
Koiwazurai: I think I'm falling in love with someone who's not my girl

Ugamichi Namitaro a highschooler all boys want to be good-looking,athletic,popular and to top it off has a girlfriend but what happens when he starts falling in love with someone who's not his girlfriend.

Trini_Boy · Realistic
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2 Chs


"Morning Namitaro! Walking to school let's walk together."a girl cheerfully exclaims. "Mino the fact that you ask me that every morning even though you know I'm going to school is irritating." " Oh! I'm sorry darling" she said in sweet, seductive voice while planting a kiss on my check. "Are you ok you're as red as a tomato?" "I'm fine!" "I mean I kiss you all the time and each time you get more and more flustered. We've been dating for over a year now you should be use to it"she cheerfully said while smiling at me.Not to long after we got school and walked through the school gates I could see my best friend shouting out to us "Hey Namitaro!" "Hey Fuuturo!" "Stop kissing your girlfriend so we can get to class." Fuuturo shouted in a playful tone "Jealous much" "You wish." Fuuturo responds. I guess I was so caught up the conversation I didn't notice the girl running infront of him. "Ow!" our voices in perfect sync as we bump into each other "Opps! I'm sorry." she muttered nervously while I was lost for words.Her hair,beautiful eyes,her pure and innocent voice it's...it's breath taking. This feeling it's almost the same as when I first saw ice-cream. I...I was lovestruck as I watched her run away and disappear into the school building.

(Who is this girl?Wait she's a transfer student and in my class no way!)-next time chapter 2- "Ayano Ichika"