
Kobe the Beast Tamer

Kobe, a girl who transmigrated in to a different world. Every human here speaks Chinese and wears ancient Chinese clothing. There are royalty, beast, cultivation, and many dangers. Read and see how Kobe saves the world from the unthinkable. ----- Enjoy my readers~

TransparentLife · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter - 2 - A Weird Snake

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of birds. I also turned over and stretched. I then yawned and stood up.

Today I would focus on food. The Girl Scouts I was in never taught me how to make traps, but that didn't mean I didn't see them. We had a field day with the Boy Scouts and they made traps for small creatures. If I could remember those....

I also started to find suitable rocks and long tough leaves and good limbs that had fallen off trees. I then tied the leaves and limps in a way that I remembered. This continued until I had a good thing going. I also used mud from the stream. It wasn't great looking but it was good enough for what I wanted.

Then I set up the trap and started to work on more. After day two of not knowing where I was, I fell asleep with only grapes in my stomach.

The horse just stayed and ate grass and drank the water from the river.

Day three then came. I awoke that morning to find two of my traps were successful. I then realized, I had no idea how to cut up these animals. One was a rabbit and the other was a squirrel. There was also another thing. I had no knife. I sat down and just stared at the two small dead animals.

I'm so dumb! I turned to the horse who was also staring at me. Then I saw what looked to be a small bag under the saddle. Oh? What was this? I stood up and walked over. I picked up the saddle and looked underneath. My mouth almost dropped. There was a small knife strapped underneath and the bag held bandages, some fabric, and a small packet of white powder. I had no idea what it did. I then stepped back and held the knife. I looked over at the animals and knitted my brows.

How should I cut them up? I stepped forward and grabbed up one small animal. I started cutting like how I thought you should. I drained the blood and got the guts out. I also skinned it but not the best. After it was all said in done I had been at it for three hours. I was wiped and soar and I had blood all over my hands. I then picked up the meats and put them on the fabric as I carried them to the river. I washed the meat and got ready to make a small fire before nightfall.

I cooked the meat on a stick and ate well that evening. I needed to find my way to somewhere by tomorrow as this was not the way to live. I went to sleep that night staring at the sky and wondering how I got myself in this situation.

Though my sleep did not last long. As I awoke to the sound of yells. I stood up and grabbed the horse reigns preparing to take off when the yelling stopped. I was perplexed but curiosity won. I held the reigns as I made my way toward the previous yells. The closer I got, the more I smelled blood. I gulped and looked over at a tall bush. There I saw many dead men and a small snake laying injured in the middle.

The snake opened its eyes and looked at me. I decided this was crazy and I stepped back to turn around and leave this place.


My body froze as I turned back around. Who said that?

I looked around but everyone was dead.

"I'm over here." I heard.

"Where?" I asked. Then I realized this was the first time I had talking with this body. The voice was girlish and cute. I hated it. Then again I was most likely eleven.

"Right in front of you."

Then I realized the snake....

I raised my index finger on my right hand and pointed it at the snake.

"D-did you talk?" I stuttered in shock.

"Yes." His mouth moved and I passed out in shock.

The next morning at daybreak I looked around and noticed the horse was gone. Crap! I sat up and felt my head. I had a headache.

I yawned and looked around. Then I remembered last night. What a fever dream. I stood up to look over and I still saw the dead bodies but the snake was gone. I scratched my head and shrugged.

I started to walk forward when I felt I was being stared at. I looked around but saw nothing. I continued forward but the feeling continued. My hands started to get sweaty as I walked back toward the stream.

I farted my eyes around constantly but saw nothing but birds, squirrels, and bugs. Then I saw it. I focused on a fast-moving snake. It was the same one from last night!

"Hey!" I screamed. "You stop fever dream snake!" I shouted. I spoke in English because it was my mother language and no one else was around.

Then the snake froze and turned toward me. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him.

"Ya! Am I dehydrated?" I touched my forehead. There was no way. I drank a good amount of water every day from the stream!

"You speak English?" I head above me.

I looked up and opened my eyes wide.

"You speak English?!" I yelled.

We both just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I with my mouth gaped open and the snake just looking down at me.

What a world...I was having a conversation with a figment of my imagination. How nice!

I just turned away and started walking away. Not real, not real. No way! I need out of this forest! I would have messed up my hair but it was all short and stubby still. What sadness.

"Hey! Wait up!" I heard behind me.