- Azulia POV -
I had to leave. I could feel my throat closing as I choked back tears and a scream. I ran as fast as I could trying to get back to the hotel as I ran past the beach and into the center or town. I felt eyes following me like hawks; this only increased my paranoia. I couldn't breathe and it was only getting worse. I had to get out of Jamaica and I had to get out now. I rushed to the hotel as I tripped over a rock. Breaking down into tears and sobs as a passing by child tried to help me up. I smiled politely before getting back up and rushing out. Running I could hear the events of last night and this morning playing back. The taunting, the disappointment in his eyes. I ran not stopping until I reached the door of the room. I finally took a breath as I busted through and truly let my tears fall. I started to gather my things and pack up as Bea walked out of the bathroom and asked what was going on "Bea we are leaving right now I need to get out of Jamaica. So hurry up and pack."
she retorted "But Zul our plane doesn't leave for another ten hours."
" Plus the luncho- "
I looked at her showing my tear stained cheeks and she understood and began to pack.
" look there's an earlier flight that we are eligible for so let's get going." and as we left for the airport and got on the plane I took a look into my past and why it would cause me to snap as we landed I felt my heart break.