
Like Owner like Plot

Half-baked world? I thought to myself. What does he mean by that?

"Explain what you mean by that?"

Siming rolled his eyes and said

"It takes around a 100 thousand to a million souls to create a single world. Usually, after putting the souls in the world, they will be in residing in the world until the end of the storyline. However, because of how I created this world in a short period of time, other than the main and supporting leads, majority of the souls that are currently residing in this world are only temporaries. Meaning that after certain amount time, the souls of minor characters will be changed constantly throughout the period of this world's storyline, without having the last soul's memories. In another word, those minor character's memories are being refreshed every time the soul changes, at most, only the important memories would be left behind for the new soul."

No wonder the young girl servant from this morning is different from the one that is here right now, I thought to myself.

"Then what about me?" I asked curiously, "Why do nobody know the name and information of this character and the family that I am reincarnated to?"

Siming sighed and answered "That's because you're not even worth as a minor character in this world. The minor characters at least have the chance to show up their faces once or twice in the stories, however, you don't even have that chance. At most, you are counted as a background scenery where the face would be blurred out as 'just one of the 'many people' that may exist in this world."

He then looked me in the eyes and said "That's why no one will remember your name even if you told them about it, nor will they remember your face and appearance. Not even your so-call parents or family in this world will remember that you exist in this world. They will usually forget about you after a day of meeting you, or maybe even after a few minute..."

When Siming said that, for some reason I felt like my heart got pulled down by gravity five times the force. "Someone that should have never been existed" huh... I guess something just never change....I thought to myself.

While having that thought in my head, I guess I also accidently showed my disappointment on my face my face, since Siming suddenly changed his voice into a much softer tone.

"You can think of it in a positive way, you know. Like how you have become a VIP audience that got the whole cinema for yourself. Although it's not that good, you still created this world yourself... of course, with my help. Once again, not everyone can get the same opportunity as you do, where they can watch their own storyline come to live, so just sit back and relax."

"With that said..." he further added, "not only are you a VIP audience, but also a rich one. You're a no-name character, but you're rich! So you can buy as much melon seeds as you want while sipping on an expensive tea as you enjoy the show that is being broadcast live in front of you."

I nodded my head. "True, I agree on that. I rather be a rich no-name character than a poor main lead," I thought to myself

"Then what part of the story are we up to right now? The beginning?" I asked

"What do you think?" he said while doing his iconic smirk

I thought "Wiping that smirk away from this asshole's face would be too easy for him, I should rip that whole entire mouth off ," while I roll my eyes at him.

Seeing that I gave him my little attitude, he giggled a bit, then turned his back to me and held his hands behind his back. "Let me remind you one more thing" he said,

"Do not do anything stupid that can change the plot of this world from its original storyline. Do not try to do anything for the main leads or the supporting leads just because of a sudden rush of whatever emotion. Do not help them, Do not sympathize them, Do not even think of changing one of the character's plot. If you do anything that changes the plot, you'll be severely punished." When he said those things, you can tell that he is very serious, to the point where you feel the chills of his cold tone.

The sudden serious tone from him was also kind of awkward for me at the same time, so I asked him jokingly with a smirk back to him "What, kill me again?"

He did not response to my question quick, instead he tilted his head up a little to have a better look the night's sky that is filled with specks of stars and the crescent moon that is so transparent and clear...then he slowly replied "Only if the option of death was ever so easy..."

I stare at his back for a few second and said "Isn't this world my creation in the first place? Since I am the author of this storyline, shouldn't it be alright for me to change something if I want to? And-"

"It's getting late, you should start waking up" he said before giving me the chance to finish the sentence.

Then he lift his hands up and snaps his finger together


I suddenly fell down into the koi pond that I was above the whole entire time.

The fell surprised me that I don't even have enough time to grasp for air. As I start to feel like I cannot hold it in anymore, I suddenly open my eyes and was able to grasp for air again.

Wheeze wheeze*

As I grasp for more air I look around my surrounding and realize that I am at my own room again, laying on top of my wooden bed. I look at my window and see sunlight beaming onto my wooden paper window and into my room, that's when I realize that its already morning.

"Was it a dream?" I said to myself questionably when I thought about my interaction with Siming, then I shake my head.

"No, it shouldn't be a dream, since his answers matches the questions that I had when I came into this world"

I suddenly thought of the last words that he told me before he brought me back to reality. "Do not change the plot..." then I sigh.

"O well, whatever comes, comes, and it's not like I am stupid enough to put my life in line for anyone." I said to myself before I get up from the bed.