
Chapter 6



The day which I thought will be a nightmare turned to be a dream come true.

I got the project.

I will head the project along with other experienced employees. Matt is he my lucky charm or what. The moment he entered my life, the problems got solved.

I wanna thank but I don't know his floor or department he is working. I am leaving the office late hence I don't know whether I will meet him or not. Then from the corner of my eyes I see him crossing the pavement.

"Hey Matt.". I shout waving at him. He turns his head towards my direction then a smile blows up.

Oh God! I'm a puddle now.

How charming he looks whe he smile.

I walk towards his direction.

"Hey Cassandra, how was your meeting.". He asks smiling.

"Matt, call me Casey and my meeting was wonderful guess what, I Got The Project.". I exclaimed beaming at him.

"So, I wanted to thank you but didn't know which department you are working for, so I couldn't come around during the break time."

"Oh, it's ok anyway I could be of help to you in a way I'm happy."

"Help! it's not just help you are my lucky charm! Matt.". I blurted before I could stop and clapsed my mouth seeing his stunned look.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say it loudly."

"It's ok Casey.". He said smiling.

I love the way he says my name.

"So, Casey where do you live?". Thank god he changed the subject.

"I live three blocks away, so how long have you been working for Lennon Industries."

"9 years.". he says.

"Oh, you have been from the start, Is our CEO grumpy from starting?".

"No he just had some personal problems due to which he became grumpy, Why?"

"No, I heard, he is too grumpy to talk, so I'm a bit of scared of him."

"He doesn't bite Casey."

"Anyway which department are you in?"

"Coding department."

"Oh ok, then bye."

"Hey Casey, will you give me your number, so we can just..... go out sometimes.". He asks hesitantly.

Oh God! he is asking me out.

"Yeah, I will give you my number, anyway I can ask your help right."

"For sure."

With that we exchange numbers and part ways.

Me: J! I met the gut, my gaurdian angel we exchanged numbers.

J: What! you already begged the guy, oh girl you are so lucky, look at me still the V-card so secured at this age also.

Me: J! I'm also still holding my V-card, so don't worry.

J: U found someone to punch it babe.

Me: Who told you?

J: It is there in your chatting babes, I'm happy for you.

Me: You know me, I don't want anyone as one nightstand. I wanna fall in love and cherish the moments.

J: Yes, I know Casey I wish he is the one for you.

I also wish that he is my ONE.

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