
The Origin

Akasan was sitting in a large all-white room, seemingly meditating. He sat in white sweatpants. He wasn't wearing any shoes or shirt.

Sweat dripped down his chest and face.

Akasan's markings glowed red.

Black purple extensions of energy rose from Akasan and wrapped around him.

Soon his entire body was covered in it from head to toe.

In the middle of his chest was a light purple glow. It turned magenta, then orange, then white.

Akasan's mouth cracked open into a sharp toothed grin. His eyes opened into all-white circles.

Steam came from his mouth. "Kill... all of them..."

Black lightning started charging from his body.

Hanami held her hands out directly from behind him. "Expel!!"

Her hands glowed green.

Akasan arched his back, clearly in pain as he yelled out. "ARRRGGHH!!!"

The energy shell shattered, returning him to normal.

Sweat dripped to the floor as Akasan struggled to catch his breath.

Hanami let out a breath of relief. "This is tiring on me too, you know?"