
Knowledge and Power: Reborn into a society that only values strength.

You can read the full story here, but volume 1 is currently up for sale on amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW3HYKRQ This is a slow-burn isekai story about a young girl named Siya who was born with a weak body into a world that only cares about Strength. Because of this, she isn’t able to even use the only thing she has going for her, a knack for strategy, which is the last thing that the nation of meat heads seems to care about. She faces many hardships and trials, struggling through abuse, grueling training, and seeing death around every turn. Despite all of this, she presses on, grasping at straws and using everything at her disposal to survive. Turning to devine favor, unique abilities, and even magic and dark magic later on, they each come with a new problem. As she finds unlikely friends, and deals with unthinkable betrayals, she struggles to finally stand tall and place herself in a position of power where her true abilities could finally shine. This is NOT a revenge story, but that isn’t to say the main character magically forgives people either.

Lions_Quill · Fantasy
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269 Chs

Air and Lu

My brother had come and gone like a flash storm. It was so sudden that I couldn't think for a moment having to let myself process what had even happened. 'Should I wait for him to come back? Or…'


I heard a voice coming from the window again, but it wasn't my brothers. This time, it was Finlo.

'This is getting ridiculous…' "How long have you been there Finlo?"

He nimbly climbed in. his fluid movements reminded me of his background as a gymnast and a performer. For him, it wasn't his ability to get to the window that surprised me. It was why he was there.

He smiled wryly. "Why, were you doing something shameful?"

I felt a chill. 'Wait… No, he has a point in a strange way, I don't have anything to be embarrassed about right?'

 Before I could answer he brushed it off, never actually answering my question. "I wanted to see how you were doing and give you more pellets. They help with recovery in general so just think of it as medicine."

In the blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of me, reaching his arms around my head.

I knew he was just refilling the pouch that was tied up under my hair, but his sudden proximity sent a jolt through my body that made me flinch back.

He smirked, but stepped back all the same, not wanting to push it. "Your face looks a little poisoned there." He said jokingly.

I turned around, facing away from him. 'Is it really that easy to make me blush… Wait, but I don't feel any different I was just surprised. Is he just teasing me?'

"It's your fault. Wouldn't it make more sense to have me turn around?"

As I lifted up my hair with my good arm I felt a light tugging as he refilled the small pouch. "It's not like it matters anymore anyway. The person that poisoned me already knows it's there." 'Not that any of it would have mattered anyway… But I bet he knew that. They saved me in other ways.'

He took a step back, and I turned to face him again, assuming he was done. "I guess, but at least your hair is cute right?"

I wasn't sure how he said everything so matter-of-factly. It was like he wasn't complimenting me, just stating the obvious. He wasn't flirting, I knew that much. He would say things in the same manner to everyone. 

Still… The fact that he said it like it was something indisputable made me feel like it was true. Hearing that, combined with my own low opinion of myself, really did make me blush… I mean… How was I not supposed to react to that?

I tugged on the strand of hair Catherine had shown me earlier. 'I don't even know what it looks like anymore.'

The topic drew my attention to the fact that my scalp was starting to become sensitive to touch. My hair was stiff. It wasn't tangled or all that dirty anymore, which was an improvement, but I would much rather have it cleaned properly than just washed.

"Well, you seem to be ok. I should go before I get in trouble for being alone in a bedroom with you."

I let out a hiccup as my breath got caught in my throat, my face quickly turning even more red. He didn't say anything about it either, just jumped out the same window he entered from. 'Why do you have to be like this…'

I let out a long groan, trying to disperse some of the built-up tension from how crazy everyone was acting before I fell back onto the giant soft bed. "Everyone losing their mind!" I yelled to no one, only showing I was starting to go mad myself.

'Whatever…' I curled up, resting on some of the several pillows my parents had on their bed, not thinking about anything, and not moving an inch until my brother returned.

'There's no point in getting back into the book if I'll just get interrupted again anyway…'

Sure enough, it wasn't long before he came back through the window, this time carrying a platter of honey biscuits. "I'm back," He announced as if it wasn't obvious enough. I wanted to tell him he should just use the door, but I wasn't about to bite at the bringer of sweets. 

The tension from earlier had fully left and instead was replaced with an anticipation that made me let out a small squeal as he set them down. Just from the smell alone, I could tell what Airsidh brought was fresh out of the oven.

They smelled so good I was practically drooling over them before I even took the first bite, and when I did it wasn't long before the second. Before I knew it they were all gone, all twelve of them.

It almost seemed like a miracle. Last time I wasn't even able to taste them, but now the rich flavor burst in my mouth. It was enough to make me cry. Of course, I refrained from actually doing that though.

With a satisfied sigh, I leaned back against the bedframe, stretching. "Maybe breaking a limb or two isn't so bad if it means I get treated like this."

He let out a deep growl, making me turn around to face him. 'He reminds me of father in the strangest ways.'

"Your… Happy right now?"

I lowered my arms back down, returning his stare with my own, trying to understand what he was thinking.

He asked the question seriously, so I thought I would give him a serious answer. "I guess… You could say that. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of things I haven't forgiven. I still haven't had to face Father yet, and I'm not looking forward to when I do."

I closed my eyes, still able to taste the sweetness even though the biscuits had all been swallowed up by my stomach. "But I mean… At this moment, none of that matters right?"

"Your smile can be so bright over such a small thing."

I looked down at the empty plate. "Is it so weird for something yummy to make you happy?"

He growled again. "Are you sure you're not the weird one?"

'Is it that weird? Maybe it's just because I wasn't allowed to eat sweet things before but don't they make everyone happy? Maybe it's a bit childish of me but…'

Lu's voice rang out, making him flinch before I could come up with a response.

"Air. HEY AIR! I know you're around here. COME FIGHT ME ALREADY!" Unlike him, she knew how to properly use the door. As soon as she checked the room we were in, her voice went completely silent, and she began to stare at me like a deer caught in headlights.

Seeing her again, I couldn't help thinking about how she tried to get Mara to stop beating me, or how she was the only one that was able to take my mind off the pain after Bhaltair had pushed me to my breaking point.

'It seems like her actions never quite match her words… But somehow I feel like she's still easier to read than everyone else.' 

I wasn't expecting to see her again so soon, but a part of me was glad that I did. She was my sister. I was biased as to what that word meant to be sure, but nothing had happened for my mind to change about it. 

Of course, I wanted her to stick up for me a bit more, but in this world, I was the older sister, so it wasn't something I could expect that much of. It was hard to explain, but I had known her since she was a baby. It was hard to see her as anything other than my cute little sis. "Hi, Lu."

At first, she looked shocked, like she had no idea I would be there. She suddenly sank to the floor, as if she was about to cry but before she could her brow furrowed and she gritted her teeth. "Hi…" She grumbled back. 

It was hard for me to get a reading of what exactly she was thinking as I watched her go through a rollercoaster of emotions. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't even know what was going on inside her head.

"Air, hurry up and come fight me like you said you would. I need to get strong enough to face Bhaltair in a head-on fight." Her face relaxed and she looked back over at me. It was almost like she was afraid of getting scolded after saying something she shouldn't have.

'Is she asking for me to back her up?' I turned to Airsidh still trying to understand what was going on. "You promised her you'd fight her, and then ran away and hid?"

He turned back to me, completely ignoring our poor little sister. "I already sparred with her 23 times today. I have the bruises to prove it too."

I laughed. "If you can get beat up by a twelve-year-old girl you deserve them. Forget about my training, maybe you need to do some of your own."

He sighed. "You have to be the only one I can't complain about this too…"

I rolled my eyes, pointing at Lu, trying to make sure she knew we didn't forget about her. "Just go fight her like you said you would. Think of it as a substitution for the time you spent training me every day."

He groaned, standing up and walking toward the door. "Fine fine whatever, but that means as soon as you get better this ends. You hear that Lu?"

her face sank, her eyes becoming sorrowful again. I honestly couldn't tell if she just liked fighting that much, or if there was some other reason. "Hurry up and get better, having your bones crushed so easily is a disgrace."

I looked down at my arm. It ached, and even with the magic, I could still feel the wounds from where Catherine must have cut it open when she set the bone. 'This much is a disgrace… I guess that's probably true…'

The word felt like a gallon of water falling over my head. Bhaltair was the only one who ever called me that, so thinking about him at that moment was only natural.

I could tell my smile was gone as I raised my eyes back to hers, only meeting them for a second before she looked away, appearing as though she were about to cry, her emotions only seeming to confuse her even more.

I let out a sigh at her crazy mood swings trying not to blame her for anything she was saying, or how it made me feel. She was just a kid, probably repeating what she had heard. I knew full well it was Bhaltair I was really upset with. Somehow, going over all those facts in my mind didn't make me want to cry any less though.

I tried my best to keep a straight face, speaking overly calmly to make sure I didn't sound angry. "Listen, Lu, I really don't mind anything you say or do, or how you make fun of me sometimes… but… Calling me a disgrace like that reminded me of the way Bhaltair always talks… Can you maybe not do that anymore… please."

She looked like she was struck by lightning, the she looked like she was angry enough to strike someone else with lightning, finally, she let out a growl like thunder. "AGH! I'll talk however I want to! Besides, when I beat him up, then you'll be saying that the way he talks reminds you of me."

She slammed the door, stomping away, leaving both me and Airsidh inside.

He groaned, opening the door again. "You tell me to come with you and then slam the door in my face, what are you even doing?"

As the door opened she was standing right outside, waiting for him as if she had realized her mistake. "SHUT UP!" She screamed, quickly disappearing from my vision and stepping to the side.

Airsidh shook his head, intentionally taking his sweet time to follow after her. "Geeze, fine I'll stop talking, but you should quiet down too, we're still inside you know, and Siya said she needed to rest."

"Wait really! Oh no, you don't think she'll take longer to heal now do you?"

Just before closing the door he turned and gave me a wink.

I almost laughed. She was holding her cards so close to the vest before suddenly making it so obvious she cared in the most childish way she could.

I couldn't decide which was more impressive though, how easily Airsidh got her to show that side of herself, or how she was so eager to keep fighting him after 27 matches… All of which she probably lost simply because of the age and strength difference.

Rest actually sounded like a good idea. I doubted seeing her slowed down my recovery, but talking to her certainly felt exhausting. For once I was glad to be alone. 'Peace and quiet.'