
Knowledge is the best Skill for Isekai [Remake]

Note: This story is a remake from "Knowledge of the best skill for isekai" not too many is been changed _______________ A 24 year old man who spent his last 10 years in a hospital due to a serious disease. Unable to move or go outside yet he was able to hold his pain and suffering. It was thanks to the stories he read from novel, manga, animes and video games. When his time finally came, he was given a second chance to choose what kind of new life he wants to live, and the type of world he wants to go. For someone who spent his life on reading or watching some "isekai" stories, he knows exactly what kind of world he wants to go. Or so he thought. [I know "exactly" what you want. How about Saletera?] [Sounds good. And for the skills, only one I'll ask.] ---------------------------- English is my second language. This novel wasn't suppose to be uploade early. Originally I was going to make a Fanfiction, but because of misclick, I made it a webnovel instead. So I had to change the title to a new one which is this one. The story has many Arc, but I'm only gonna make one Arc for "Webnovel". As for the reason "why?" It will be in the last chapter. ------------------------------ One last thing: this novel was requested to be shared. so I don't care about the numbers of whatever. I'm just sharing the story to readers.

B_N_F2 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Training Three Muscle Heads

The next day in the morning.

After meeting Drone and the others at the south gate of the city, we quickly left and headed straight to the forest. I told them that we will be training in the Mystic Forest, and in the same time do some quest. I already took one easy quest for them.

[Okay, we will start from here.] I stopped walking and clapped my hands to get their attention.

[Here?] Coner questioned.

They all got confused.

[Yes here. Your first training will be running from here until you reach the forest. You guys have one hour to do that.]

[ONE HOUR!] They all shouted in shock.

Well, it actually takes about two hours for a normal person to reach it while running. But I don't want to waste time so...

[Is there are problem?]

My face darkened, and I asked in a cold tone.

[N-no! Of course not.]

[Yes, no problem at all.]

The dark vibe disappeared and my face returned into a smile.

[Good. Now let's start running.]

They all began running to the south, and I was joining them. After running for forty four minutes, they all began to feel exhausted.

[Huh...huh...sir!... I don't think we can keep going anymore... can we take some rest.]

Unlike them, I didn't have any problem in breathing, not even exhausted.

[No can do. You guys need to reach the forest first, or else, those hungry wolves behind you will enjoy your meat.]

They all looked confused when I said that, but when they all turn their heads to look back, their expression turn pale.

They saw nine black wolves running towards them, with red eyes full of hunger.

[What the Hell?! Why is there a pack of wolves chasing us?!]

They all began to run a lot faster.

[Oh yes, I forgot to mention. After we started running, I summoned those wolves and ordered them to attack the three of you. So, if you don't plan on getting eaten by them, you better reach the forest, because they won't be able to enter there.]

Actually, those are not real wolves, but an holographic illusion spell that I made using mind manipulation magic and illusions magic. A very strong spell that can trick anyone's mind whose rank level is below C. Kinda similar to Loki's trick.

[Good luck~ I will be waiting for you guys there.]

With my final words, I increase my speed using mana and ran much faster, leaving the three behind.

They all had a dumbfound expression when they saw that.


Unfortunately, the sound of the wolves behind them woke them up from their thoughts. They all gritted their teeth and began putting more power in their legs.




They all start throwing multiple curses while running. They could still hear the sound of the wolves approaching so they didn't want to try looking back, and focused more on running for their life.

Meanwhile, I already reached the forest in seven seconds. And right now I am watching the three men through Senoki's holographic screen.

[You are enjoying this, aren't you?] Rutelae asked next to me.

[Well... I won't lie saying I don't.]

He stared at me for a moment before sighing.



Eleven minutes later, they finally reached their destination, and they all fell down to the ground trying to catch their breath.

[....Huh...huh...I thought we would die.]

After giving them some time to rest and to recover their stamina, I began teaching them some knowledge about the wild beast in the Mystic Forest and hunting. After that, I taught them the correct way to hunt in the forest, and also pin pointed all the mistakes that they made during the last two years.

[The first mistake is that you guys always go for the hardest quest, just because it gives you more money than the others. I mean, Really? Why don't you take the normal quest or the easiest one just like what you always did before becoming rank D?]

[Second, if your going to choose a quest, make sure you know how to complete it. You can't just randomly accept any quest. For example, a quest that needs you to collect some rare herbs, and you don't even know where to find it.]

Just then, Coner raised his hand.

[B-but sir, we did ask some people-]

[Don't interrupt me! I don't need to hear your excuses!]


[The third problem is the money. Don't waste your money on buying something you don't really need it, or on something that's expensive. If you need a place to sleep, go to a cheap inn, not a five star inn just because it's more popular. Same thing goes for the other stores and shops, weapons, armors, potions, magic item, and so on. And also, you guys need to stop wasting your money on drinking every night, especially at gambling games, you guys sucks at playing it.]

[Huh? How did you know about that?] Drone asked with a surprised expression.

[Every adventure in the city knows that!] I answered.

They all lowered their heads down in a shame. I continue criticizing them, mentioning all the problems they have done, and sometime insulting them a little.

[And one more thing. From now on, you will call me Master. Not Sir, not your Highness, but Master. Understood?!]


After a full one hours of lecturing, I gave each one of them a special training task to complete, base on their abilities and classes.

For Nike, I created a small electro ball that floats in the air. I told him that he need to catch the ball which was difficult for him since it moves so fast in the air every time it senses a movement around three meters.

*pzz! pzz!*


[Damnit! It's so hard to catch.] He hit the ground with his fist.

[Remember what I said, you need to observe its movement and its surroundings, so you can know when and where to jump at it.]

Next is Drone. For his task, I placed a large rock in the middle of the field and made him stand ten meters away from it. His job was to cut it into two using a wind pressure from his sword without using mana on it. I even added some extra weight on his greatsword using Gravity magic to increase the difficulty. At first he complained saying it was impossible. But after I borrowed his greatsword and showed him a demonstration by cutting down a similar large rock into a half, his jaw drop in shock.




After swinging for the 82th time, he's beginning to feel exhausted.

[You need to focus more on the muscle of your arms. Forget about the other parts of your body, and just focus on the arms and hands. Don't think on anything except cutting the rock.]

[Yes master!]

The last one is Conar. I gave him one of my shields so he can use it for practice, since his class is a Tanker, and he has a great talent for being a frontline defense. Unfortunately, the guy never used a shield or buy one because he didn't like it, and complains that a shield is not a weapon but an tool for defense only.

That really did piss me off, so I hit him on the head using a shield and then showed him an example of me destroying three trees by using it, making him eat his words.

I then made him switch from using only a double axe into one handle axe and a shield. And right now he is using the shield on his left arm to block the swinging log that is swung towards him at full force.



He greeted his teeth as he blocks the blow that pushed him back, making him fall down on the ground. The task that I gave him was to block the  swinging log without getting pushed back, even a little. After he blocks the blow from the tree trunk, he goes pulling down one of the ropes that's pulls back the swinging log back to the top of the tree, ready to be unleashed again at him.


After releasing the rope free, the swinging log will fall down towards him again, repeating the same pattern again and again until he can block it completely.



[Conar, you need to remember to enhanced your arms first when blocking. Don't just enhance your mana on the shield only or you might end up breaking some bones.]

[Understood Master!]

I walked back to my spot under a big tree and leaned my back on it. Rutelae flew down next to me as we watch the others training.

[Isn't your training a little too hard for them?]

[I guess. But if they really want to get stronger, then I don't think they will have any problem.]

Basically, what I gave them is more like a hard core level training, and it will take more than one day to complete it. But I'm not planning for them to complete it in one day, but in three hours.

[Rutelae, do you know what is one of the best things that motivates others to train hard, no matter what?] I asked him.

[No... what is it?] He tilted his head.

[It's Hope.]

I looked at Nike who is starting to feel tired and frustrated. I then used Senoki to check his thoughts.


<Nike: This is very hard! I'm getting no where with this training! Is it really possible to catch it? No, I saw Master Xora capable on doing it without using magic, so it's possible. But how?>

Seems like he is reaching his limit in patience. I used mind manipulation magic and mind control magic to create a New spell, then combined it with telepathy magic.

'Let's see if this will work'

I used the spell on Nike, and began whispering in his mind through telepathy, without making him realize it.

"You need to stay calm and focus. Observe it's movement and the surroundings. Look Up."

<Nike: Yes, I need to focus. Remember what master said. observe it's movement and the surroundings... it's surroundings... look up?>

He began observing the electro ball from a distance and the surroundings, then his eyes went up towards a tall tree. He looked at the tree for a moment before an idea came to him.

"Maybe I can catch it from above."

He then went climbing the tall tree and then went to one of its big branches which was above the electro ball. He looked at the ball from above, and waited for the right moment. After a couple of minutes, he jump straight down towards it, diving while extending his right hand to catch it.


Unfortunately he missed and failed. Falling down on his face.

[Damn It! I was so close!] He shouted in frustration, but on his face, he was smiling.

He looked at his right hand that was shaking with some electricity sparks on his fingers. Although he failed to catch it, but he was able to touch it, which means that there is still a chance for success.

There is still hope.

I chuckled as I watched him getting up from the ground, smiling with more confidence. The spell that I cast on him is called Conscience Whisper. A new spell I created last night that allows me to whisper in the target's mind, making them think what they hear is their own voice, or their conscience.

I did also cheat a little, by slowing down the agility of the electro ball a little bit, just so he can touch it.

...What? I'm just trying to help him by lowering the difficulty to the perfect level for him. I wasn't planning on making the training very hard in the first place. Just in the start, I made the level mode a Hard Core, and when they start to lose hope and patience, I change the level into normal hard mode. That's my original plan.

I turn my head and looked at Drone. He is now swinging with some frustration on his face too. And the way he swings is becoming more rough.

I used the spell on him and whispered in his mind.

"Clam down and take some deep breath. Focus and concentrate on using mana in your arms before swinging. Be patient."

<Drone: That's right, I need to be patient... just focus on the arms and hands... use mana? Master said not to use mana on the sword, but not on the arms. Yeah, that may work. Let's try it.>

He raised his greatsword above his head and closed his eyes. He then took a long deep breath... three times. The next minute he opened his eyes, he swung the sword with all his might.




A large mark of slash appeared on the large rock, but it wasn't deep enough to make it split into two. But still, that's some progress.

[I did it! Master look!] Drone shouted with excitement.

[Slow down big guy. You still didn't managed to cut it into half, remember?] I said while crossing my arms.

[Oh right... I forgot about that. Sorry, got too excited.] He said, scratching his head.

[It's Okay.] I nodded to him.

He then went back on his training with a wide smile.

'Looks like the excitement made him forget that he was exhausted.'

I then looked at Conar. Unlike the others, his training is the hardest one. The reason because it's his first time using a shield.



His mana control on using it to enhance his arm is good but it's not enough. He need to enhance all his body, including his feets.

I checked his thoughts and waited a little more. The guy still has some patience and is thinking very hard.

<Coner: it's not enough. I need to enhance more mana on my arms and the shield much faster, but it's hard to do that before getting hit. What to do?>

After his 24th failed attempt, I decided to use the spell on him.

"Maybe you should enhance your feet too. Not just your arms, but all of your body."

<Coner: All my body... my feet...that may work. Yeah, let's try that.>

He pulled down the rope again and then he released the swinging log. Seeing the incoming tree trunk, he quickly enhanced his shield and arms, and then his entire body.


But this time, he was pushed back from the blow and was able to not fall down to the ground.

[Urgh!... t-that hurts alot.]

His face was sweating alot from using mana and he was breathing heavily from the exhaustion. But he was also smiling like crazy.


I clapped my hand to get everyone's attention. 'These guys needs some break.'

[Okay, that's enough! We are taking a little break!]


We all sat down together on the grass. I gave the three men some recovery potions, and then I took out a lunch box from my storage ring, and shared it with them.

[Master, what are those?]

[These are Sandwiches. It's a well known food in my hometown.]

[They look similar to Bread meat.]

Bread meat? Is that what they call it in this world?


Seems like the Sandwich wasn't invented yet, but they did invent something similar. Bread meat, bread eggs, bread cream and others.

[These ones are different from those Breads. Instead of adding only one ingredient between the bread, you can add more than just a meat, like some vegetables, sauces, cheese and egg.]

They all looked at the sandwiches with an interesting eyes. When they took the first bite, they were shocked by the taste.

[T-this...this food taste way amazing than I thought!] Nike commented with sparkling eyes.

Heh, will of course they are. Unlike the normal sandwich that I had back on Earth, those were made by adding some tasty flavors and ingredients that I was able to get from the city's plaza and the Mystic Forest. This world has more different flavors and ingredients than on Earth. And not just that, but there are many different elements and resources that can't be found back on Earth.

After finishing eating and recovering stamina, they all went back to their own training. Unllike last time when they started, they were able to improve alot faster. One and a half hour later, the first one to finish their task was Drone. He was able to cut the rock into half after his seventh slash using wind pressure.

[I did it Master!] He shouted with excitement.

The second one who finished was Nike, the guy was covered with dirt all over his clothes, but he was also smiling happily.

[Master look! I finally caught it!] He waved his right arm which was holding the electro ball.

And the last one was Conar. Unlike the other two, he took more time to be able to block the swinging log completely, or maybe I should say "literally".

When he heard the voice of his friends finishing their task, he started to get a little impatient. Fortunately, his two best friends came to cheer him.

[Come on Coner, you can do it!]

We all watched him until the last moment. I did check his thoughts again and found out that he was thinking alot harder than before.

<Coner: Focus, Focus, Focus! I need to gather my mana much faster!>

After reading his thoughts, I decided to try and test something on him that might help him.

I used the same spell again and whispered to his mind.

"Coner, why are you training so hard?"

<Why am I training so hard? Ofcourse to get more stronger.>

"Why do you want to get stronger?"

<So we can rank up faster!>

"Is that all?

<...So we can also get more money and enjoy our life.>

"Is that really the main reason in the first place?"


He stop moving and began thinking about the question.

"Conar, why did you choose to be an adventure in the first place?"

The moment he heard those words from his conscience, he began remembering the past, the day he lost his mother, the day his uncle kicked him out of his own house, the day he decided to become an adventure to get money, and the day he met Drone and Nike, and forming a party. He remember the day where the three shared their own story, and made a promise to help one another to get a better life.

He started to remember what his real goal for getting stronger was, and that is to not to suffer like what happened in the past when he was a kid. He along with his friends have suffered from the same thing, and that is 'losing our home'. Drone's home was destroyed by the demon's invasion. And Nike's parents abandoned him when he was a kid, leaving him lost in the street. They all promised to get stronger together, for a better life.

And at that moment, Conar's heart was beating fast and he released the rope, ready to block the tree trunk again. He enhanced his hole body with magic boost without knowing that he unconsciously activated a spell. He prepared himself for the blow and screamed the moment the tree trunk slammed into his shield.




The tree trunk exploded into pieces because Corner, instead of blocking it decided to deflect it, which resulted in making him use the magic boost unconsciously to destroy it.

Nike and Drone were shocked when they saw that, including Coner himself.

[Wow, he actually did it.] Rutelae was also surprised from the outcome.

Me on the other hand, I was also surprised, but not from what Conar did, rather from the reaction of his emotions.

'To think that the Emotions, and the theory about getting more power from the feelings, emotions, and memories is actually true.'

I read many fictional stories in the past which talks alot about the power of the feelings and memories, and how it can push someone's body to the limit or beyond. I didn't really believe that... or rather, I didn't confirm it if it's actually true, because there was no mana or any supernatural element or power back on Earth. But in this world, maybe I can confirm all those fictional theories, like the power of love, anger, and friendship.

'Pfft, friendship. I'm looking forward to it.'

[Good job Conar, you did excellent.] I praised him.

[T-thank you Master!] He bowed his head.

[Okay, now that we finished the training, we will start hunting for the quest, and then go back after finishing it. Let's go.]

[Yes Master!!!]
