
Knowing Your Name (BL)

(Rated R-18 for kinks from ch 14 and ahead. Read at your own risk) ‘Let’s get married when we grow up. This is a promise between you and me’ This was all Su’s memories retained of his childhood. This one sentence and the name of the alpha who died in the spatial rift that opened for the first time and Sentients appeared. An alien race far superior to Humans but sharing similar A/O/B dynamics. Ten years later, the earth had become interconnected fully with another realm far more powerful than itself. The peace is only in name while the earth is being conquered by beings far more powerful than them. The alphas and betas are used for fighting while the omegas are being used as slaves by the wealthy, only a few selected are lucky enough to survive these harsh conditions. But despite it all, Su managed to get away by posing as a beta. And then it all came down because of that one name. The name of the alpha who should have been dead but now stood in front of Su as the emperor of their oppressors. (Cover image not mine. Will be taken down if the original creator wants me to)

Mikuraji · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

A cry for help

The shine of Ignis's golden eyes was as clear as in Su's memories.

If he ever had any doubts about the identity of the person in front of him, this moment would have been enough to erase all those thoughts from his mind.

Su watched as the emperor opened his mouth and words formed right over his tip. No sound came out of his mouth but the shape had been familiar enough for Su to recognize his name.

Whatever the emperor said, some part of him still remembered Su. still retained the original memories they had made and it made something in Su's chest swell with happiness.

However, it was painful as well. The whole situation send a pang of guilt down Su's back but the omega had no idea which side he felt guilty for.

"It's going to be alright now Ignis. I'm here and I will help you out with what you need. All you have to do is to leave the earth alone. Just do this much for me and I promise to make things right again" Su cursed his mouth for over speaking but it seemed to be working.

Ignis felt as if he was coming around to his side when things went bad once again.

Su almost had his hand on Ignis's face when their surroundings changed and something charged toward him.

Su did not get a chance to react before he felt the body in front of him move on his own and place itself in-between himself and the danger.

The alpha seemed to be moving on instincts, his teeth bared toward the group of royal guards at the room's entrance.

Lady Ray had a pained expression on her face she faced the pair in front of her but her eyes seemed to have made a decision.

"Your highness, are you alright. Guards, stand down and don't crown them in" seeing as how their emperor was out of the picture, Ray took command of the forces.

The alpha emperor seemed not to have liked it and his face showed his agitation. Su wanted to get the alpha away from here but it no longer seemed like a possibility.

"YOU! What did you do to him? How is this situation even possible?" Lady Ray asked with a pained voice. The guards behind her tensed up but did not attack them.

Su just took in a sharp breath before reaching for the agitated alpha in front of him.

Those golden eyes turned toward Su for as soon as their hands touched and then the gold bleed out into a familiar blue. Su hated as his heart sank at the realization of what had happened in front of him.

The alpha did not move away from the protective position in front of Su but something in his body language seemed to have changed.

"It's alright Lady Ray. Kindly dismiss the guards and join me alone. There are some things we should discuss regarding our guest" the emperor's words were received with mixed feelings by his subjects.

Many guards looked ready to protest but Lady Ray handled the situation impeccably and soon they were all alone.

"Is it a code red? Should I get other advisors in here as well?" Lady Ray asked as soon as they were alone. She seemed agitated with the situation, her gaze shifting in-between Su and the emperor.

The alpha had still not left his protective position from in front of Su and it did not escape the alpha-lady's notice.

She made a step to move behind the emperor and watched as the emperor reacted accordingly.

The move seemed to have been made unconsciously and unwillingly. The emperor looked agitated and the smile on his face faltered at his body's betrayal.

"Your highness?" Lady Ray asked as she observed this weird behavior from her emperor.

"It seems like we have a situation regarding Su and my magic. Congratulations, you have a new empress candidate" the false cheer in the emperor's voice took the other two back.

Lady Ray looked as if she had swallowed a sour lemon at the exclamation and her face seemed to have aged quite a bit.

"Your highness, is this really what I am thinking it to be? How did it even happen? And with a beta no less? Do you know how big this news is to just drop it like this?" Ray asked as she took a seat. Her shaking was visible and so was her displeasure.

"It's not me but my magic. This omega is a human, maybe even the same one as back then but I can't say for sure. My magic feels strongly for him as you saw earlier and there is only one explanation for this" the emperor explained.

Su wanted to interfere in the conversation but the timing never seemed to be working out.

Not to mention, his next step seemed to be u clear now. It had been simple in the start - get in and kill the emperor with whatever he can.

However, it was no longer possible due to the circumstances Su had found himself in. His bond with Ignis would not allow him to harm the other.

"And you! Do you have some news you want to add as well? Any other secret that would make the situation any worse than it already is?" Su shook his head as the fight bleed through him.

"Great. I should have known this as a possibility when he managed to escape his holding room without any problem. Still, he's a human. This bond should not have been possible without a mutual magical resonance from both sides. Are you sure he's fully human?" Ray turned toward her emperor with that question.

The emperor frowned but hesitated before he finally answered.

"I don't know. My memories of that time are not the greatest. I can't even remember him or what happened back then. I just know about the existence of this bond with him" the emperor explained.

His words caused the female alpha in front of him to break out into a thinking pose. Something seemed to have struck her because she quickly turned toward Su with wide eyes.

"Is it possible that this human is the solution to our problems? Since the emperor's magic chose him, maybe there is more to this all" Ray's words flew over Su's head but they seemed to mean something to the alpha in front of him.

His eyes darted toward Su as well and Su saw just a hint of gold in the blue to reassure him that his Ignis was in there as well.

"It is possible. And to think we went through so much trouble to search for 'the one' here. What a joke" the emperor scoffed at his words but his eyes softened as they landed on Su.

Su hated the hope that flared inside his heart as his eyes met the pair of blue in front of him. He was weak for the alpha and he did not enjoy the sensation.

"We will have to test a few things out but it would us an out in the long run. Artheta cannot keep on going as it had been. Even the human force is useless. They are immune to it but they do not have magic to drive the infection away. It's a losing battle for us" Lady Ray slipped the information out.

Su filed it away for something he had to figure out later.

Right now he had a more pressing matter he had to take care of. He had to somehow bargain about humanity and their freedom.

"Whatever you want me to do, I will not do it. Not unless you promise to release the humans you took and leave the earth alone" Su kept his gaze set even when he had two pairs of eyes staring him down.

If he backed down now, then there really would be no hope left.

"The humans that came here volunteered. The alphas and betas were offered compensation for their services-", "but the omegas and the children were not. Many were whisked away from their homes" Su interrupted lady Ray.

It had never occurred to him that the kidnapping of the omegas and betas was not something the other side wanted to happen.

Either that or the other side was trying to fool him by acting ignorantly.

"Is there something like this happening out there? This is something that cannot be allowed. We need the alpha and beta humans but the children and omegas are not a part of it" Lady Ray explained as if it made things better.

"Humans should have nothing to do with you. Learn to deal with your dirty laundry" Su was on the verge of a breakdown.

Did these people not get the message he was trying to send.

"We would have if we could but it is not a possibility for us. Just as you have priorities, so do we. But maybe you can help us in this regard?" the emperor interfered and his voice caused Su to calm down.

The bastard knew what he was doing and Su wanted to hate him for that. He could not hate him for that.