
He Who Knows All

Akasan frowned. "How can you do that?"

The man held out a hand. Black-purple energy started flowing all over it. "Because I've already learned how to use it."

Akasan marveled at how easily the man could just start using Nil.

The man sat up. "I've never seen a person's eyes change because of Nil though. Tell me, do you have any ocular powers?"

Akasan nodded. "I have a Kamigen."

The man froze. He put a hand to his chin. He abruptly stood up, walking around the room in a rushed pace. "Kamigen... Kamigen... what is that?"

Akasan looked at him. "It's an eye that forms when the Eye of Creation, Destruction, and Realms come together."

The man perked up. "You have all three? Naturally?"

Akasan nodded.

The man got close to him. "You HAVE to show me!"

Akasan felt slightly uneasy by how jovial the man had gotten.

Frost was careful to keep an eye on him.

Akasan's Nil died down, and he activated the Eye of Creation in his right eye and the Eye of Destruction in his left.