
The Young Genius

Tekkyon walked out of Nyx's palace after the Grand Conference was over.

He kept his hands pocketed as he minded his own business.

The Six Commanders came out behind him.

Gentry frowned. "Hey, Tekkyon."

Tekkyon looked back. "What is it?"

"I know this was your first time being at the Grand Conference, but you have to be more respectful. You weren't even paying attention half the time."

Levy (Second Commander of the Seventh) nodded. "Especially with what you said to Artemis. You were out of line!"

Tekkyon turned to face them. "And who are you to tell me that I'm out of line?"

Levy and Gentry hesitated.

Tekkyon glared at them. "I really don't give a damn about any of this. I don't care about the Seventh's agenda, I don't care about your positions, and I damn sure don't care about your feelings. I became a General to change this pitiful world we live in. You all can be Nyx's dogs if you want, but don't come barking after me."

He turned back around and started walking away.