

This story is about kori kyū a 16 year old, high schooler. she gets teleported to another world and has to do a troublesome job to go back to her realm. what do you think, will she be able to sleep on her bed once again?

Cyber_Wing · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Adventure begins![part 1]

"Calm down, he is an angel. If you want to go to heaven please calm down and Look this time he actually teleported us to a safe area." (K)


*1 week later, Kori in front of Akiko's inn room door*

It's been 1 week since Akiko locked herself in the room, like I'm not complaining about it. I thought we would share the room to save some money for the future but instead I was thrown out of the fucking room without any explanation.


"It's me kori, I brought you lunch. I'm keeping it infront of the door." (K)

"Oh, you can just come bring it in?"(A)

I'm allowed to come in now and also she finally said something.

"I'm coming in- WHAT THE FUCK!" (K)

"Why are you yelling?"(A)

"Have you look at the mess you made" (K)

"Oh that yeah,I was just too busy to clean. Also I don't have some cool skills like you, so I had to study all day."(A)

"Do you even know how hard it is to maintain magic in the form of a sword?" (K)

"You're saying it with a straight face how the fuck am I supposed to know." (A)

"I trained for one fucking week and the best can maintain it, is for 6 minutes." (K)

"Atleast you didn't have to study from textbooks."(A)

"Let's Stop fighting and also what were you doing in the room alone after kicking me out?" (K)

"I was memorizing and learning spells and also I never kicked you out."(A)

"Oh my did you already memorized all the spells for your elements type?"

*Kori and Akiko got suprised and looked back*

"Oh Leah it's you, may I ask what are you doing here and also how did you get in?"(A)

"Room cleaning, I have spare keys for all rooms. Either way it's so amazing that you learned all those spells in a week."(l)

"Thanks, I guess"(A)

"Ah, you're so cool!!!"(l)

"Shouldn't you start cleaning? Leah you have other rooms to clean too." (K)

"Kori you're such a buzz killer but you are right, Akiko I'll clean your room perfectly."(l)

*Akiko whispers to Kori*

"I think Leah is a lesbian"(A)

"I kinda see it but no" (K)


"She is engaged to a GUY and even if she is a lesbian she wouldn't be- no actually she would be interested in you." (K)

"What made you change your sentence mid way?"(A)

"It's because as far as I remember you have received more confessions and chocolate on valentine's day from girls than boys." (K)

"Please don't make me remember those dark times, it makes me sick."(A)

"Honestly it disgusts me too" (K)

"What do you mean? you have never received confession in the first place."(A)

"What makes you so sure about that? And also I was talking about the girl that tried to kill you after you rejected her in middle school and-" (K)

"I think that's enough for now."(A)

*Akiko Covers kori's mouth with her hands*

" Hehe, when I first saw you guys I thought you both are too mature for your age but now after seeing you both interact, I guess you're not so mature afterall."(l)


*1 week ago infront of the inn*

"Should we go in?"(A)

"I think so" (K)

*Enter the inn*

"Kori you go talk to the lady in the reception" (A)

"Sis, I have social anxiety." (K)

"Me too "(A)

"But you have talked to more people than me " (K)

*reception lady come to us*

"How may I help you today? I'm Leah daughter of the inn owner."(l)

"Oh a cotton candy." (K)

"Huh, what did you say?"(l)

"I mean your hair is really pretty" (K)

"Thanks "(l)

Actually I was making fun of your pink hair and pink eyes.

"Hello, I'm Akiko and this is my younger sister kori. We want a room to stay at for some time, maybe one week or so."(A)

"What kind of room you both want?"(l)

"Single room"(A)

Huh? A single room, Is she trying to lower the cost of our stay?

"That would be 20 silver coin for one week."(l)

*Kori gave the money to Leah and as soon as Akiko got the keys to the room she went to the room and locked herself.*

"Sis open the door" (K)


"Do you need one more room?"(l)

"Yes, please" (K)

"That would be 20 more silver coins."(l)

"I know "(K)

*Back to the present*

"Why don't you guys go out to practice while I'm cleaning because it's going to take some time to clean."(l)

Leah sometimes I feel bad for you.

"Oh, yes I think I should get back to practice."(K)

" Kori, Where do you practice?"(A)

"Why did you ask?"(K)

"I think we should practice together."(A)