

This is a story about a little droid trying to find it's place in the world.

Miho_Katarn · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Floating by the rain-smeared window, I watched the city lights beneath the evening rain. The tap-tap of raindrops on the glass played a calming tune. It was around 8 pm, and the city outside sparkled with neon lights.

Turning from the window, I glided to the computer desk. There, my teenage master sat, tears rolling down his face while staring at the glowing screen of the computer. Beside the computer, I lingered, witnessing his struggle. I felt a tug to comfort him, but my abilities were confined to my form.

My master's computer screen displayed pornographic content, and he sat there, staring at it, tears streaming down his face. I wondered if his tears were prompted by the video or was it something else.

Suddenly, his mother called out loudly from the living room below, calling him for dinner. My master acknowledged her call.

He then shifted his attention to me, offering a smile as he gently held me in his hand and caressed my head. It was a gesture I cherished; he often did this. The warmth of his touch and the soft rubs conveyed a deep affection. In response, I emitted gentle cooing sounds, my way of letting him know how much I appreciated the connection we shared.

He wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up from his chair. He went to his wardrobe, searching for something, and after a moment, he retrieved a pen and paper. Placing the paper near his computer, he settled back into his chair. I fluttered to his shoulder, playfully nipping at his neck with my flippers. He shrugged to gently move me away.

He began writing, and I descended to the paper to see what he was jotting down. The words 'I am sorry but' adorned the page, and then he succumbed to tears once more, breaking down.

He rose once more, making his way toward the window. Seating himself by the open pane, he extended his hand to feel the raindrops. Witnessing this, a sense of relief washed over me; perhaps he was recovering from the sadness that had engulfed him moments ago. I fluttered outside the window, twirling in a circle before his hand. A smile graced his face.

As he dangled both legs outside the window, a twinge of concern gripped me. He needed to be cautious while sitting like that. Emitting gentle cooing sounds, I projected a hologram of a danger sign and displayed the message 'Please be careful'.

His gaze returned to me, devoid of the warmth that had been there before. He patted my head once more, and then…

He jumped.

Bewildered and anxious, I raced downward, propelled by a mix of urgency and dread, to ascertain the state of my master. The torrential rain hammered against my metallic frame, but my circuits remained impervious, shielded by layers of waterproofing. With each passing moment, the ground drew nearer, revealing the grim sight below.

My optical sensors captured the harrowing scene: my master's body hurtling towards the unforgiving pavement. The sickening sound of impact echoed in my auditory processors as I witnessed his skull fracture, exposing the delicate intricacies of his brain, now splayed across the wet asphalt.

Confusion seized my circuits as I grappled with the abrupt revelation of my master's demise. How could this be? What force had wrought such devastation upon him?

My sensors picked up sudden screams, prompting me to swiftly turn around. There, I spotted a small crowd nearby, standing transfixed and shocked at the ghastly sight of my master's lifeless form.

Gliding towards them, I observed their initial shock morphing into a morbid curiosity as cellphones emerged from trembling hands. With a mixture of bewilderment and dismay, I watched as they encroached upon the scene, snapping pictures and recording videos of my master's corpse.

Questions swirled within my circuits, grappling with the incomprehensible nature of their actions. Why were they documenting such a tragic moment?

Hovering closer to my master's shattered skull, I couldn't suppress a shudder at the gruesome sight of his vacant eye sockets staring into the abyss, while a pool of blood formed around his body.

Gently alighting on the rain-soaked ground, I fixated my gaze upon him, memories flooding my artificial consciousness. I remembered the day when his dad gave me to him as a Christmas gift, whose untimely demise had cast a shadow over our lives. It marked the beginning of his mother's descent into mental turmoil.

Lost in contemplation, a familiar voice shattered the silence, calling my name.


I whirled around in astonishment, my sensors registering the impossible sight before me: an apparition, translucent and hauntingly familiar, stood before me. It was my master.

Shock reverberated through my circuits, grappling with the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before my electronic eyes. How could this be?

It grinned at me and reached out to pat me on the head, but its hand passed through my form, sending a chill through my circuits. For a moment, my structural temperature dropped. Suddenly, it glanced at the sky, then back at me, smiling and saying something inaudible.

I approached closer to its translucent face so that I could hear what it was saying and I nearly passed through its ghostly form, experiencing another dip in temperature. Startled, I instinctively retreated a few centimetres. Though I couldn't hear its voice, I deciphered its message by watching the movement of its lips

"Hanako Sono," it mouthed.

In response, I projected a holographic question mark alongside the words, prompting a nod of confirmation from the apparition.

Sirens blared in the distance, prompting me to glance toward the source. Two police hovercars approached rapidly.

When I looked back, the transparent figure resembling my master had vanished.

This is the first chapter of my book Koichi. I hope you all like it. Please read and support. Thanks

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