
Knowledge is the best Skill for Isekai [Remake]

Note: This story is a remake from "Knowledge of the best skill for isekai" not too many is been changed _______________ A 24 year old man who spent his last 10 years in a hospital due to a serious disease. Unable to move or go outside yet he was able to hold his pain and suffering. It was thanks to the stories he read from novel, manga, animes and video games. When his time finally came, he was given a second chance to choose what kind of new life he wants to live, and the type of world he wants to go. For someone who spent his life on reading or watching some "isekai" stories, he knows exactly what kind of world he wants to go. Or so he thought. [I know "exactly" what you want. How about Saletera?] [Sounds good. And for the skills, only one I'll ask.] ---------------------------- English is my second language. This novel wasn't suppose to be uploade early. Originally I was going to make a Fanfiction, but because of misclick, I made it a webnovel instead. So I had to change the title to a new one which is this one. The story has many Arc, but I'm only gonna make one Arc for "Webnovel". As for the reason "why?" It will be in the last chapter. ------------------------------ One last thing: this novel was requested to be shared. so I don't care about the numbers of whatever. I'm just sharing the story to readers.

B_N_F2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Week Training Schedule [Edited]

Let me skip for you guys all my training exercises schedule that I will be doing in these 10 days. As I said before, I'm planning to train my magic >swordsmanship and weapons >hand to hand combat. In this world there are no status or status window like in some other animes. But I can create one using Senoki's information. After all, she knows everyone status. But I wouldn't do that because it's too distracting. I will only check the status differences when I need to.

Okay then, first training is magic. I need to learn how to control my mana and magic more perfectly. I already know How, what left is experience. My brain already knows the process but my body doesn't. That is why I need to train my body, so it can adapt in using magic more effective, faster, and smoother.

And I also need to increase my MP. There are many ways to do that.

1) By using your own mana to expand your mana pole like "use 100 mana to gain 1 MP" for example

2) Using others mana to expand while saving your own mana. others mana can be from the surrounding, since every where in the atmosphere there is mana, just like the oxygen. Or by absorbing mana from magic stones, which is more effective. 3) Gain more mana from hunting wild beast. Like in some games when your character kills a monster it gain Exp, Mp, and others. Here in this world, a person can gain mana from killing a being that has mana. When a beast is killed, it's remaining mana will automatically go to the person that killed him.

Fortunately for me, there are still some magic stones that are left in the storage room. I can use them to help me increasing my MP. Right now, I can only use the first and the second option.

As for how to use magic, there are 2 ways. By chanting the spell or using magic scroll. There are some people that can chant spells faster, and some can cast magic without chanting. The differences? Those who can chant spells fast are knowledgeable about the characteristic of spell they use. And those who can cast the magic spell without chanting are more knowledgeable. Because they know the characteristic of the magic spell like the back of their hand.

In order to change the mana into a magic spell you need to know the formula of that spell or the "Code Answer" of the spell.

Think of it like a calculation in numbers. For example, to cast a magic spell Fire Ball is by Chanting "2+5+3=10" the "2+5+3" is the words chanting, "10" is the name of the trigger which is "Fire Ball".

Those who can chant faster knows how to shortcut, like "5×2=10" or "5+5=10". And those without chanting knows the answer without the needs to chant, which is "10".

That's is how casting a magic spell works, but it's not by calculating numbers, but Words and Ruins. Magic Scroll are like a prepared chanting that's needs only the name of the magic spell to trigger it.

An example: a scroll that is written on it the words chanting of the Magic spell "Water Ball" All it needs is pouring some of your mana into it, and saying the name of the spell to trigger. easy.

These are the information of using magic. Well, most of it. There is still more I need to study.

One more thing you may need to know and that is, I am able to cast Any magic spell in this world, All of them, as long as I have enough mana that is.

How? Well, I have Senoki to tell me the Answers. Like I said before, in order to cast a magic spell you need to know the formula "chanting words" in order to find the Correct Answer "trigger" of the spell.

For me, I don't need to chant the words to find the right answer, because I have Senoki to tell me the answer.

See? Knowledge makes life easy.

Moving on. My second training is swordsmanship. When Senoki told me how to train properly and correctly, I was surprised from what I have learned. Not just swordsmanship, but also the archery, the spear, dagger, and others. Each weapons has their own ways and rules. How to hold? How to stand? Where and when to swing? How much force you should add? When to use the side of the blade or the edge? And etc.

And not just only about the using, but even the requirement for using the weapon. When I started my training exercise, the first think I did after taking the sword from the storage was exercising my muscles. I didn't swing the sword right away, Instead I used magic enchantment to increase the durability of my muscles, so that I'm able to practice swinging the sword more better.

That's because my muscles and body is still new, and it needs some warm ups exercise before doing the main exercise training.

If anyone of you want to practice swinging a sword in the future, make sure that your arm muscles are strong enough, so that you don't get some problems when you start swinging. A way to know if your arms are strong enough to swing a sword, is by doing some chin up exercise, 10 times in a row.

(A/N: not really.)

The best way in using a sword is by using both hands. You can also use just one hand but that will require more strength, mastery and capability. There are many types of sword, which makes many different types of ways and techniques on using them. But for now, I well be focusing in using longsword, shortsword, and claymore.

Next weapon is the dagger and knife. These two  weapons are more suitable for close range combat, better than the sword. If we put two fighters on a field, one is using a sword, the other one is using the dagger, and both of them have the same status, Who do you think will win?

The answer is the one with the dagger. The reason is, because of the weight. The sword is more heavier than the dagger and alot slower. Different from a dagger or a knife which can move fast. And not just one dagger but also using two daggers against a sword. That will increase the chance of winning. Those weapons are more dangerous when the user is close to the enemy. Same goes for the other side if the enemy is the one using the daggers.

What I will be training is not just about how to use them for close distance, but also on how to use it for a far distance too. A knife can't be used for a wide range because of its size. But there is still some ways to do that, like by throwing it at the enemy or by attaching some chains on it like the God of War Kratos.

I will focus on how to use them for close range and far range. And also on how to deal with enemies who use the same method. There are 12 knifes in storage room, but no daggers. Fortunately, I was able to craft one using a metallic chair that I borrow from the lab. Just use Fire magic to melt the chair, then use Metal Control Magic or Magnetic  Magic to shape it into a dagger, and done.

Next is the spear and polearms. Unlike swords and knife, the spear is the hardest one to master, given its divided into two parts, a long stick and a sharp blade. It's a strong weapon against sword and knife but in the same time its weak. It depends on the users mastery, and the opponent that he is facing. It's only more suitable against multiple giant beasts. But if I want to use it against multiple enemies, like demons for example, a double-blade polearm is the right choice. There was no spear or a polearm in the storage, so I had to craft them too. I only made two, one for training and the other one for hunting when I leave.

Next, the greatsword. I don't think I need to train on how to use it since it's the same as a normal sword. The only difference is the weight, and that can be dealt with on the long run. Just use the gravity magic on it and it's done.

Next one, the Archery. This one is the easiest one for me to train. All that I need to do is practicing aiming and that's all. I don't need to practice my arm muscles when pulling the string since I'm already training it on swinging swords. The only thing that is hard about archery is controlling your aiming. Hitting the target, either it's a bullseye or not, is depends in your mastery and understanding. In a battle, hitting a target will be hard when the target is moving or when your moving too while dodging. Especially if the atmosphere around you is in a bad condition. That will make the challenge extremely hard, and exciting. Well, exciting for me of course, but for you guys, it will be annoying.

I made a bow using Wood Magic and the string from Magic Materialize. I got the blueprint for the bow from Senoki and the arrows too. It took me 13 hours to craft them all. I even enhanced their durability with magic, making them alot stronger, so it doesn't get break easily when I use them alot. The bow and the arrows will only last for 27 days, because they were made from magic, not natural material.

Materials that are made from magic are more weaker than the real one, so I will need to buy a new bow and arrows when I arrive at the city border.

There was something interesting I found out while I was practicing archery, a fun fact and a silly one too.

When I asked Senoki about my development, she answered that my rate at hitting a target is 14%. When I heard her answer, I got disappointed. Even after I have understand all the basics and knew how and when to shoot, I'm still far from 90%.

(A/N: *half eye* he just start practicing it 2 days ago.)

That time, I unconsciously asked myself if there is a way to hit perfectly, 100%.


And Senoki answered with a 'Yes'. And that's by following her guidance.

Here is an example of how the result comes out.


I was standing in front of 10 moving targets, like the one people use to shoot at on earth, wood archery targets. Using Wind Manipulation, the targets were moving while floating randomly. The distance was only about 30 yards. I was training outside on the mountains, since the area here is more wider.

I hold my bow straight, pulling the string, and aiming the arrow at one of them while waiting.

'A little to the left, then up, don't pull it to much, and steady~'.

I followed what Senoki told me to do.

'Wait in 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..'

I relax my right hand which was holding the arrow and Let It Go.




It hit the target perfectly, right at the red circle in the middle, 100 point!

Next I tried hitting another target, but without Senoki's guidance, and the result was.


20 point.

I ask Senoki's help.


100 point.

I tried again without asking her.



Ask again.

Hit 100!

Not asking.




Not asking.



And the result was, by following Sensei's guidance, 5 target were hit perfect at the center. Total score 500.

While the other 5 targets that I tried to hit without her guidance, 2 hit and 3 miss. Total score 30.

*expression 😑*


And that's what happened on the 8th day. But I didn't stop practicing, even if Sensei is more better, that doesn't mean I can't. I will keep practicing continuously until I reach 90% and above. As for using Senoki to help me, she will be my trump card.

Last weapon is the shield. There wasn't alot to learn on how to use it, just know how to block and how to deflect. And what kind of spells that I can use on it to make it alot stronger.

That was all my training for weapons. The last training was martial art. Surprisingly, there are no martial arts in this world, and not many people on this world fights in bare hands, only beastmen and some other. But no one have yet created a technique or an art on how to fight using only hands and foot. One of the reasons is because there is magic.

The people of this world are like "there is magic, so why do we need to use fist in a battle. Only an idiot would do that". They are not wrong, fist is only been used by some scum bags who likes bullying the weak.

So in the end, I ask Senoki to teach me some martial arts from my previous world.

[But the only problem that is left is that I need a partner.]

Learning martial art is better if you have a partner, and it's alot faster in growing. I could use Clone Magic or create earth golem using Earth Creations Magic, but it won't last long. And my mana is still not enough.

[Is there another way that's more effective?]


[Wait? I can do that?!]

<Information Installing...>



As I read the information, I got very excited. To think I am able to do that, early?

[And even free!]

Well not free, but alot easy.



You guys want to know what Senoki told me?

Sorry, that's a secret. And also a surprise, no fun with spoilers, you know.


(A/N: This was on the 7th day)

And that was all my training on these 10 days. I even made the schedule for it.


Day 1: magic training, sword training, martial art training.

Day 2: magic training, sword training.

Day 3: crafting, dagger training, martial art training.

Day 4: magic training, dagger training.

Day 5: magic training, spear training, martial art training.

Day 6: spear training, crafting.

Day 7: magic training, archery, martial art training.

Day 8: magic training, archery.

Day 9: crafting, shield training, martial art training.

Day 10: new sk...battle training test, crafting.


And so, the day were I will leave this place has finally arrived.

"DAY 11"

[Everything is ready.]

I took a last look at the interns of the Laboratory. All these 10 days I spend in here. Training, cooking, learning, crafting, studying, practicing, and watching.



I really going to miss this place.

[Nah, I was joking.]

Who would be happy to stay here alone. Not me.

[Time to see this world with my own eyes!]



I realized that one of the reasons I upload chapters slow, is because I don't have an editor. Since I'm alone doing the editing and the correction.

Well, I don't care about it. My vacation will start at March and I will have alot of time to finish this story. After that I will be able to focus on the fanfic.
