
Chapter 86 What a coincidence!

Later in the evening, everyone was at the entrance door of Wilson villa. Justin was standing near the car putting his bag inside while Juliana, Mary and Genevieve walked towards him. None of them were happy that he was going though they knew it was just for a day or two. They wanted to stay together and not get separated even for a day after happiness had returned in the family.

"Why are you leaving suddenly, Justin?" Juliana asks. She was standing beside him at that time.

"I have some work there", he answers and looks at his mother.

"He is going there for work, dear. An urgent and important work", Mary says. "He will return soon", she adds while glancing at Juliana and Genevieve.

She then looks at Justin and says, "Finish your work early and come back soon. Both of my daughters are sad".

"Genevieve seems to be more sad than me", Juliana comments while looking at her.