
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 23: A change of regime!

The next few days passed by quickly for Blake, seeing that he was now in charge of the entire village. Everything was up in the air after the attack by the Goblins, leaving much to be done. However, Blake had been quick to adapt to the situation, proving that he indeed had the leadership skills to pave a new way for the village and its people.

Of course, the idea for him to overthrow Kolu had not been a rash one. Blake had genuinely believed that he could do a better job from the start, starting with the way things were done at the basic levels, knowing that if he paved the way it would have a huge effect for the future.

"What? You really want to make such a change to the warrior training program like this?" Commander Vatt asked.

Blake had gathered the Elders of the village for a meeting, having taken time to learn all the ins and outs of the day-to-day running of the village during his first few days as the new Chief.

"That is right," Blake said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But why? Things have been done like this for generations to create only the strongest warriors." Vatt said.

"That may be so, Commander. But ask yourself, how did that serve us when the Goblins attacked." Blake said, getting a nod from some of the others as they broke out into whispers.

"From now on everyone will be trained as a warrior to some extent, making it a requirement to become an adult in our tribe. During this training, they will also learn skills like hunting, trap setting and scouting, being given the option to branch off into a field that they excel at rather than forced into only one." Blake explained.

It was essentially a school-structured education system, adding in the training for everything else that was important to the Kobold tribe. This way everyone would have basic combat training, as well as other skills to help them survive and maintain the village, giving all of the villagers a place and sense of duty.

Blake wanted the training to start from a young age, younger than he had been when he started his warrior training. This way it would also take the children of the tribe off of the streets and teach them skills that would benefit everyone.

"I agree." The head elder said, liking the idea that Blake was proposing.

"It's settled then. These changes are to be implemented at once." Blake said, getting a nod from the others.

"Now, on to the next matter," Blake said, getting their attention.

"It seems that our main food resource comes from the monsters here in the dungeon, consisting of mainly giant rat meat," Blake said.

"That is right." The leader of the hunting party said.

"And how many hunters do we have in the village?" Blake asked.

"Including myself... about 50, sir." The Kobold said.

"Only 50 hunters charged with providing food for the whole village," Blake said, finding it ridiculous. 

"Very well, take 25 of our warriors and add them to the hunting parties until more are trained and ready," Blake said, again getting a surprised look from Vatt.

"B-But sir, if we take more warriors from the village, we could be left open for another attack." 

"Now that I am here, we don't have to worry about that for the time being, do we commander?" Blake said, causing Vatt to think about his words for a second.

"I-I guess not." He said, knowing that Blake was stronger than everyone in the village combined at the moment.

"It's settled then, 25 warriors will be given to the hunters to help gather more food for the village," Vatt said, agreeing with Blake's decision.

"I do have one last thing I wish to talk about," Blake said after a moment, waiting for everyone else to settle down.

"I couldn't help but notice that our knowledge of the dungeon's size is poor at best. When was the last time our maps were updated?" Blake asked.

The elders and Vatt all looked around at one another, not sure who was in charge of scouting the dungeon halls.

"I see..." Blake said, fearing as much.

"I find it rather odd that we are at war with the Goblins, yet we have no idea where their base is located. I also find it strange that we know of another Kobold settlement here in the dungeon, but again its location is unknown." Blake said, interlocking his fingers as he leaned on the table.

The others remained silent, knowing that he made sense.

"Lord Kolu never showed, rather should I say never expressed an interest in exploring the dungeon." The head elder suddenly said.

"I see," Blake said.

"I will gather a group of warriors, one of my own choosing and together we will map out the dungeon," Blake announced.

"Map out the dungeon, but why?" One of the other elders asked.

"I for one want to see what else lies in this dungeon, and what treasures it holds. That and other things." Blake said, sitting back up as he crossed his arms, not wanting to let on to anymore for the time being.

"I agree. Mapping out the dungeon will give us a tactical advantage over our enemies." Commander Vatt said.

"I would like to volunteer myself to be part of your team, Lord Drak." He then said, surprising Blake.

"I admire your spirit Commander Vatt, however, with me gone you are the next strongest in the village. It would only be right that you stay and watch over things while I am gone." Blake said, getting a slow nod from Vatt.

"I understand sir. It would be my honour to guard the village in our chief's absence." 

"So be it. Unless anyone else has anything to add, I think we are done here." Blake then said, watching the others as they all nodded and agreed.

"Very well, this meeting is adjourned." The head elder said, bumping his fist on the table.

"Now, if anyone needs me, I will be out and about in the village gathering a scouting party," Blake said, getting a nod from the others.

With that Blake headed out leaving Vatt and the rest of the elders alone in the room.

Blake headed off into the village through the streets toward the warrior's section, knowing the first two people he wanted to see about joining his party.

Currently, both Nev and Surge were sitting in the mess hall helping themselves to some lunch with some of the other warriors who were on break. With their numbers having taken a large hit due to the Goblins, things had been pretty busy over the last few days for the two of them.

"I'm never going to get stronger like this!" Nev complained as he took a bite of his food.

"Stop complaining will ya, it's giving me a headache," Surge said as he too tried to eat his food.

"You had better get used to it, boys. There is plenty more work to get done around here before anyone gets time to train." One of the older warriors said, causing Nev to sigh.

"This warrior gig isn't really what I thought it would be..." He said, taking another bite of his food in a sad manner.

"Oh yeah, and what did you think it was going to be like, Nev?" Blake asked, having snuck up behind the two of them while they had their guard down.

"D-Drak!" Nev shouted, almost choking on his food.

"S-Sir." The other warriors also said, having had no idea he was even there.

"It's alright everyone, relax," Blake said, still trying to get used to everyone treating him like this.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Nev asked, not seeming to care about rank.

"Glad to see you too, Nev," Blake said, happy that at least one person wasn't treating him differently.

"Actually, I came to see if the two of you would be interested in a little job I am planning," Blake said with a smile, getting both of their attention.

Surge raised an eyebrow seeing the look on Blake's face.

"What kind of job are we talking about here exactly?" Surge then asked.

"The kind that might put your life at risk," Blake said, with a toothy grin, getting both Nev and Surge excited.

"Count us in!"