
Chapter 88 First kiss

After getting a bit more of the progress in the case, Justin returned to Rockland city the next day. Since he had taken the night flight the previous day, he arrived at home early in the morning.

It was 8 am in the morning. Juliana opened the door for him as he had already informed her when he arrived at the airport that he was coming. Mary was sitting on the sofa in the living room having tea at that time.

"How was your work?" Juliana asks as she walks with him towards Mary.

"Got a bit of progress", he says. She thought he was talking about some deal with some clients. She didn't know what 'work' he was referring to.

"That is nice", Mary comments as she places the cup of tea on the table.

He nods and smiles as Mary already knew the work in which he had achieved some progress. Justin would tell her the details later in the day when no one would be around.

"Were you missing Genevieve so much that you really returned in a day itself?" Juliana asks, giving him a teasing smile.