet boy..."

Kanoko quickly kneels in front of her mother in an attempt to calm her down.

Kanoko - "I-It's... It's gonna be alright! He'll be back soon! We can still search for hi-" She rested her hands on top of Kaede's, but unexpectedly, she was being hugged tightly back, "... M-Mom...?"

Kaede - "H-Hiroki... H-Hiro... k-ki..." hic "I'm.." her hugs become tighter, "... such a terrible mother...! I want... I want Hiroki... m-m-m-my s-son back...! " with those words, she buries her face on Kanoko's shoulder before crying on spot.

She cries to the point where she could barely breathe. Her mouth hangs wide open, letting out cries of despair and regret with endless streams of tears running down her face. But none of that matters, she just wants all the pain in her heart to go away. To reunite with the boy she always loves. Hiroki.

Kanoko simply hugs her back while taking those words deep into her heart. In a moment, she starts hugging back tightly as well, her eyebrows quirking.

Kanoko - 'God... Why am I so weak...? What kind of a big sister would leave her little brother for someone who bullies him...? Damn... I'm... I'm so fucking useless...!' she grits her teeth, tears rolling down her cheeks.

As the mother and daughter hug each other tightly in an attempt to comfort each other, Ayumu and Nao can't do anything except helplessly stare at the two, a hopeless daughter and mother.

Ayumu - "This is our fault too..." she said all of a sudden, her head dropping low as her hands began to shake slightly.

Nao - "H-Huh?"

Ayumu - "I miss him..." she starts to tear up as well as her hand trembles, even her voice becomes weak, "I don't want to be with him anymore... I want to be back with Hiroki..."

Nao - "B-But, Ayumu! We can't lose hope now! W-We may never know until we-!"

Ayumu - "You don't understand!" she snaps, flinching the slightly scared Nao in the process, "If we hadn't said those things to him on that day, he wouldn't have left... Mister Itadori is right! We're in the wrong here...! All of us! He's never coming back! NEVER!"

Nao - "A-Ayumu..." She tries to reach out to her, but she is met with an unexpectedly tight hug by Ayumu herself. Nao considered her words and thought that she was not wrong. They were in the wrong.

Ayumu couldn't help but cry on the spot, as Nao also sheds some tears silently. Never once in their life have they felt so shameful and disgusted toward themselves. Nao even realized she relied too much on the Transfer Student to the point where she didn't need Hiroki anymore, and here she is, wanting nothing more but to have Hiroki by her side again.

To fix this mess.

But the past is the past. There's no changing it.

They were the cause of Hiroki's disappearance-

- and there's only one thing in their mind right now,

'I want Hiroki back.'

Domain activated.

Faster than they could react or even comprehend, they were all suddenly teleported into a mysterious room. The giant room matches that of a movie theatre, as there is a big screen in front of many rows of seats.

The way they were suddenly teleported here fills them with so much confusion. What is this place? How did they get here? Most importantly... Why are they here?

Kanoko - "W-Where is...?" she looks around the room in utter confusion.

Nao - "Wait, is this...?" she continues with a confused look.

Ayumu - "A theatre room?" she finished, also with a clueless face.

Kaede wipes the tears off her eyes and cheeks before looking around in worry.

Kaede - "H-How did we get here...?" she instinctively asked, her hands clenched together in slight fear and confusion.

Kanoko - 'The phone!' upon realization, she immediately pulls out her phone and begins checking on where they are, 'No signal?! The clock is all messed up too? What the hell is going on?!'

Out of a sudden, the projector starts up causing the four to flinch and immediately focus their attention on the big screen in front.

"Welcome to the Reaction Domain."

"You are all summoned here to react."

"Questions are allowed."

The girls looked at each other in confusion with an unsure look on their faces, as one decided to be the first to speak up after a moment of brief silence.

Kanoko - "How did we get here?" she asked, expecting no answer but surprisingly, the screen answered back in text immediately right after.

"An activation of a domain created by a special-grade object."

This, of course, further confuses them. Activation of a domain? Special-grade object? Everything doesn't make any sense! Well at least, not yet.

Ayumu - "Um, what exactly do you mean by activation of a domain, mister or ma'am?" she asked curiously, which in return, the screen answers back right away again.

"An enclosed barrier made out of cursed energy created by a cursed object or sorcerer."

Great, more things they don't even know what is. At this point, they're just confusing themselves even further than before, And so, instead of asking random nonsense they don't even know of yet, they decided to take a different approach. A main one at that.

Kaede - "Who summoned us here?"

"Information Redacted."

Huh, that makes it more ominous.

Nao - "Is... there a way out of here?"


The straightforward yet surprising answer.

"H-How do we get out..?"

"React until the end."

"And when is that exactly?"

"After a plenty amount of time."

"Why choose us?"

"Truth will be revealed during the reaction."

"What are we reacting?"

"The life of a person you all know."

This piqued a curiosity in them. Who could this particular person be? What's so important about him or her that makes them being summoned here in the first place?

And so with that, they ask their final question.

"Who are we reacting to?"


"Episode starting... Please take a seat to proceed."


(What do you think? It's a great story, right? The original author is SinJin2025 on Wattpad, so let's support him! I tried asking him to post it on Webnovel, but he said I could do it for him.)

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Demon_Dragon_3832creators' thoughts